Cryptophone locks out snoopers

2003-11-25 Thread Ian Grigg
(link is very slow:)

Cryptophone locks out snoopers 
Posted: 20/11/2003 at 10:16 GMT

A German firm has launched a GSM mobile phone that
promises strong end-to-end encryption on calls,
preventing the possibility of anybody listening in. 

If you think that you'll soon be seeing this on the shelves
of your local mobile phone shop though, think again. For
a start, the Cryptophone sells for EUR1,799 per handset,
which puts it out of the reach of most buyers. Second,
the phone's maker, Berlin-based GSMK, say the phone
will not be sold off the shelf because of the measures
needed to ensure that the product received by the
customer is untampered with and secure. Buyers must
buy the phone direct from GSMK. 

According to GSMK, the new phone is designed to
counteract known measures used to intercept mobile
phone calls. While GSM networks are far more secure
than their analogue predecessors, there are ways and
means to circumvent security measures. 

The encryption in GSM is only used to protect the call
while it is in the air between the GSM base station and
the phone. During its entire route through the telephone
network, which may include other wireless links, the call
is not protected by encryption. Encryption on the GSM
network can also be broken. The equipment needed to do
this is extremely expensive and is said to be only
available to law enforcement agencies, but it has be
known to fall into the hands of criminal organisations. 

The Cryptophone is a very familiar-looking device, since
it is based around the same HTC smartphone that O2
used as its original XDA platform. The phone runs on a
heavily modified version of Microsoft Pocket PC 2002. 

GSMK says it is the only manufacturer of such devices
that has its source code publicly available for review. It
says this will prove that there are no back-doors in the
software, thus allaying the fears of the
security-conscious. Publication of the source code
doesn't compromise the phone's security, according to
GSMK. The Cryptophone is engineered in such a way
that the encryption key is only stored in the phone for the
duration of the call and securely erased immediately

One drawback of the device is that it requires the
recipient of calls to also use a Cryptophone to ensure
security. GSMK does sell the device in pairs, but also
offers a free software download that allows any PC with
a modem to be used as a Cryptophone. 

GSMK says that the Cryptophone comples with German
and EU export law. This means the device can be sold
freely within the EU and a number of other states such
as the US, Japan and Australia. It cannot be sold to
customers within Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya
and North Korea. A number of other states are subject
to tight export controls and a special licence will have to
be obtained. 

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Fwd: "Bedazzled" Log-in Method Whitepaper

2003-11-25 Thread Steve Schear

"Bedazzled" Log-in Method Whitepaper

Author: George Hara

Using strings of characters as passwords has always been a security issue
because they are hard to remember and can be stolen by key-loggers or
screen-text harvesters. It will still be an issue for personal computers,
but there is another method available for authentication over the Internet
(where are the highest security concerns). This method involves no special
technologies, but simply a new vision on how to bring existing technologies
together. The method is easier to use than text passwords, but it requires,
from the users, the protection of their personal computers (where they need
text-password log-in and encryption), just as they do now.
The "Bedazzled" log-in method uses a (public) user name / ID (for example,
the user's email address) and a number of images, called password images,
for authentication. The images have to be generated (by the authentication
service) during the creation of the account for which the authentication
will be later required. Each image is a small, PNG compressed, bulk of
pixels with random colors. The PNG compression is used because a true-color
image is compressed without losses, with a very high rate. In the case of
random images this doesn't help, but, as you'll read below, in the User
images section, this is the best format.
Each image should contain something like 50 * 50 true-color pixels (24
bits). This means that the total number of combinations of such a random
image is 24 ^ (50 * 50), that is over 10 ^ 3450. Basically, a particular
case is unbreakable through brute force search.
The authentication is the classic method: the user is identified by his user
name, and then he is authenticated by comparing all images specified in the
log-in form, with the images stored on the computer which makes the
authentication. If all images are *identical*, and put in the same order (im
age 1 as password 1, image 2 as password 2...), the user is authenticated.
If they are not identical, the user is rejected.
To make the "Bedazzled" log-in method easy to use, the password images must
be saved on the user's computer, preferably in encrypted files (see file
encryption under WindowsXP, or PGP encrypted drives).
Since the "Bedazzled" log-in method is supposed to be used over Internet, it
is necessary for the user to be able to drag-and-drop each image onto the
browser, in the log-in form. This way, the log-in form has access to the
password images, and can download them to the authentication server when the
user clicks the "Log-in" button.
As you can see, the method is very eay to use, but in order to make it even
easier, the log-in form should display a small file browser which should be
used to navigate to the password images (they should all be in the same
directory, for easy user access). The log-in form should save a cookie on
the user's computer in order to automatically open the file browser at the
same location, the next time the user attempts to authenticate himslef.
User images

