On 13/09/2019 13:13, Edwin Pozharski wrote:
I have recently asked for suggestions on dealing with handle_read_draw_molecule crash when included in ~/.coot.py.  An obvious (I am certainly getting dumber with age) workaround is to put ~/.coot.py into a separate file and run it from Calculate menu once coot fully loads.  There is certainly some part of the environment that should be configured prior to sourcing of ~/.coot.py, but that's a topic for another day.

A more general question is whether cootbb has gone the way of cns yahoogroups list and is abandoned in favor of, I don't know, ccp4bb?  I was a bit surprised by lack of response to my inquiry.

Normally I find time to do Coot emails at the start and end of the day, but if (as it sometimes happens) I have 2 email programs running, one of them folders the mail before the one I'm using so I don't get to see the alert. I read your mail and thought "I will need to investigate that before replying" but I have been busy these days and have had no time to do so.

  If this (sub)community is down to just Paul who I presume is incredibly busy ... perhaps everyone should be advised to ask their questions in ccp4bb?

You can ask there - you may get more sympathy but, I suspect, just as many 
useful replies.



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