On Tue, 2013-07-30 at 10:16 -0700, Keith Dart wrote:
> I was thinking it would be nice to have a generalized feature,
> similar to outbox, that allows you to pipe placed messages to another,
> configurable program. This way I can create, say, a Spam box that when
> I drop a email into it it will invoke spamassassin learn mode on it.

I have a very nice system set up for this which I've been using for some
time.  I use /etc/courier/maildroprc as the driver scrip for this, and
it's invoked every time a piece of mail is received.  Processing of
uncaught spam is done only once every 24 hours or so, so a python script
is run to check the time of the last SpamAssassin invocation for this
user, and if at least 24 hours has passed, $DO_SPAM is set, and if an
email is less than $SCANSPAMSIZE in size, xfilter invokes spamc.

if( $DO_SPAM > 0 )
    xfilter "/usr/bin/spamc -u $USER -s $SCANSPAMSIZE"
[snip! ...... ]

There's a lot more to my system than this, and I'll be happy to share
more details with you if you wish, but basically it's all done
with /etc/courier/maildroprc, SpamAssassin, clamav, a collection of
Python scripts and hooks to allow web-based user configuration of
SpamAssassin parameters (whitelist, blacklist, rejection score, etc.).
It's pretty complex, but if I'd wanted simple I'd be using MS Exchange
Server.  I use Courier because it allows me to build my own supporting
program structures to manage things the way I want them done.

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FMP Computer Services |  to solve it."  - Albert Einstein
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