Re: chroot add option to mount /dev /proc /sys for you?

2018-04-17 Thread Marc Weber
Hi Bernhard Voelker,

Thinking about it again you might be right.

So the question would turn into would it make sense to create a new tool
which (optionally cleans up) like this:

  with-mounts sys,proc,dev -- chroot ...

There might be many use cases.

I think there is interest. But I'm unsure where would be the place to
put such script. I hit this problem multiple times.

Marc Weber

chroot add option to mount /dev /proc /sys for you?

2018-04-14 Thread Marc Weber
chrooting has always been a mess for me because in order for software to
work you need to bind mount /dev /proc /sys usually.
Then when something crashes your you quit chroot -> a mess again.

So why not add a chroot --bind-mount-defaults options which keeps track of
how many chroots are running and makes the last exiting process clean up?

Then chrooting would be easier going.

Would thus option make sense ?

Marc Weber

iflags=fullblock should be the default, shouldn't it?

2009-03-15 Thread Marc Weber
Today I tried this :

cat -A /dev/zero | dd bs=1M count=1000 of=/dev/null;

which does copy a different amount of data each time!
The new coreutils-7.1 does introduce the flag iflags=fullblock which
makes the line above copy 1G all the time as it should.

However I really can't imagine any use case for the old default
behaviour not copying full blocks. Can you?

so I consider this beeing a serious bug because you always have to learn
about iflags=fullblock and you have to remember using it. This is just a
waste of human resources..

If you tell me about some use cases I'll shut up immediately.

I think that shell scirpting is such a high level that you should no
longer have to worry about this kind of stuff. If you really do you can
write your own personal dd for such use cases.

So in my opinion there should be an error when using count=$COUNT and
less than $COUNT * ibs bytes have been copied..

So i'd make this fullblock be the default.

Marc Weber

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