Zefram wrote:
Michael G Schwern wrote:
(What does the 101091 part of 2.101091 mean anyway?)

Looks like it's embedding "10-109", an abbreviated ISO 8601 format for
2010-109, aka 2010-04-19.  (Today is the 109th day of the year; specifying
the date in this manner is known in ISO 8601 as an "ordinal date".)
Final "1" is a sequence number within the day?

Ahh. Ironic. I was thinking v2.1.20100419 might make sense (major release #2, minor release #1, on 2010.04.19), but its disallowed. v2. remains possible (y3k bug, woo!)

I have a date with some giant cartoon robots and booze.

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