Re: [Cooker] kdemoreartwork proposal

2003-03-09 Thread Adam Williamson
On Sun, 2003-03-09 at 05:17, Levi Ramsey wrote:
> On Sat Mar 08 20:57 -0800, Brook Humphrey wrote:
> > doh no sorry i ment the editor built into mc
> Forget vi, emacs, pico, nano.  The true editor is cat > file.  It
> teaches one to think before they type!
> (he says, as he types in vim)...

/me thinks back to his DOS days and votes for edlin

Re: [Cooker] kdemoreartwork proposal

2003-03-09 Thread Duncan
On Sat 08 Mar 2003 21:57, Brook Humphrey posted as excerpted below:
> doh no sorry i ment the editor built into mc

mcedit.  There is of course mcview as well, to parallel the view mode of vim.

I tried vi/vim b4 emacs, and ended up using it more than expected while 
learning how to get the rest of my system working as desired, when I switched 
from MSWormOS.  I learned enough vim to get around it, anyway, which is more 
than I can say for emacs.

However, I mcedit in console mode and kwrite in X mode are now what I find 
myself using most.

OTOH..  Back when I first discovered urpmi and did the mass upgrade from 8.1 
to 8.2 I think it was, devfs screwed up and I couldn't load most of my 
partitions, including /usr.  All I had was what was on /.  vi wouldn't load 
and I didn't know about vi-minimal.  I ended up using sed, as it worked, and 
there was a chapter covering it in the back of "The Arabian" (Linux in a 
Nutshell), for me to refer to, in constructing my commands.  That worked well 
enough for me to fix fstab to load the /dev/ide path instead of /dev/hdc#, as 
I had been doing b4, for /usr, at which point I could mount it, and get 
access to mc and mcedit again, to fix everything else.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." --
Benjamin Franklin

Re: [Cooker] kdemoreartwork proposal

2003-03-08 Thread Jean-Michel Dault
Le dim 09/03/2003 à 00:29, Timothy R. Butler a écrit :
> > 
> > Naw just get rid of both of them then there is no favoritism. Use a real
> > editor. Everyone knows that emacs is a good os it just needs a good editor,
> > which is vi.
> > 
>   Surely that was a typo: you meant "nano" didn't you?

Nah, I'm hooked on "joe".

It reminds me of the days where SideKick was *the* editor, phone list,
ascii chart, and other things, while taking less than 64K memory and
being memory resident, *and* had a WordStar-Like interface.


Re: [Cooker] kdemoreartwork proposal

2003-03-08 Thread Levi Ramsey
On Sat Mar 08 20:57 -0800, Brook Humphrey wrote:
> doh no sorry i ment the editor built into mc

Forget vi, emacs, pico, nano.  The true editor is cat > file.  It
teaches one to think before they type!

(he says, as he types in vim)...

Levi Ramsey

The food of love is Mandrake root.
GPG Fingerprint: 354C 7A02 77C5 9EE7 8538  4E8D DCD9 B4B0 DC35 67CD
Currently playing: Stone Temple Pilots - I Got You
Linux 2.4.21-0.13mdk
 00:10:00  up  7:58,  8 users,  load average: 0.48, 0.36, 0.31

Re: [Cooker] kdemoreartwork proposal

2003-03-08 Thread Brook Humphrey
On Saturday 08 March 2003 08:29 pm, Timothy R. Butler wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> > 
> > Naw just get rid of both of them then there is no favoritism. Use a real
> > editor. Everyone knows that emacs is a good os it just needs a good
> > editor, which is vi.
> > 
>   Surely that was a typo: you meant "nano" didn't you?
>   -Tim
doh no sorry i ment the editor built into mc

  Brook Humphrey   
Mobile PC Medic, 420 1st, Cheney, WA 99004, 509-235-9107, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 Holiness unto the Lord

Re: [Cooker] kdemoreartwork proposal

2003-03-08 Thread Timothy R. Butler
Hash: SHA1

> Naw just get rid of both of them then there is no favoritism. Use a real
> editor. Everyone knows that emacs is a good os it just needs a good editor,
> which is vi.

  Surely that was a typo: you meant "nano" didn't you?


