Watching the senseless court fights for domains, DNS hijackings, all kinds
of technical and lawyernical attacks, getting into the way of the people
who just want their informations and want their bookmarks and links from
search engines just-working. Pondering...

The situation could be alleviated by a few (or a wider network of)
volunteers, running public DNS resolvers (dnscache could be a good
candidate) paired with DNS servers (tinydns is a choice here), with the
"problematic"  domains resolvings being set up manually, outside of the
DNS infrastructure. (I don't talk about the alternative root servers now.)
Let's name them RogueDNS (contrary to fully specs-conformant OfficialDNS).
Standard setup, used commonly on LANs when some domains have to resolve to
internal IPs instead of external ones (eg, servers behind the firewall,
accessible from both the LAN and the outside over external IP).

Example of function: A company (or a country) unleashes their lawyers (or
goons) on, which then gets shut down or repointed to the A news about it gets out, together with the patch for
the RogueDNS server definitions. From then, the RogueDNS resolvers answer
queries for the hijacked domain with their original values, though the
OfficialDNS hierarchy now show the officially enforced values (eg,
pointing to the DEA servers with the we-don't-sell-bongs agenda, like in
the recent case of government-hijacked domains of head shops).

Could be paired together with a webserver specialized to issue
HTTP-REDIRECT responses, for the cases when the server is entirely taken
down but a mirror exists - RogueDNS returns the IP of the redirecting
server, the redirecting server gets the entire URL in the request, looks
up the database of redirects, issues one.

Can be both centralized, decentralized, or running on end users' machines.
The key problem here are the updates; they can be realized by mailing
lists, or periodic or on-demand queries on a server (or server networks)
using a protocol of choice; this is open for the developers.

A prototype version, without the HTTP redirector, already worked for my
LAN (standard dnscache/tinydns combination). The HTTP redirector can be
easily implemented using eg. Apache/PHP/MySQL.
Or it can be partially emulated locally, by using hosts file.

Could it be useful in some scenarios? Does it have the proper ingredients
for eventual wider deployment? Or is it completely unusable?
Ideas welcomed. :)

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