Make sure a few have the plaid shirt!

All you male callers might not know how important he is to women dancers --

I've sent more than a few female newbies off to a dance I couldn't be
at, saying "look for the guy who looks like a retired teacher, in a
pink/salmon plaid shirt, he's a lovely human, you'll feel totally safe
-- and you'll learn more in 12 minutes dancing with him than in any
other hour with anyone else."

And how often they've come back and said "You're SO RIGHT!"

And you can quote me on this, on your display.


On 11/7/19, via Contra Callers
<> wrote:
> Here are some that I took when I did the Singing Squares Course at
> Pinewoods with Nils and Ralph. If you use any of these, I just ask that
> they be credited to me. High resolution versions should be able to be
> downloaded from flickr without any login.
> I particularly love this pair of photos:
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