If your ancestor belonged to the British Army he/they may have emigrated on
an army emigration ship.  Chelsea pensioners were sometimes given the
opportunity to resettle in Canada or Australia (maybe South Africa?).  That
is how my g-g-g-grandfather came to Canada.  It is recorded in the
Pensioner records; the date, where they were coming from, where they were
going to, and the ship they leaving on.  If they came to Canada, especially
out west, they likely came through York Factory.  Here is a link that lists
all British shipping through there from 1508-1920.  It lists the year, name
of ship, Captain, and who chartered the ship.  Emigration ships could be
listed as transport ships and/or British Government chartered.  There are
no passenger lists with this.  I believe they may be in another register
but suspect only husband name would be listed along with number of
dependents.  Still searching for this though.


This was Dr. Norma J Hall's PhD thesis.

Mike Smith
Lindsay, ON
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