On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 06:01:49PM +0100, Slaven Rezic wrote:

> The distroprefs files are YAML files (usually) and used not only for
> exclusion of distribution, but also for all kind of setting
> interactive and noninteractive options...

They can also be Data::Dumper-style files - kinda handy when your
testing boxes don't have YAML installed.  I use this shell script to
automatically generate DD from YAML:


for i in *yml; do
    if [[ ! -e $i.dd || $i -nt $i.dd ]]; then
      echo Rebuilding $i
      ysh < $i > $i.dd

Obviously this requires that ysh is in your path, which in turn requires
that you have *a* perl with YAML installed, but in my case, that's the
system-wide perl in /usr/bin, whereas my testers all use

David Cantrell | Godless Liberal Elitist

    Immigration: making Britain great since AD43

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