On 15/03/12 14:52, Paul Emsley wrote:
On 15/03/12 14:31, Ed Pozharski wrote:
set-go-to-atom-chain-residue-atom-name fails when the residue number has
the insertion code (e.g. 33A, 76B, etc.).  The method only allows the
iresno to be an integer as described here


I can get an atom index for such atoms with
full-atom-spec-to-atom-index, but can't find a method that would center
on the atom with that index.  Hence my question is

How to center on an atom from a residue that has insertion code from a
python/scheme script?

I can't see such a function. Oh dear. Bad thing. I'll add something now.

Done. r4056.

(set-go-to-atom-chain-residue-atom-full chain_id res_no ins_code atom_name alt_conf)


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