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From: onetwo <twoon...@rediffmail.com>
Date: 9 April 2015 at 19:48
Subject: [ccp4bb] visualizing .mrc maps in coot and model building
To: ccp...@jiscmail.ac.uk

Dear All,

This is regarding the protein structure model building using the density
files or the .mrc file obtained by cryo-electron microscopy data. I want to
seek some help on how to visualize these files in COOT. I am working on mac
system and have recently installed CCP4 which has Coot- Dec 2014 version.
When I load mrc file in coot via
open map it gives error: map failed to open.
Then using the em2em program, i have been successful in converting it to
.ccp4 which I am able to open it in the coot. Please let me know if this
the way I am supposed to do it.

I have one more query that may be very naive but at which sigma level one
should work towards these maps in coot ?

I have read the paper by Brown et al, in ACTA D, 2015, they have mentioned
tools for macromolecular model building and refinement into electron
cryo-microscopy and mentioned many useful tools in COOT like jiggle fit
etc for this.
So, if I can use ccp4 also in the same way like we do for crystallography
and do refinement after model building in coot.For information, the protein
I am working on has around 8A resolution.

Looking forward for the help and guidance.

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