
I'd like to propose some changes to alchemy-like spells:

In the recipes, give some hint on the difficulty ; right now there is no hint 
ingame on whether a recipe is level 5 or 50 - ingredients count or difficulty 
find aren't particularly related either.

I'm not suggesting giving the exact level, but maybe split in ~7 or 8 parts, 
and give a hint ("this recipe is really easy", "this recipe is for really 
skilled experts).

Another option is to have some NPCs give the hint, instead of putting it in 
the recipe - that'd also be a way for players to spend some money, maybe :)

Recipes could use some balancing, on difficulty and or experience. I fixed some 
obvious things (recipe giving 500 xp! :)), but maybe some systematic changes 
are needed.

More important, we're lacking quests for recipes that can't be found in random 
reading. Potions like fiery destruction, fire, cold, electrical, physical or 
magical immunity (95% resist), sp regeneration, rainbow wave, various arrows 
and bolts can NOT appear randomly. So there should be some specific quest to 
teach them to the players.

Related could be to require players to do that quest to actually make the 
recipe ("keycode", or link to quest support, "quest FireTemple >=40"). 
Currently only the fire immunity potion requires a code (and I'm not sure the 
ingredients are actually given ingame...).

Last thing, I think it'd be great to have artifacts that can only be made 
through those skills. Some useful things, or powerful things, stuff like that.

Ideas welcome :)

Feel free to react to what I said, and or implement something :D


Mon p'tit coin du web - http://nicolas.weeger.org

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