Will large quantum computers be built? If so, what will they do to the
cryptographic landscape?

Anyone who can build a large quantum computer can break today's most
popular public-key cryptosystems: e.g., RSA, DSA, and ECDSA. But there
are several other cryptosystems that are conjectured to resist quantum
computers: e.g., the Diffie-Lamport-Merkle signature system, the NTRU
encryption system, the McEliece encryption system, and the HFE signature
system. Exactly which of these systems are secure? How efficient are
they, in theory and in practice?

PQCrypto 2006, the International Workshop on Post-Quantum Cryptography,
will look ahead to a possible future of quantum computers, and will
begin preparing the cryptographic world for that future.

More information: http://postquantum.cr.yp.to/

Registration: http://postquantum.cr.yp.to/main-20060202.html#registration

Best regards,
Christopher Wolf

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