- -- 
Timothy R. Butler[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Universal  Networks
Christian Portal and Search Tool:
Enterprise Open Source Journal:

Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [Cooker] kdemoreartwork proposal

2003-03-08 Thread Brook Humphrey
On Friday 07 March 2003 08:38 pm, Andi Payn wrote:
> If you're just looking for a non-controversial way to free up space on the
> Mandrake CD's, look elsewhere.

Naw just get rid of both of them then there is no favoritism. Use a real 
editor. Everyone knows that emacs is a good os it just needs a good editor, 
which is vi.

  Brook Humphrey   
Mobile PC Medic, 420 1st, Cheney, WA 99004, 509-235-9107, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 Holiness unto the Lord

Re: [Cooker] kdemoreartwork proposal

2003-03-08 Thread andre
On Saturday 08 March 2003 05:38, Andi Payn wrote:
> If you're just looking for a non-controversial way to free up space on the
> Mandrake CD's, look elsewhere.

Removing the .xvpics files. They are included in many rpms but i doubt they 
are used ever

Re: [Cooker] kdemoreartwork proposal

2003-03-08 Thread Buchan Milne
On Sat, 7 Mar 2003, James Sparenberg wrote:

>Just a side thought...if kdeartworks is wanted... could the program
> xemacs (Note emacs-X11) be swapped out.  Since emacs-X11 is the
> replacement for xemacs with superior functionality I'm told this
> might be the time to take a look at some of the unused legacy here. 
> Just a thought.  Not meant as a critique.  

Sure, I was actually hoping someone would suggest dropping samba-swat 
(newbies stuff up their ssamba configuration too easily with it!) in 
favour of the screen savers.

Only thing is, this kind of thing should happen *before* rc stage ... it's 
a bit late now, since some users may *want* to have the old one?

|Registered Linux User #182071-|
Buchan MilneMechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work+27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering
1024D/60D204A7 2919 E232 5610 A038 87B1 72D6 AC92 BA50 60D2 04A7

Re: [Cooker] kdemoreartwork proposal

2003-03-07 Thread jokerman64
On Friday 07 March 2003 11:38 pm, Andi Payn wrote:
> On Friday 07 March 2003 17:34, James Sparenberg wrote:
> >Just a side thought...if kdeartworks is wanted... could the program
> > xemacs (Note emacs-X11) be swapped out.  Since emacs-X11 is the
> > replacement for xemacs with superior functionality I'm told this
> > might be the time to take a look at some of the unused legacy here.
> The simple answer is that no xemacs devotee is going to accept eliminating
> xemacs for GNU emacs (the emacs-X11 package), and no GNU emacs devotee is
> going to accept eliminating GNU emacs for XEmacs, and even thinking about
> it quietly in a locked room could spark a holy war
> If you want to know more about the split, start at
> and go as far as you're
> interested from there. It's an entertaining story with a long history (and
> I'd love to know whether it changes your opinion of Richard M.
> Stallman--and, if so, in which way).
> If you're interested in the practical differences: Frankly, for most users,
> nearly anything you're going to want to, you can do just as easily in
> either one--in fact, both of them can even run most of the others' scripts.
> But this hasn't been true for that long--before version 21 of each, there
> were definite areas in which each one was clearly superior, and many more
> areas in which they were just very different. And if you're not using a
> real *nix/X platform with a decent packaging system, there are still clear
> differences. And even today, within the *nix world, a fan of either one can
> point out a whole list of superiorities in their Emacs of choice which will
> sound very convincing to a halfway-knowledgeable outsider.
> If you're just looking for a non-controversial way to free up space on the
> Mandrake CD's, look elsewhere.
There's no need to free up space! CD3 still has around 12 unused MB, let's just stick 
it in there. What's the fscking holdup! Obviously by the amount of discusion this 
topic has generated it's something people want and the space is there. Mandrakesoft 
should just put it in.
A bug in the hand is better than one as yet undetected.

Re: [Cooker] kdemoreartwork proposal

2003-03-07 Thread Andi Payn
On Friday 07 March 2003 17:34, James Sparenberg wrote:
>Just a side thought...if kdeartworks is wanted... could the program
> xemacs (Note emacs-X11) be swapped out.  Since emacs-X11 is the
> replacement for xemacs with superior functionality I'm told this
> might be the time to take a look at some of the unused legacy here.

