
           I'm writing a program which will finish lucene searching in
about 12 index directorys, all of them are stored in HDFS. It is done
like this:
1. We get about 12 index Directorys through lucene index
functionality, each of which about 100M size,
2. We store these 12 index directorys on hadoop HDFS , and this hadoop
cluster is made up of one namenode and five datanodes,totally 6
3. And then I will do lucene searching for these 12 index directorys,
The mapreduce methods are as follows:
    Map Procedure: 12 index directory will be splitted into
numOfMapTasks,for example, if numOfMapTasks=3, then each map we will
get 4 indexDirs and store them in an Intermediate Result.
    Combine Procedure: for a intermediate Result locally, we will do
really lucene search in its containing index directory. and then store
these hit result in the intermediate Result.
    Reduce Procedure: Reduce the Intermediate Results' hit result. and
get the search Result.

But when I implement like this, I have a performance problem, I set
numOfMapTasks and numOfReduceTasks to any value,such as
numOfMapTasks=12,numOfReduceTasks=5, But a simple search method will
spend about 28 seconds, and Obviously It is unacceptable.
So I'm confused whether I did wrong map-reduce procedure or set wrong
num of map or reduce tasks. and generally where the overhead of
mapreduce proceduce will take place. Any suggestion will be

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