Hi everyone,

As announced on Jan. 30, CoreOS has been acquired by Red Hat
<https://coreos.com/blog/coreos-agrees-to-join-red-hat>. While we included
information in the Red Hat FAQ
<https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/faq-red-hat-acquire-coreos> about impact on
our projects, we want to clarify what it means for Container Linux.

Container Linux will join Fedora and CentOS as other Linux projects with
maintainers from Red Hat. Container Linux was CoreOS's first project to
have automated updates and a large part of Red Hat's interest in CoreOS is
the expertise in building projects and products that help reduce
operational complexity through automation.

An FAQ entry <https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/faq-red-hat-acquire-coreos>
about Container Linux, quoted below, notes that the only Linux OS that Red
Hat plans to sell commercial subscriptions for are those derived directly
from Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Container Linux has always been a free
offering and we do not foresee that changing. Red Hat plans to continue
Container Linux’s development. In fact, similar to how innovations from
Fedora fold into Red Hat Enterprise Linux, we may see innovations from
Container Linux, like the update delivery mechanism, fold in as well.

*Q. How do CoreOS’s products complement Red Hat’s commercial offerings?*

*CoreOS’s offerings complement Red Hat’s container solutions in a number of

*Container Linux and its investment in container-optimized Linux and
automated “over the air” software updates are complementary to Red Hat
Enterprise Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host and Red Hat’s
integrated container runtime and platform management capabilities. Red Hat
Enterprise Linux’s content, the foundation of our application ecosystem
will remain our only Linux offering. Whereas, some of the delivery
mechanisms pioneered by Container Linux will be reviewed by a joint
integration team and reconciled with Atomic.*

Rob Szumski

Product Manager - CoreOS

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