Try to download Bernhard's key bindings (coot wiki), center on empty map of DNA and press N. It runs tool named Cootilus, which auto-builds nucleic acids. In Extension toolbar, You can run RCrane, which produce new tab designed to build NA.
Hope it helps.

On 03/17/2013 01:47 AM, Wei Shi wrote:
Hi all,
I am refining a structure of protein-DNA complex with coot. The DNA in
my search model is shorter than the DNA in the crystal, and now I
could see the density for extra DNA(6 base pairs) on either end of the
search model DNA. But, I don't know how to build the extra DNA back to
fit the density.
I used calculate-> other model tools-> ideal DNA/RNA to generate a 6
base pairs (B form) and then, I use calculate-> model/fit/refine->
rotate/Translate molecule to move the 6 bp long stretch of double
strand DNA to fit the density, but it's hard for me to fit the DNA
into the density and it seems that the B form DNA I generate doesn't
fit the density well. I am wondering how to fit the DNA into the
density more and whether we could fit the DNA into density like we add
amino acid to fit the density.
Thank you so much!


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