The simple answer is that no xemacs devotee is going to accept eliminating 
xemacs for GNU emacs (the emacs-X11 package), and no GNU emacs devotee is 
going to accept eliminating GNU emacs for XEmacs, and even thinking about it 
quietly in a locked room could spark a holy war 

If you want to know more about the split, start at and go as far as you're 
interested from there. It's an entertaining story with a long history (and 
I'd love to know whether it changes your opinion of Richard M. Stallman--and, 
if so, in which way).

If you're interested in the practical differences: Frankly, for most users, 
nearly anything you're going to want to, you can do just as easily in either 
one--in fact, both of them can even run most of the others' scripts. But this 
hasn't been true for that long--before version 21 of each, there were 
definite areas in which each one was clearly superior, and many more areas in 
which they were just very different. And if you're not using a real *nix/X 
platform with a decent packaging system, there are still clear differences. 
And even today, within the *nix world, a fan of either one can point out a 
whole list of superiorities in their Emacs of choice which will sound very 
convincing to a halfway-knowledgeable outsider.

If you're just looking for a non-controversial way to free up space on the 
Mandrake CD's, look elsewhere.

Re: [Cooker] kdemoreartwork proposal

2003-03-07 Thread James Sparenberg
On Fri, 2003-03-07 at 12:37, Buchan Milne wrote:
> On Fri, 7 Mar 2003, Timothy R. Butler wrote:
> > > It was done to not have millions of "my internet connection does not
> > > work, how do I fix it" type bug reports, where the reporters never
> > > returned to bugzilla anyway. So, now you need to have an account (so you
> > > will be informed of the status of your bug), and people without edit_bug
> > > can't mark bugs as confirmed, they have to be confirmed by someone who
> > > does.
> > >
> > > There just need to be more people who can and do.
> > 
> >   The problem is, I don't personally like acting as if I'm running for office 
> > everytime I find a bug I think should be confirmed. It's kinda bad that 
> > rather than searching for other bugs I'm e-mailing people to ask them to vote 
> > for my bug and I'll make sure that some of the funds go to their state. Oh, 
> > sorry, there are no funds involved. ;-) I mean, I have several outstanding 
> > bug reports that could use consideration, but it seems to me posting on to 
> > cooker another request for votes simply lowers the signal:noise ratio.
> >  
> >   Maybe it should be that everyone who has had five or ten valid bugs gets 
> > edit_bug or some other privilage that allows them to confirm their own bugs?
> Sure, that is what shuold be done in the long term. We may not have the 
> luxury of the long term. In the mean time, those whoe do not have edit_bug 
> can help those that do, such as searching for dupes and posting the 
> list here (like John Keller is doing).
> Then those that do have edit_bug will have fewer to try and confirm, and 
> hopefully Warly will give them edit_bug due to performance?
> Anyway, I am still seeing a bunch of "my internet connection does not 
> work" bugs, with absolutely no useful information (does not state if there 
> is an ip address on the card, if name resolution works, if ping works 
> etc).
> Regards,
> Buchan


   Just a side thought...if kdeartworks is wanted... could the program
xemacs (Note emacs-X11) be swapped out.  Since emacs-X11 is the
replacement for xemacs with superior functionality I'm told this
might be the time to take a look at some of the unused legacy here. 
Just a thought.  Not meant as a critique.  


Re: [Cooker] kdemoreartwork proposal

2003-03-07 Thread Buchan Milne
On Fri, 7 Mar 2003, Timothy R. Butler wrote:

> > It was done to not have millions of "my internet connection does not
> > work, how do I fix it" type bug reports, where the reporters never
> > returned to bugzilla anyway. So, now you need to have an account (so you
> > will be informed of the status of your bug), and people without edit_bug
> > can't mark bugs as confirmed, they have to be confirmed by someone who
> > does.
> >
> > There just need to be more people who can and do.
>   The problem is, I don't personally like acting as if I'm running for office 
> everytime I find a bug I think should be confirmed. It's kinda bad that 
> rather than searching for other bugs I'm e-mailing people to ask them to vote 
> for my bug and I'll make sure that some of the funds go to their state. Oh, 
> sorry, there are no funds involved. ;-) I mean, I have several outstanding 
> bug reports that could use consideration, but it seems to me posting on to 
> cooker another request for votes simply lowers the signal:noise ratio.
>   Maybe it should be that everyone who has had five or ten valid bugs gets 
> edit_bug or some other privilage that allows them to confirm their own bugs?

