On 10/Mar/12 19:10, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
> Alessandro Vesely writes:
>> On 10/Mar/12 02:03, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
>>> makemime creates new content, while reformail munges top level mail
>>> headers.
>> makemime is able to consume multiple pipes at once.  Are you planning
>> to have reformime provide them?
> reformime just works on a single message,

I understood that as a single MIME entity

> and has only one thing to
> consume. It's creating content, not consuming it and producing a
> combined result, like makemime does.
> I suppose it would be possible to have reformime extract multiple
> parts of each message, and pipe each one to a separate subprocess, but
> I'm not sure how useful it would be.

I think it risks to get too complicate to be practical.  Even checking
that messages are of the type expected, in a maildrop recipe, becomes
tricky when the whole MIME structure needs to be examined.  (Not that
sieve looks easier.  Never tried that.)


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