[Courier-imap] Courier-Imap + Active Direcotry How To

2008-04-09 Thread Ryan Wycuff
Courier Imap Working with Active Driectory . LDAP_URI ldap://:3268 LDAP_PROTOCOL_VERSION 3 LDAP_BASEDNcn=Users,dc=domain,dc=tld LDAP_BINDDN LDAP_BINDPWSecret LDAP_TIMEO

[Courier-imap] courier-imap and Active Directory

2008-04-03 Thread Ryan Wycuff
Hello, I am Currently having issues getting courier imap to Authenticate against Active directories LDAP. Here is my current authldaprc. LDAP_URIldap://Address LDAP_PROTOCOL_VERSION 3 LDAP_BASEDN cn=Users,dc=-test,dc=local