On Thu, 1 Apr 2021 13:25:05 GMT, Jorn Vernee <jver...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> This patch speeds up MethodHandle.asCollector handles where the array type is 
> not Object[], as well as speeding up all collectors where the arity is 
> greater than 10.
> The old code is creating a collector handle by combining a set of hard coded 
> methods for collecting arguments into an Object[], up to a maximum of ten 
> elements, and then copying this intermediate array into a final array.
> In principle, it shouldn't matter how slow (or fast) this handle is, because 
> it should be replaced by existing bytecode intrinsification which does the 
> right thing. But, through investigation it turns out that the 
> intrinsification is only being applied in a very limited amount of cases: 
> Object[] with max 10 elements only, only for the intermediate collector 
> handles. Every other collector shape incurs overhead because it essentially 
> ends up calling the ineffecient fallback handle.
> Rather than sticking on a band aid (I tried this, but it turned out to be 
> very tricky to untangle the existing code), the new code replaces the 
> existing implementation with a collector handle implemented using a 
> LambdaForm, which removes the need for intrinsification, and also greatly 
> reduces code-complexity of the implementation. (I plan to expose this 
> collector using a public API in the future as well, so users don't have to go 
> through MHs::identity to make a collector).
> The old code was also using a special lambda form transform for collecting 
> arguments into an array. I believe this was done to take advantage of the 
> existing-but-limited bytecode intrinsification, at least for Object[] with 
> less than 10 elements.
> The new code just uses the existing collect arguments transform with the 
> newly added collector handle as filter, and this works just as well for the 
> existing case, but as a bonus is also much simpler, since no separate 
> transform is needed. Using the collect arguments transform should also 
> improve sharing.
> As a result of these changes a lot of code was unused and has been removed in 
> this patch.
> Testing: tier 1-3, benchmarking using TypedAsCollector (part of the patch), 
> as well as another variant of the benchmark that used a declared static 
> identity method instead of MHs::identity (not included). Before/after 
> comparison of MethodHandleAs* benchmarks (no differences there).
> Here are some numbers from the added benchmark:
> Before:
> Benchmark                                    Mode  Cnt    Score    Error  
> Units
> TypedAsCollector.testIntCollect              avgt   30  189.156 �  1.796  
> ns/op
> TypedAsCollector.testIntCollectHighArity     avgt   30  660.549 � 10.159  
> ns/op
> TypedAsCollector.testObjectCollect           avgt   30    7.092 �  0.042  
> ns/op
> TypedAsCollector.testObjectCollectHighArity  avgt   30   65.225 �  0.546  
> ns/op
> TypedAsCollector.testStringCollect           avgt   30   28.511 �  0.243  
> ns/op
> TypedAsCollector.testStringCollectHighArity  avgt   30   57.054 �  0.635  
> ns/op
> (as you can see, just the Object[] with arity less than 10 case is fast here)
> After:
> Benchmark                                    Mode  Cnt  Score   Error  Units
> TypedAsCollector.testIntCollect              avgt   30  6.569 � 0.131  ns/op
> TypedAsCollector.testIntCollectHighArity     avgt   30  8.923 � 0.066  ns/op
> TypedAsCollector.testObjectCollect           avgt   30  6.813 � 0.035  ns/op
> TypedAsCollector.testObjectCollectHighArity  avgt   30  9.718 � 0.066  ns/op
> TypedAsCollector.testStringCollect           avgt   30  6.737 � 0.016  ns/op
> TypedAsCollector.testStringCollectHighArity  avgt   30  9.618 � 0.052  ns/op
> Thanks,
> Jorn

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: b7baca7f
Author:    Jorn Vernee <jver...@openjdk.org>
URL:       https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/commit/b7baca7f
Stats:     535 lines in 10 files changed: 177 ins; 338 del; 20 mod

8264288: Performance issue with MethodHandle.asCollector

Reviewed-by: jrose, vlivanov


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/3306

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