I think the necessity for phone booths is often born in spaces that are 
smaller and where you can't get away from one another. Our first space had 
1 space to hide in for calls and it just wasn't enough. For the past 5 
years, we've had a large closet split into 2 
They are very small. 3'x4' and before Jerome freaks out about ADA, our 
building is not ADA accessible *at all*. You have to take stairs to get 
anywhere as it was built in 1968 so we didn't have to comply with those 
modern standards. 

Here's the kicker, there is no ventilation in those rooms so after an hour 
you kind of have to leave or you'll die of heatstroke. 

Other places to take calls if the phone rooms aren't your preference: 
patio, landing, microniche (another closet turned phone/work area but with 
just a curtain for privacy), drop in conference room, living room. We also 
set the expectation in our orientation packet that you can ask the room 
before you take a call. If it's merely a conference call where you will sit 
quietly until you give your update, then we will usually allow you to just 
stay at your desk.

And like Alex said, if people need to be on the phone much of the day 
(salespeople) I usually steer them away from Cohere before they join.
Here is a picture of the 
And of the landing where people go to take 

Also notable: you don't have to decide what to do until after you open.


On Sunday, May 14, 2017 at 4:08:06 PM UTC-6, Kevin Haggerty wrote:
> As we start to map out how we're going to layout and organize our space, 
> something we're looking at now is how to provide spaces for phone calls. 
> This is a little tricky because we're upstairs, and also, we don't have a 
> lot of room to work with.
> That said, we do have several closets that we don't really need for 
> storage, and were playing with the idea of converting them into phone 
> booths.
> The thought is to replace the doors with ones that have a glass panel, so 
> to create the illusion of more space (less claustrophobic), and to add an 
> aesthetically pleasing hanging light, a stool or stoop seat that doesn't 
> take up much space, a small floating shelf for laptop/phone, an outlet to 
> plug in devices, and some soundproofing panels to help deaden the sound.
> Have any of you ever tried anything like this? Any thoughts one way or the 
> other?

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