Here's Dale's some of this and some of that casserole recipe.

-----Original Message-----
From: Marilyn Pennington via Cookinginthedark 
Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2017 11:12 AM
Cc: Marilyn Pennington
Subject: [CnD] Dale's Some of this and a lot of that casserole!

Dale's Some of this and a lot of that casserole!

I put a pot of water on to boil for some spiral pasta I found in the 

pantry.  Then I diced up a half of an onion and three cloves of 

garlic.  I tossed these, the onion and garlic, into a skillet with a 

little bacon grease and let them start to brown.  After about five 

minutes, I added in a pound of ground turkey.  I reduced the heat to 

a medium and covered to let brown.  The water was not quite boiling 

yet so I dug back into the frig.  Hey, found about 8 white 

mushrooms.  I sliced these up and tossed them into the meat after I 

tossed and mixed the meat up a bit to brown some of the uncooked 

parts.  I also found half a tub of sour cream...tasted it, and it passed.

Finally the water  was boiling so I tossed in the pasta and set a 

timer for  7 minutes as I wanted to  not cook the pasta all the way.


I grated up some mozzarella cheese and set aside.

I also found a little parmesan cheese and grated it up with my cool 

little barrel grater.

Now the meat was done and so was the pasta.  Turned off the meat and 

turned off the pasta.  I took the pasta to the sink, pulled out the 

colander and set it in the other side of the sink.

I dumped out the water in the pot, then dumped the pasta back into 

it.  Those multi cooker pots we had a special on a few weeks back are 

so wonderful.  I love the colanders in them!


Now the fun stated.  I added in the meat, onions, and garlic.  Then I 

added the cheese, mozzarella cheese that is.  I tossed all this 

together and then added the sour cream and last but not least, a jar 

of spaghetti sauce.

Mixed it all up together and put in a greased 9 by 13 pan, covered 

with foil, and slid into a waiting 350 degree oven.

It baked for 45 minutes while I took by new Black lab for a walk.

We returned home just at the timer was counting down from 50 seconds.


It was so good that Schyler asked for it again this evening!

What can you create from some of this and a lot of that?

Peace Ya'll,


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