There is no need for the images to be random. The user could choose his own
images when he creates an authentication account, being only limited to a
specific file size (like 20 KB / image). He could simply take some images
from his computer and resize them to fit the size limit; the images should
be compressed without loss (preferably in a PNG format), just in case they
are lost but the original bigger images still exist and can be resized again
with the same algorithm (to generate the same password image).
Another method requires a small program which takes a string of characters
typed by the user, and converts them through a hash algorithm into an
apparently random image. This method makes it possible to recreate the
password images if the user remembers the string of characters, without the
need of storing any information.
TEMPEST protection
First of all, since the user doesn't need to type anything and the password
images don't need to be displayed, the passwords are protected from TEMPEST
atacks. However, the user may need to navigate through his pictures and
choose the correct password images for each log-in form. This would create a
potential security breach.
The "Bedazzled" log-in method has intrinsic TEMPEST protection to this kind
of breach because when a monitor displays an image, the colors of each pixel
is not displayed exactly as indicated by the bits that make the picture.
Each monitor has its own way of displaying the image. Besides, users always
alter the image by chaging various parameters of the monitor's image:
brightness, contrast, color balance, color temperature, gamma.
On the other end of the TEMPEST technology, the "reader" takes a snapshot of
the image displayed by the monitor. This is like making a scan of a print of
a digital image

Open Source Embedded SSL - Export Questions

2003-11-25 Thread J Harper
Hi All,

We've implemented a small version of SSL that we plan to release as open source by 
year's end.  I've seen some discussion on this group indicating that this would be 
useful in the embedded environments, given the current landscape of larger 
implementations such as OpenSSL (Crypto++, etc).  We developed this ourselves (using 
some of the crypto routines in Tom's libtomcrypt) as part of our Web services based 
device management software because we needed to keep our own footprint small, and I 
imagine there are others looking to do the same.

Once our code is released, we welcome feedback in terms of additional requirements, 
gotchas, etc. (and if you want to jump in now, that's fine too).  But before we can 
release, we need to understand the export issues (we're a US based company).  An 
overview of what we're developed for the first release:

SSLv3 protocol implementation
Simple ASN.1 parsing
Cipher suites:

We're not looking for official legal advice, just some pointers to current online 
resources of how to go about registering our product in the US.  I've seen posts that 
for SSL implementations you "just need to send a letter to the government", but 
haven't come across an official government checklist and address.  We may be able to 
weaken the code down using the export ciphers, but I doubt end users will be 
interested in that level of encryption.  Plus, if we do have to limit key lengths, it 
seems a bit arbitrary with open source code, since users can simply change a few lines 
of code and have full strength crypto.  Are there any special provisions for source 
release (short of getting a tattoo, singing an mp3 or sending a model rocket over to 
Mexico - kidding, kidding)?

We'd appreciate feedback or pointers to documentation on the steps required for 
government registration and an approximate timeframe for the process.  On a different, 
but similar legal note, what current patent/trademark issues have people run across 
with the algorithms mentioned above?  RSA patents expired a few years ago and our ARC4 
implementation is not trademarked as far as I understand (although most books on the 
subject seem a bit squirrelly).  Open source crypto libraries include implementations 
of these and other disputed algorithms including DSS and ECC, so I'm wondering how 
they handled the situation.


J Harper
PeerSec Networks
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