Re: AVAudioUnitComponentManager not finding things

2020-05-03 Thread James A. Baxter via Coreaudio-api
It doesn't look like you are running this code from a command-line utility, but I thought I'd mention that I had a similar issue due to a weirdness with iTerm, but my utility worked fine in Terminal. Your code shows my 3rd party plugs when I run it in an empty Obj-C MacOS app (from Xcode

Re: Recording in stereo using built-in iPhone mics

2020-05-03 Thread Arshia Cont via Coreaudio-api
Fred, To my knowledge, you can not explicitly do that with AVAudioSession. Even the setPreferredDataSource’s location setup can be misleading: Everything depends on the Polar Pattern you choose. So an Omni Polar Pattern on “Front” will result in using two microphones to achieve it. There is