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Subject: news
Date: Sun, 7 Nov 1999 07:25:52 -0700

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MessagingDirect, Sendmail Partner to Produce Secure Mail Platform
By Patricia Fusco
InternetNews.com Assistant Editor  October 27, 1999

[San Jose] MessagingDirect, Ltd. and Sendmail, Inc. have partnered to design a
secure environment for companies' e-business efforts by integrating Sendmails
Internet Mail platform with MessagingDirect's M-Mail messaging and M-Vault
As a part of the deal, Sendmail will resell MessagingDirect's M-Secure and
M-Bill, electronic billing and payment application software to ISPs that may in
turn, offer the enhanced e-mail services to businesses looking for a secure way
to bill and communicate with clients online.
M-Secure is an e-mail pipeline for creating, sending and receiving digitally
signed and encrypted documents that can authenticate valid users of the
service, anywhere in the world.
M-Bill is an electronic bill delivery and payment application that can store
more than 50 million bills and deliver up to 500 e-mails per second. The
program virtually eliminates the need for paper billing systems because the
commerce class application meets tough non-repudiation billing standards.
Greg Olson, Sendmail, Inc. chief executive officer, said the partnership
evolved when the company determined that in 5 to 10 years, most of paper mail
commerce will move to e-mail. Olson said the development makes for fantastic
opportunities for ISPs to enhance their e-mail services, today.
"By working with technology partners to support a single Internet Mail
platform, Sendmail will provide customers with more applications that use
Internet Mail to reduce costs, increase productivity and build more profitable
customer relationships," Olson said. "MessagingDirects e-business applications
and services provide our customers with a secure and cost-effective means for
communicating on the Internet."
According to Jupiter Communications (JPTR), Sendmail powers more than 75
percent of the Internet mail servers and 80 percent of the Fortune 100 e-mail
interfaces for the public Internet. Sendmails market dominance is due to
founder Eric Allmans passion for open standards computing that motivated him
to first offering Sendmail for free, and the fact that ISP technicians find
Sendmails programming exceptionally user friendly.
ISPs will find Sendmails same familiar, easy to use, standards-based system
has been put to work to offer MessagingDirects M-Secure and M-Bill
Applications. Olson said ISPs looking to enhance their profits would recognize
that its a good time for them to consider carrier class e-mail as part of
their value-added services for e-commerce enterprises."
"Now is a great time for ISPs and ASPs to get into the e-commerce e-mail
market," Olson said. "Today, $400 billion is being spent on direct marketing
mail, order processing, bill and distribution payment and account systems. Its
the biggest part of a $700 billion industry that is easy for ISPs to tap into
and deploy."
Don Pare, MessagingDirect Ltd. chief executive officer, said constructing the
foundation for commerce class, managed end-to-end e-mail system was no small
"To put a bill in your in-box electronically, we had to make 3.5 million lines
of code easy for ISPs to deploy. Then we had to seamlessly deliver the secure
messages to an authenticated client for pennies per delivery, in order to
entice businesses" Pare said.
Pare added that partnering with the master of e-mail delivery systems was the
best way to make sure a standards-based approach was utilized.
"By partnering with Sendmail, we believe that our Internet Mail services and
applications will meet the requirements of doing e-business on the Internet,
now and in the future," Pare said. "Our standards-based approach to development
will provide out customers with the functionality, transactional reliability
and the security critical to do e-business commerce on the Internet."
The Sendmail, MessagingDirect partnership secure mail applications have already
produced a price breakthrough for delivering secure messaging over the
Internet. In the near future, the two companies plan to further develop e-mail
applications operating off from the same robust Sendmail platform to offer
content management, unified messaging and certified e-mail delivery.

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Robert A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <http://www.ibuc.com/>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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