Sure, that is what shuold be done in the long term. We may not have the 
luxury of the long term. In the mean time, those whoe do not have edit_bug 
can help those that do, such as searching for dupes and posting the 
list here (like John Keller is doing).

Then those that do have edit_bug will have fewer to try and confirm, and 
hopefully Warly will give them edit_bug due to performance?

Anyway, I am still seeing a bunch of "my internet connection does not 
work" bugs, with absolutely no useful information (does not state if there 
is an ip address on the card, if name resolution works, if ping works 


|Registered Linux User #182071-|
Buchan MilneMechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work+27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering
1024D/60D204A7 2919 E232 5610 A038 87B1 72D6 AC92 BA50 60D2 04A7

Re: [Cooker] kdemoreartwork proposal

2003-03-07 Thread Timothy R. Butler
Hash: SHA1

> It was done to not have millions of "my internet connection does not
> work, how do I fix it" type bug reports, where the reporters never
> returned to bugzilla anyway. So, now you need to have an account (so you
> will be informed of the status of your bug), and people without edit_bug
> can't mark bugs as confirmed, they have to be confirmed by someone who
> does.
> There just need to be more people who can and do.

  The problem is, I don't personally like acting as if I'm running for office 
everytime I find a bug I think should be confirmed. It's kinda bad that 
rather than searching for other bugs I'm e-mailing people to ask them to vote 
for my bug and I'll make sure that some of the funds go to their state. Oh, 
sorry, there are no funds involved. ;-) I mean, I have several outstanding 
bug reports that could use consideration, but it seems to me posting on to 
cooker another request for votes simply lowers the signal:noise ratio.
  Maybe it should be that everyone who has had five or ten valid bugs gets 
edit_bug or some other privilage that allows them to confirm their own bugs?


- -- 
Timothy R. Butler[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Universal  Networks
Christian Portal and Search Tool:
Enterprise Open Source Journal:

Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [Cooker] kdemoreartwork proposal

2003-03-07 Thread Buchan Milne
Hash: SHA1

Timothy R. Butler wrote:
> On Thursday 06 March 2003 06:12 pm, Jason Greenwood wrote:

>   I'm somewhat underwhelmed by bug "voting" as well, although I guess
it does
> help to determine which bugs "bug" the most users.

It was done to not have millions of "my internet connection does not
work, how do I fix it" type bug reports, where the reporters never
returned to bugzilla anyway. So, now you need to have an account (so you
will be informed of the status of your bug), and people without edit_bug
can't mark bugs as confirmed, they have to be confirmed by someone who does.

There just need to be more people who can and do.

- --
|--Another happy Mandrake Club member--|
Buchan MilneMechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work+27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering
1024D/60D204A7 2919 E232 5610 A038 87B1 72D6 AC92 BA50 60D2 04A7
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: [Cooker] kdemoreartwork proposal (was: 9.1...Delayed)

2003-03-06 Thread Timothy R. Butler
Hash: SHA1

> I agree, KFireSaver3D should definitely be included :-)

  That'd be nice, you did a spectacular job with that screensaver. You should 
try to get it directly into kdeartwork on


- -- 
Timothy R. Butler[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Universal  Networks
Christian Portal and Search Tool:
Enterprise Open Source Journal:

Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [Cooker] kdemoreartwork proposal (was: 9.1...Delayed)

2003-03-06 Thread Timothy R. Butler
Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 06 March 2003 06:12 pm, Jason Greenwood wrote:
> I've been off cooker for a few weeks now but it seems now we're onto
> this bug voting thingy. How ridiculous. Bugs should be squashed as and

  I'm somewhat underwhelmed by bug "voting" as well, although I guess it does 
help to determine which bugs "bug" the most users.


