
   Top Cop Arrives With Mixed Bag
   by Declan McCullagh ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
   2:00 a.m. Jan. 5, 2001 PST
   For liberal Democrats, John Ashcroft is a maddening symbol of
   everything wrong with a George W. Bush presidency -- from the former
   senator's staunch opposition to abortion to his alleged insensitivity
   regarding race.
   To conservatives, Bush's nominee for attorney general represents
   precisely the opposite extreme: A respected leader who will restore
   integrity to a Justice Department brought low by the Clinton
   administration. Ashcroft opposes background checks at gun shows,
   supports increased penalties for drug offenses and would not prohibit
   discrimination based on sexual orientation.
   On technology issues, Ashcroft's record as a Missouri governor and
   senator is mixed. He seems genuinely to believe in privacy rights and
   economic liberty, and has taken a moderate position on intellectual
   property and fair-use rights.
   But free-speech groups already are girding themselves for the legal
   equivalent of trench warfare, predicting that newly emboldened
   Department of Justice prosecutors will launch an assault on sexually
   explicit material online. And Microsoft foes fret that the antitrust
   division's commitment to the high-profile antitrust case may wane.
   On one point everyone can agree: More than any other Cabinet member,
   the next attorney general will be in a position to make crucial
   decisions with far-reaching effects on antitrust enforcement, privacy
   protections and free speech rights.
   "An Ashcroft DOJ could be a decidedly mixed bag for the high-tech
   sector since he will be engaged in a constant balancing act on most
   industry issues," says Adam Thierer, an analyst at the free-market
   Cato Institute who's well connected in Republican technology circles.
   "While Ashcroft has a very strong record of support for loosening
   encryption controls, he may be faced with pressure from GOP
   law-and-order types to moderate his views on this and also be willing
   to continue, or even expand FBI efforts like Carnivore," Thierer said.
   Make that a near certainty. It's a fair bet that pro-law enforcement
   conservatives in the mold of wiretap-happy Rep. Bill McCollum of
   Florida, who unsuccessfully ran for the state's open Senate seat, will
   view a Republican DOJ as an opportunity to expand government
   surveillance and wiretapping powers.
   Liberal Democrats have vowed opposition to Ashcroft's nomination --
   People for the American Way even assembled a detailed criticism of the
   nominee -- but privately confide that they don't expect to
   successfully block his confirmation by the Senate.
   Wiretapping and Carnivore:
   Under Attorney General Janet Reno, a DOJ panel has reviewed the FBI's
   controversial Carnivore surveillance system and extended a tentative
   blessing. But critics panned the review board as uniformly
   pro-government, as first reported by Wired News, and independent
   researchers refused to participate in the process.
   Ashcroft is the former two-term attorney general and two-term governor
   of Missouri. During his time there, he cemented his reputation as a
   solid conservative eager to lower taxes and build new prisons.


   More than almost any other senator, Ashcroft has been a foe of the
   Clinton administration's restrictions on encryption products. He
   convened at least one key hearing on the subject and consistently took
   a pro-privacy point of view.
   Under federal law, a president has the power to levy export
   restrictions punishable by fines and jail time. The Clinton
   administration recently relaxed the regulations, against DOJ and FBI
   opposition, but did not remove them.
   The attorney general has no direct authority over encryption
   regulations, but the DOJ under Reno has lobbied Congress for more
   stringent controls, and is a key participant in administration
   decisions on the topic. Also, Ashcroft's position on encryption could
   indicate how he views broader privacy matters.
   "The great thing about working for him is he truly understands
   technology," says Bartlett Cleland, a former Ashcroft aide who is now
   a vice president at the Information Technology Association of America.
   "I'd rather have someone there who's thoughtful and considerate rather
   than a knee-jerk person."
   "John has a record in the Senate that says he stood up very strongly
   on encryption, including holding hearings and defending the Fourth
   Amendment against Louis Freeh," Cleland says.
   Lisa Dean, vice president of the conservative Free Congress
   Foundation, said in a statement on Thursday: "Privacy was always a top
   concern and as a result, (Ashcroft) did a lot of good for the country
   and the protection of our liberties as senator. I can only imagine
   that as AG, the service he would provide will be tenfold."
   As a senator, Ashcroft introduced the unsuccessful "E-Privacy" bill to
   liberalize -- although not remove -- export controls on encryption
   products. At the time, Dean's group and others complained that "we
   cannot support E-Privacy as presently drafted" and urged him to revise
   the measure.
   Ashcroft's general support of encryption could be explained by simple
   politics: The White House backed the rules, so Republicans were able
   to attack Clinton while showing their support for Silicon Valley by
   criticizing them.
   But two years ago, back when the debate was fierce, Ashcroft seemed so
   taken by the issue it seems likely he's sincere. In a statement posted
   on his Senate website -- now removed due to his loss in the election,
   he said: "The availability of proper encryption software would
   guarantee the freedom of individual citizens to carry out their
   personal commerce and communication."
   Intellectual Property:
   When it comes to intellectual property, Ashcroft can best be described
   as a pragmatist, or perhaps a moderate. His Senate record shows he's
   not beholden to Hollywood, but neither was he a fast friend of geeks
   and open-source developers.


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