Hi all,

I am new to the Courier mail server, and am busy configuring my first
Courier mail server.  Hoewever, things does not exactly go according to
plan. (Does it ever?)

I have installed Courier on a Debian box. Followed the installation
guide as close as possible.  I manage to pick up mail for local users on
the Debian Box with a POP client - and this works fine.  This is not the
final aim though....

My final aim is to have a virtual domain running on this mail server,
serving a large number of mail users with POP mailservices.

I have done the following:
- Created a directory called "userdb" under /etc/courier
- In this directory I created a file called mydomain.xx as per the
makeuserdb man page.  For the home and mail directories I use the same
entries "/home/mailboxes/mydomain.xx/user. In each user's account I ran
"maildirmake Maildir" and changed the ownership of the entire mailbox/*
tree to daemon:daemon
- subsequestly I executed userdbpw as per the userdbpw with no
encryption ie. userdbpw | userdb [EMAIL PROTECTED] set systempw
- In the directory "hosteddomains" I touched a file called "mydomain.xx"
- in the directory esmtpacceptmailfor.dir I touched a file called
- ran makeuserdb
- ran makealiases
- ran makehosteddomains
- ran makeacceptedmailfor
- in authdaemonrc I have the following entries:
  authmodulelist="authuserdb authcustom authcram authpgsql authshadow
- restart all courier processes.

Now the fun begins:
Courier starts up fine. I set up an e-mail client (Evolution) to try and
read the mail from this virtual mailbox. While setting up, I tell
Evolution to look for supported authentication modes, and I get a
response (LOGIN, password, Cram-md5) which tells me that the POP server
responds to the client's request.  BUT I just keep on getting "LOGON
FAILURES" while local accounts are logged on succesfully.

Where do I start? What am I missing? Anyone care to point me to some
documentation etc? Any ideas please?


PS - inadvertently posted with the wrong e-mail account - apologies if this mail 
appears twice.

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