Hi Chad,
I've been debating this as well.  I definitely want to have some sort of
"tool" to help me manage my space, but as a software developer I know how
complicated it can be to set up an "all-in-one" tool.

I'm currently working on documenting the process by which we use all of
these disparate tools, their benefits vs. costs and so forth.

I'd be interested in having a conversation about the different operational
of running a co-working space that provides member services, and the
ways that we are all doing this.



On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 7:03 AM, creativespace <c...@rhubarbmedia.ca> wrote:

> I was reading about the centralize system/apps thread and thought this
> should be a unique post.  We're a design studio (print/web/video), a
> co-work space (the creative space) and have been talking about an out
> of the box online solution for co-work spaces that includes booking
> system (incorporating the VISA program), calendar, start-up blog/site,
> collab tools.  We all use a variety of tools now (DIVVY, Facebook,
> Twitter,Google Apps, WordPress, etc) and some work great together -
> but would an all-in-one tool be valuable to consider developing?  Hate
> to re-invent the wheel, and some of the for-mentioned tools could be
> integrated, but thought I'd throw it out there.  We'd develop it and
> offer it to the community via a suggested donation.  It would be built
> on a Drupal platform so totally open source.  Most of us would
> eventual create our own "space" online and integrate tools, but we
> thought a turn-key might be helpful.  that said - is there one out
> there already spesific for co-work?  And, as mentioned, is this even a
> need?
> Chad
> TheCreativeSpace.ca
> >

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