Sorry for the crosspost, but I wanted to get in touch with
all Finnish Cooker users...

Now I have reached 100% (atleast for a breaf moment) in
translating the '.po' files, and have sent them to Pablo.

The translations will show up in cooker based on the
speed that packages that uses them gets updated...

Those of you that just cant wait, can get them at:

This file includes all files made for the current cooker,
and should be installed like this:
(I suggest that you make a backup of every file
 you replace, just in case ...)

- Unzip the package to a temporary directory
- Copy all files to /usr/share/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES
- Also copy the to /etc/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES
- Reboot (dont now if this is needed, but...)

You will probably find some typing/spelling errors since
one tends to get "word-blind" when you translate a lot,
and some translations only make sense in their "right

So If / When you find something, please mail me,
so I can fix them... I'm going to check/update the
files weekly/semiweekly to make sure that we still
are at 100% when 9.1 ships...

Another question, do you think that we shoud aim
for the Finnish MDK 9.1 to be/use UTF-8...
I know that RedHat has problems with their UTF-8...
The reason for this question is that the next project
I'm starting is the CD-Readme translations, and the
MDK manpages translations..., so should I aim for
ISO-8859-15, or UTF-8 ???

Please let me know what you all thinks...

Now I'm going to take a week or two off before I
get on with the remaining translations...

That will be next year, so.. HAPPY NEW YEAR... ;.)


* If nothing else works, read the manual ... ... ...

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