Re: [courier-users] Courier sourcing during test

2016-06-24 Thread Sam Varshavchik

David Niklas writes:

It also says that courier is installed
under /usr/lib/courier/sbin/courier which does not exist.

This should be the default installation directory. The installation  
directory is configurable, based on configure options.

I had to choose which piece of info was wrong, I choose the name. Bad
/usr/sbin/courier works fine, the ENV is cleaned and id is correct.
Problems solved.

If I submitted a few extra paragraphs for the courier docs to make it
more clear, do you think they'd accept, or is my experience to

You're more than welcome to submit a contribution to improve any  

For small changes and brief excerpts, plain text is fine. For large  
wholesale changes, its preferred to check out the git repo, and update the  
original html or Docbook XML source.

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courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] Courier sourcing during test

2016-06-24 Thread David Niklas
On Fri, 03 Jun 2016 17:34:57 -0400
Sam Varshavchik  wrote:

> writes:
> > Nope. ENV and BASH_ENV are still set to /root/.profile.
> >
> > Ok. Time for strace.
> > strace -o oud -ff /usr/lib64/courier/courier/courierd start &  
> says to execute "courier
> start" not "courierd start".
> Use "courier start", not "courierd start".

It also says that courier is installed
under /usr/lib/courier/sbin/courier which does not exist.
I had to choose which piece of info was wrong, I choose the name. Bad
/usr/sbin/courier works fine, the ENV is cleaned and id is correct.
Problems solved.

If I submitted a few extra paragraphs for the courier docs to make it
more clear, do you think they'd accept, or is my experience to

Thanks, David

Attend Shape: An AT&T Tech Expo July 15-16. Meet us at AT&T Park in San
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courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] Courier sourcing during test

2016-06-05 Thread Matus UHLAR - fantomas
On 02.06.16 21:19, wrote:
>Ok, your right, this is strange.
>less wants to read /root/.profile but the ID file is blank.

maybe LESSOPEN variable causes less execute a sh script.
maybe your shell tries to source ~/.profile

>Soruced /etc/profile. Now less does not try to read /root/.profile, ID is
>still blank. So su probably did not fully clean the enviroment (that's
>how I got into the test account).

there may be bunch of mess in your users' or system bashrc ...

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, ;
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courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] Courier sourcing during test

2016-06-03 Thread Sam Varshavchik writes:

Nope. ENV and BASH_ENV are still set to /root/.profile.

Ok. Time for strace.
strace -o oud -ff /usr/lib64/courier/courier/courierd start & says to execute "courier  
start" not "courierd start".

Use "courier start", not "courierd start".

Description: PGP signature
What NetFlow Analyzer can do for you? Monitors network bandwidth and traffic
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courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] Courier sourcing during test

2016-06-03 Thread doark
Warn: This is a bit long. I'm trying to be through.

End result, courier does not clean it's environment when starting, and adds 4 
unmentioned variables to the environment.

On Wed, 25 May 2016 23:00:54   wrote:
> David Niklas writes:
> > Hello,
> > I've successfully run the tests of courier 0.75.0 up to the part where
> > the msg writes info into the ID and ENV files.
> > Strangely, id output no info into the ID file though sh wrote
> > "/root/.profile" Permission denied. The env command output many
> > variables all from /etc/profile, thought the docs say that courier
> > should have a sanatized environment. All the files in /etc are
> > default for courier with the exception that I removed the database
> > modules from courier's authdaemond so that they would not load.
> > I imagine that courierd is sourcing /etc/profile as root and then
> > trying to read the user's (root's) .profile file.
> > The docs do not specify a method of solving this, what do I do?  
> The short, blunt answer is "figure it out". Something is definitely
> borked in your environment. You need to figure out why supposedly a new
> shell started under your userid wants to read /root/.profile. That's
> obviously wrong.
Ok, your right, this is strange.
less wants to read /root/.profile but the ID file is blank.
Soruced /etc/profile. Now less does not try to read /root/.profile, ID is
still blank. So su probably did not fully clean the enviroment (that's
how I got into the test account).

> courierd does not source anything. It is a binary executable. "courier
> start" runs the courierctl.start script that reads the courierd
> configuration file with the -a flag, which imports its contents as
> environment variables, then starts courierd.
> One of the sections in the courierd config file, named "SYSLOCALE"
> sources what the configure script detected as the system configuration
> file that sets the default system locale. It's a config file that's
> picked from a fixed list of known system config files. At this time,
> it's the first file from the following list which exists:
SYSLOCALE is located in /etc/courier/couried an /etc/courier/couried.dist.
In both cases it's commented out.
In a previous mail I found that courier tried to use /etc/environment and
was told that I might create it as it did not exist. I was also told that
I should talk to the maintainer about locating an existing file for
reading in the environment.

The /etc/environment file contains only a comment.

> /etc/environment
> /etc/default/locale
> /etc/sysconfig/i18n /etc/sysconfig/language
> /etc/locale.conf
The first on I created the others don't exist.