- -- 
Timothy R. Butler[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Universal  Networks
Christian Portal and Search Tool:
Enterprise Open Source Journal:

Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [Cooker] kdemoreartwork proposal (was: 9.1...Delayed)

2003-03-06 Thread Jason Greenwood

I've been off cooker for a few weeks now but it seems now we're onto this
bug voting thingy. How ridiculous. Bugs should be squashed as and when possible,
not voted on. Bugzilla is such a nightmare to use that I will continue to
do what I have always done...write to the cooker list with my bug reports
and supply fix information if I have it. If Mandrake choose to do something
about them great, if not, well I guess we will see how long they survive.
I have been on the cooker list for a LONG time in total and done more than
my fair share of beta/cooker testing and I do not like the way the system
is heading, trying to distill down bug reporting and overulling direct interaction
with the developers. This just bogs people down with the hassles of the newly
implemented infrastructure. Development has to be EASY on the testers, otherwise
they won't participate. I have participated very little in the discussions
about 9.1 (though I have been keeping up with all the cooker updates) beacuse
of the futility I've felt recently about communicating with Mandrake. I'm
sure I am not alone in my sentiments.


Jason Greenwood

PS, I "voted" for your bug, whatever that means, even though once I ticked
the box it was not abundantly clear what to click next!! So I just hit "enter"
and that seemed to do it. Allotted a certain number of votes...hmph, then
I will just post my other bugs to the list then...screwit.

Timothy R. Butler wrote:

Hash: SHA1

I was stupefied by its exclusion in 9.0 =(

Kde artwork is PART of KDE, my vote is leave it in

  Keep in mind, that right now it still isn't in. :-( If you could drop by the 
Bugzilla page I mentioned and vote for the bug, you'll be helping to 
eliminate this unfortunate problem.

- -- 
Timothy R. Butler[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Universal  Networks
Christian Portal and Search Tool:
Enterprise Open Source Journal:

Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)



Re: [Cooker] kdemoreartwork proposal (was: 9.1...Delayed)

2003-03-06 Thread David Sansome
On Thursday 06 Mar 2003 11:24 pm, Timothy R. Butler wrote:
>   Indeed. All of the KDE screensavers are just 1.5 megs. Additional ones
> like the fireworks one you mention could be had plus perhaps even the ever
> popular Hicolor icons and you'd still be under 5 megs.

I agree, KFireSaver3D should definitely be included :-)

David Sansome

Re: [Cooker] kdemoreartwork proposal

2003-03-06 Thread Jean-Michel Dault
Le jeu 06/03/2003 à 18:59, Jean-Michel Dault a écrit :
> I *would* vote for it, except I can't...

Ok, it finally worked.

Guess what, even as a MDK employee, I only have one vote. But whatever,
I used my only vote for this, as I feel it's important.


> Software error:
> SELECT fieldid FROM fielddefs WHERE name = 'bug_status': Table
> 'fielddefs' was not locked with LOCK TABLES at line 252.
> For help, please send mail to the webmaster ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), giving
> this error message and the time and date of the error. 
> Jean-Michel

Re: [Cooker] kdemoreartwork proposal

2003-03-06 Thread Jean-Michel Dault
Le jeu 06/03/2003 à 19:24, Timothy R. Butler a écrit :
> > Suggestion: split kdemoreartwork into kdemoreartwork-basic and
> > kdemoreartwork-extras or -advanced, put maybe 2-5MB of extra screensavers
> > etc into -basic so that the vanilla KDE has something besides a boring
> > slideshow and Tux in his spaceship.
>   Thanks Leon. :-) If you or anyone else would like to help out, would you 
> please vote on my bug about this:
>   (You'll notice I mention the idea of splitting the package)

I agree that we should provide more screensavers. The first thing
corporate users do when they get migrated to Mandrake, is they try to
change the screensaver, which doesn't work.

The University of Sherbrooke wanted to customize the screensaver for all
of their Mandrake 9.0 desktops, just to have their own slideshow.
However, you can't change the pictures, unless you manually overwrite
them with new ones. And even then, you can't change the background
color, since it's hardcoded into the krozat binary.

It worked well for a while, but then some people started to use cooker
packages, and they had to do it again... =(

I *would* vote for it, except I can't...
Software error:

SELECT fieldid FROM fielddefs WHERE name = 'bug_status': Table
'fielddefs' was not locked with LOCK TABLES at line 252.

For help, please send mail to the webmaster ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), giving
this error message and the time and date of the error. 


