On 03/ 1/10 05:32 PM, Alex Schultz wrote:
> I haven't been very active with things these days, but I'd be in
> agreement with a release being made. My one reservation is that of
> those options, I wouldn't want it numbered 2.0 since I don't think
> enough has happened to justify that yet.

  Making a release seems like a good idea.  I'm not quite sure what to call it.

  The previous releases were 1.x.y, and x had got up to 11 (1.11.0)

  So 1.5, or even 1.9, don't really work as numbers, since they would be very 
confusing with the 1.5.0 or 1.9.0 release

  I'm not sure if anything too much should be read into version numbers.  Some 
projects cycle through major numbers without it being any big deal, others 
it as a very serious manner and have criteria for increase in major version.

  We could just jump to 1.20.0, to sort of note that this is a bit different 
than the branch, but still largely compatible with it.  I'd sort of like to 
reserve the major release numbers (2.0, 3.0, etc) to note when compatibility 
really just breaks - eg, moving to 2.0 means you really can't move forward any 
1.x files, 3.x means you really can't use any of the files from 2.x, etc (files 
in this context is meaning existing characters, apartments, etc)

  But even then, exactly how that breaks is somewhat open - if all skills are 
renamed as an example, the files would still be compatible, but the characters 
not really playable as all their skills are gone.  This is different than a 
where the file format actually changes in an incompatible manner.

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