> If none of these are found, that section in the courierd file is blank.
> If found, the contents are read.
> I think that courier is not getting started correctly, if you see stuff
> in your /etc/profile. That shouldn't happen. courierctl.start should be
> executing 'env -i', to wipe out all traces of your login shell's
> environment.

Hmm. I set in /etc/profile the ENV and BASH_ENV variables to
"$USER/.profile" so that my GPGHOME variable would be read in by
clawsmail when using the gpg add-on plugin. However, it seems that
clawsmail does not read in the environment, it probably uses execv(3) or
similar ):

So, this would seem to me that courier, or a process thereof, is reading
in /etc/profile.

Comment those lines in /etc/profile.
Source /etc/profile.
Restart courier and authdaemond.
Delete old ID and ENV.
Send new mail.

Nope. ENV and BASH_ENV are still set to /root/.profile.

Ok. Time for strace.
strace -o oud -ff /usr/lib64/courier/courier/courierd start &
strace -o oug -ff /usr/lib/courier/courier-authlib/authdaemond
Send new mail.
grep open oug* oud* | sort -k2 -t":" | less -S

Ok, it still tries to open /root/.profile but not /etc/profile
seems to me this means that the environment is not clean.
authdaemond and courierd are running as root...

grep -e system -e exe oud* oug* > /home/me/courier.txt
chown me /home/me/courier.txt

["/usr/lib64/courier/courier/couri"..., "start"], [/* 86 vars */]) = 0
oud.24706:execve("/bin/bash", ["/bin/bash", "-c", "./courieruucp"], [/* 90 vars 
*/]) = 0
oud.24706:execve("./courieruucp", ["./courieruucp"], [/* 90 vars */]) = 0
oud.24708:execve("/bin/bash", ["/bin/bash", "-c", "./courierlocal"], [/* 90 
vars */]) = 0
oud.24708:execve("./courierlocal", ["./courierlocal"], [/* 90 vars */]) = 0
oud.24708:rt_sigreturn()  = -1 EINTR (Interrupted 
system call)
oud.24710:execve("/bin/bash", ["/bin/bash", "-c", "./courierfax"], [/* 90 vars 
*/]) = 0
oud.24710:execve("./courierfax", ["./courierfax"], [/* 90 vars */]) = 0
oud.24712:execve("/bin/bash", ["/bin/bash", "-c", "./courieresmtp"], [/* 90 
vars */]) = 0
oud.24712:execve("./courieresmtp", ["./courieresmtp"], [/* 90 vars */]) = 0
oud.24714:execve("/bin/bash", ["/bin/bash", "-c", "./courierdsn"], [/* 90 vars 
*/]) = 0

Re: [courier-users] Courier sourcing during test

2016-05-26 Thread Gordon Messmer
On 05/24/2016 12:30 PM, David Niklas wrote:
> I've successfully run the tests of courier 0.75.0 up to the part where
> the msg writes info into the ID and ENV files.
> Strangely, id output no info into the ID file though sh wrote
> "/root/.profile" Permission denied.

You're talking about the user/group ID check at the end of the 
post-install check section?

To what user are you delivering mail?  Does that user receive mail if 
there are no .courier files in its home directory?

(Note that, below, the install document also says: "The Courier mail 
server does NOT deliver any mail to root.")

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courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] Courier sourcing during test

2016-05-25 Thread Sam Varshavchik

David Niklas writes:

I've successfully run the tests of courier 0.75.0 up to the part where
the msg writes info into the ID and ENV files.
Strangely, id output no info into the ID file though sh wrote
"/root/.profile" Permission denied. The env command output many variables
all from /etc/profile, thought the docs say that courier should have a
sanatized environment. All the files in /etc are default for courier with
the exception that I removed the database modules from courier's
authdaemond so that they would not load.
I imagine that courierd is sourcing /etc/profile as root and then trying
to read the user's (root's) .profile file.
The docs do not specify a method of solving this, what do I do?

The short, blunt answer is "figure it out". Something is definitely borked  
in your environment. You need to figure out why supposedly a new shell  
started under your userid wants to read /root/.profile. That's obviously  

courierd does not source anything. It is a binary executable. "courier  
start" runs the courierctl.start script that reads the courierd  
configuration file with the -a flag, which imports its contents as  
environment variables, then starts courierd.

One of the sections in the courierd config file, named "SYSLOCALE" sources  
what the configure script detected as the system configuration file that  
sets the default system locale. It's a config file that's picked from a  
fixed list of known system config files. At this time, it's the first file  
from the following list which exists:



If none of these are found, that section in the courierd file is blank. If  
found, the contents are read.

I think that courier is not getting started correctly, if you see stuff in  
your /etc/profile. That shouldn't happen. courierctl.start should be  
executing 'env -i', to wipe out all traces of your login shell's environment.

Description: PGP signature
Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees who
bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the imposition of MDM
restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you to control only the
apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personal data untouched!;131938128;j___
courier-users mailing list