Financial Cryptography '04
                9-12 February 2004
              Key West, Florida, USA

            2nd Call for Participation

Note: Early registration ends on January 9th, 2004!

Financial Cryptography is the premier international
forum for education, exploration, and debate at the
heart of one theme: Money and trust in the digital
world. Dedicated to the relationship between cryptography
and data security and cutting-edge financial and payment
technologies and trends, the conference brings together
top data-security specialists and scientists with
economists, bankers, implementers, and policy makers.

Financial Cryptography includes a program of invited
talks, academic presentations, technical demonstrations,
and panel discussions. These explore a range of topics
in their full technical and interdisciplinary complexity:
Emerging financial instruments and trends, legal
regulation of financial technologies and privacy issues,
encryption and authentication techologies, digital cash,
and smartcard payment systems -- among many others.

The conference proceedings containing all accepted
submissions will be published in the Springer-Verlag
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series after
the conference. A pre-proceedings containing preliminary
versions of the papers will be distributed at the

FC'04 Keynote Speakers:

Jack Selby    - "The Failure of eCash: New solutions,
                same old problems"

Ron Rivest    - title to be announced

Jacques Stern - "Cryptography and French banking cards:
                past, present, future"

Simon Pugh    - "Security & Risk Management of
                Transactions for Paypass"

Jon Peha      - "Bringing Payment Technology to the

More detailed information on the invited speakers is
available on the web site, as well as the list of accepted
papers and the preliminary schedule.

Registration for Financial Cryptography 2004 is open;
details and online registration can be found at along with information about
discounted hotel accommodation and travel. Early
registration ends on January 9th, 2004!

Financial Cryptography is organized by the International
Financial Cryptography Association (IFCA). More
information can be obtained from the IFCA web site at or by contacting the conference
general chair, Hinde ten Berge, at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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