On Fri, 2003-02-07 at 14:03, John Goerzen wrote:
> Mandrake's
> installer is a lot nicer than Debian's, but Debian's package manager
> makes upgrades easier.

Oh, that old chestnut.
This is the last place you want to be insulting urpmi!

> One possibility is forming a Debian-Mandrake project in Debian, along
> the lines of the Debian Desktop project.  Or, joining the existing
> Desktop and installer projects.

Are you serious?
One of the main reasons this topic came up is because it's hard for
volunteers to keep up with the pace of change, and even harder for the
employees who I routinely see working late at night or all weekend.


                        Austin Acton Hon.B.Sc.
             Synthetic Organic Chemist, Teaching Assistant
           Department of Chemistry, York University, Toronto
             MandrakeClub Volunteer (www.mandrakeclub.com)
                     homepage: www.groundstate.ca

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