Max a écrit :
Emmanuel Venisse <emmanuel <at>> writes:

Continuum can't access the ear because it don't know anything of the

generated artifact. I think the
better solution would be to create a new maven plugin that will do that or

to improve maven-archiver
used by ear, ejb, war and jars plugins, if you use maven of course

Max a écrit :

We are using TortoiseSVN. How do I get Continuum to put the information
regarding the latest revision number in the contained in the


Hi Emmanuel,

We are using Maven and i have thought of creating a mojo that will do the needful regarding pluggin in the latest revision number in the manifest file. But the question now (and this is specific to TortoiseSVN) is how to fetch the latest revision number the repository using a mojo. Any ideas?

You can find the revision number in .svn/entry file in your project directory.
It's the committed-rev attribute of first entry.


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