Wim Deblauwe a écrit :

2 questions on Continuum:

1) The documentation talks that a push or a pull mechanism must be
implemented for continuum? Isn't this already done? Will it not only build a
module/project if a file changed in the source repository?

yes, it build a project if a file change in scm.

2) If I add multiple modules to Continuum, will it build any modules that
have a just changed module also?


Suppose I have 2 modules: A and B. B depends on A and I change something to
A. Can I have Continuum build B after it has succesfully build A?

it's a planned feature.


PS: In the documentation it also says that support for ClearCase and
Perforce is planned. Maybe it would be better to point to the maven scm
project, because anything that is supported there is supported by Continuum,

right. we must update the documentation.


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