Baah.  The documentation [1] generation system needed reworking.

Fixed now.



p.s. dots now have pretty pretty colours (and corrected atomic radii).

[1] which *should be* up to date with latest pre-release

On 07/03/12 15:48, Miguel Ortiz Lombardía wrote:
Le 07/03/12 14:58, Bernhard Lohkamp a écrit :
dots takes 5 arguments now. It used to be 4. The documentation is not
updated as yet (since this is in pre-release). So you need another
text/string type of argument to name you dot object:

int dots(int imol,
          const char *atom_selection_str,
          const char *dots_object_name,
          float dot_density, float sphere_size_scale);


Thank you Bernhard!

-- Miguel

Using Coot for OSX (stand-alone version 0.7-pre-1 revision 4040)

I see in the Docs (biop site):

4.17 Atomic Dots

You can draw dots round arbitrary atom selections

(dots imol atom-selection dot-density radius) The function returns a

So, from the Scripting window I run:

(dots 0 "//A/228/CA" 1 1)

which results in:

In current input:
     6: 0* [dots 0 "//A/228/CA" 1 1]

<unnamed port>:6:1: In procedure dots in expression (dots 0 "//A/228/CA"
<unnamed port>:6:1: Wrong number of arguments to dots
ABORT: (wrong-number-of-args)

Hmmm, I gave 4 arguments as said in the documentation.

But I can still use dots from the Extensions, so I investigate in the
extensions.scm code and I see:

           submenu-representation "Dotted Surface..."
           (lambda ()
             (generic-chooser-and-entry "Surface for molecule"
                                        "Atom Selection:"
                                        (lambda (imol text)
                                          (let ((dots-handle (dots
imol text text 1 1)))
                                            (format #t "dots handle:
~s~%" dots-handle))))))
Now, I see two "text" arguments there, making a total of 5 arguments. I
guess one corresponds to the atom-selection as stated in the
documentation. But the second one?

Any ideas?


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