Re: [Cooker] kdemoreartwork proposal (was: 9.1...Delayed)

2003-03-06 Thread Timothy R. Butler
Hash: SHA1

> I was stupefied by its exclusion in 9.0 =(
> Kde artwork is PART of KDE, my vote is leave it in

  Keep in mind, that right now it still isn't in. :-( If you could drop by the 
Bugzilla page I mentioned and vote for the bug, you'll be helping to 
eliminate this unfortunate problem.

- -- 
Timothy R. Butler[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Universal  Networks
Christian Portal and Search Tool:
Enterprise Open Source Journal:

Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [Cooker] kdemoreartwork proposal (was: 9.1...Delayed)

2003-03-06 Thread Leon Brooks
On Friday 07 March 2003 07:24 am, Timothy R. Butler wrote:
> If you or anyone else would like to help out, would you
> please vote on my bug about this:



Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] kdemoreartwork proposal (was: 9.1...Delayed)

2003-03-06 Thread Jason Greenwood

I was stupefied by its exclusion in 9.0 =(

Kde artwork is PART of KDE, my vote is leave it in



Timothy R. Butler wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Suggestion: split kdemoreartwork into kdemoreartwork-basic and
kdemoreartwork-extras or -advanced, put maybe 2-5MB of extra screensavers
etc into -basic so that the vanilla KDE has something besides a boring
slideshow and Tux in his spaceship.

  Yup. That's just... sad. 

I'd recommend a couple of the 3D screensavers, too, like the
fireworks-over-the-city one.

  Indeed. All of the KDE screensavers are just 1.5 megs. Additional ones like 
the fireworks one you mention could be had plus perhaps even the ever popular 
Hicolor icons and you'd still be under 5 megs. 

This should mean enough screensavers to give people the idea, but much less
than 12MB in the RPM. As 9.0 shipped, it is too stark.

  Thanks Leon. :-) If you or anyone else would like to help out, would you 
please vote on my bug about this:
  (You'll notice I mention the idea of splitting the package)


- -- 
Timothy R. Butler[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Universal  Networks
Christian Portal and Search Tool:
Enterprise Open Source Journal:

Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)



Re: [Cooker] kdemoreartwork proposal (was: 9.1...Delayed)

2003-03-06 Thread Timothy R. Butler
Hash: SHA1

> Suggestion: split kdemoreartwork into kdemoreartwork-basic and
> kdemoreartwork-extras or -advanced, put maybe 2-5MB of extra screensavers
> etc into -basic so that the vanilla KDE has something besides a boring
> slideshow and Tux in his spaceship.

  Yup. That's just... sad. 

> I'd recommend a couple of the 3D screensavers, too, like the
> fireworks-over-the-city one.

  Indeed. All of the KDE screensavers are just 1.5 megs. Additional ones like 
the fireworks one you mention could be had plus perhaps even the ever popular 
Hicolor icons and you'd still be under 5 megs. 

> This should mean enough screensavers to give people the idea, but much less
> than 12MB in the RPM. As 9.0 shipped, it is too stark.

  Thanks Leon. :-) If you or anyone else would like to help out, would you 
please vote on my bug about this:
  (You'll notice I mention the idea of splitting the package)


- -- 
Timothy R. Butler[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Universal  Networks
Christian Portal and Search Tool:
Enterprise Open Source Journal:

Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [Cooker] kdemoreartwork proposal (was: 9.1...Delayed)

2003-03-06 Thread Leon Brooks
On Thursday 06 March 2003 10:53 pm, Buchan Milne wrote:
>> Bug #1859: For some unexplainable reason MandrakeSoft is not
>> providing users with KDE screensavers beyond its basic one. Why?
>> Why didn't anyone ask Club users? (most probably didn't vote for
>> KDE-Artwork since you weren't suppose to need to vote for basic
>> packages, and it seems pretty basic!)

> Not confirmed, and 12MB of junk is a lot of wasted space, we can fit a
> lot of really important things in that space.

Suggestion: split kdemoreartwork into kdemoreartwork-basic and 
kdemoreartwork-extras or -advanced, put maybe 2-5MB of extra screensavers etc 
into -basic so that the vanilla KDE has something besides a boring slideshow 
and Tux in his spaceship.

I'd recommend a couple of the 3D screensavers, too, like the 
fireworks-over-the-city one.

This should mean enough screensavers to give people the idea, but much less 
than 12MB in the RPM. As 9.0 shipped, it is too stark.

Cheers; Leon