Now 100% Futon features coverage. Recorded a screencast about Photon


2017-09-08 7:02 GMT+03:00 ermouth <>:

> Think Photon is ready for more wide testing,
> ermouth/couch-photon
> As for now, 0.2.830, all original Futon features are covered, except two:
> creating sync tasks and view compaction on per ddoc basis.
> Most original Futon features were bit improved in Photon. Also Photon
> includes several features not present in Futon, see boasting in PS.
> The sweetest new feature is instant update🌟. Right navbar button, which
> opens About tab, now allows to check for updates from AWS S3 CDN (no
> logging there). It means Photon can be kept fresh in literally two clicks.
> Bug reports and suggestions are highly welcomed.
> ermouth
> PS. Photon boasting:
> * In-app tabs, restored on reload;
> * Valid state-to-URL# reflection, so most states have unique URLs;
> * Group actions for DBs and docs;
> * JSON for config, so group updates for config keys or even sections;
> * View navigation starting from a specific key;
> * You can choose to purge or retain doc content on deletion;
> * Doc revision navigation includes conflicts if any.

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