Re: quantum chip built

2006-01-17 Thread bear

On Sat, 14 Jan 2006, Michael Cordover wrote:

> In order to factor a 1024
> bit modulus you'd need a 1024 bit QC.  Perhaps if there were some sudden
> breakthrough it'd be a danger in a decade - but this is the same as the
> risk of a sudden classical breakthrough: low.

This is not necessarily so.  In order to factor a 1024-bit
modulus using Shor's algorithm, you would indeed need a 1024-
qbit machine.  But we haven't seen what fruit may be borne by
algorithm research and hybrid machinery; it seems plausible
that a hybrid machine may be able to use, say, 16 qbits to
divide the work factor of factoring large numbers in general
by approx. 65536.

In general, I think that until QC is a mature field, cryptographers
and cryptologists ought to assume that some QC or hybrid algorithm
or machinery that may be discovered "any minute now" can
simultaneously exploit the strengths of both QC and classical
computation.  And that means, in general, that I'd want to *add*
the number of bits factorable by Shor's algorithm in the foreseeable
future to the number of bits factorable by classical brute-force

In fact, maybe we ought to be worried about synergistic effects
and multiplying the figures together, although I can't imagine
where such effects would come from.  Let us say simply that Quantum
Computing is far from mature, and at this moment we are only
beginning to understand it.  I remember all the mechanical engineers
who proved that no heavier-than-air flying machine could exist
back in the 19th century, back when knowledge of mechanics and
materials was less precise than now...  And these guys knew what
there was to know about it.  I'm chary of people "proving" that
no n-bit factoring machine can be built just because the way they
already know to build one (Shor's algorithm, which requires n qbits)
won't work.  Given that our knowledge of QC is nascent, our
ignorance of QC's practical limits is likely staggering, and
caution is to be advised.


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standards being adopted for encrypting stored data

2006-01-17 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

"Proposed standards for protecting data on disk or tape are gathering steam
within the IEEE and could be supported in products as soon as next year,
according to proponents."

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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NY Times reports that spy program is not narrowly targeted

2006-01-17 Thread Perry E. Metzger

According to President Bush, the illegal NSA domestic espionage
program he ordered was narrowly targeted against people known to have
Al Qaeda links. However, it appears that, as with his previous false
claims that espionage only happened with a warrant, that this claim
was on its face untrue:

   Spy Agency Data After Sept. 11 Led F.B.I. to Dead Ends

   Published: January 17, 2006

   WASHINGTON, Jan. 16 - In the anxious months after the Sept. 11
   attacks, the National Security Agency began sending a steady stream of
   telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and names to the F.B.I. in search
   of terrorists. The stream soon became a flood, requiring hundreds of
   agents to check out thousands of tips a month.

   But virtually all of them, current and former officials say, led to
   dead ends or innocent Americans.

   F.B.I. officials repeatedly complained to the spy agency that the
   unfiltered information was swamping investigators. The spy agency was
   collecting much of the data by eavesdropping on some Americans'
   international communications and conducting computer searches of phone
   and Internet traffic. Some F.B.I. officials and prosecutors also
   thought the checks, which sometimes involved interviews by agents,
   were pointless intrusions on Americans' privacy.
   President Bush has characterized the eavesdropping program as a
   "vital tool" against terrorism; Vice President Dick Cheney has said
   it has saved "thousands of lives."

   But the results of the program look very different to some officials
   charged with tracking terrorism in the United States.
   "We'd chase a number, find it's a schoolteacher with no indication
   they've ever been involved in international terrorism - case
   closed," said one former F.B.I. official, who was aware of the
   program and the data it generated for the bureau. "After you get a
   thousand numbers and not one is turning up anything, you get some

   Rest of article at:

I again plead with all of you who care about the future your children
live in to call your congressional representatives and demand that
action be taken. Congress has already largely forgotten about this --
a few weeks is a long time in the memories of politicians. It is up to
you remind them. If you do not, you will have no one to blame but

 "All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing."
-- Edmund Burke


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RE: quantum chip built

2006-01-17 Thread Whyte, William
> >From what I understand simple quantum computers can easily 
> brute-force attack RSA keys or other types of PK keys.  Is 
> ECC at risk too?  And are we at risk in 10, 20 or 30 years from now?  

Quantum computers break RSA, cryptosystems based on discrete log 
over finite fields, and cryptosystems based on discrete log over
elliptic curves, where "break" means "reduce to polynomial time".

The best description of the ECC variant of Shor's quantum algorithm
is in Proos and Zalka's "Shor's discrete logarithm quantum algorithm
for elliptic curves", They
estimate that ~1000 qubits are needed to break a 160-bit ECC key
(as opposed to ~2000 qubits for a 1024-bit RSA key).

NTRU and HFE-based schemes (such as QUARTZ and SFLASH) aren't currently 
known to be broken by quantum algorithms -- there are proposed quantum
algorithms that may square-root the time to break NTRU, but this isn't
a reduction to polynomial time. I don't know if anyone's looked at
quantum computers as applied to HFE.



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Re: long-term GPG signing key

2006-01-17 Thread Ian Brown

Travis H. wrote:

Why the heck am I expiring encryption keys each year?  Anyone who
records the email can crack it even if the key is invalid by then. 
All it really does is crudely limit the quantity of data sent under

that key, which is little to none anyway.

If your threat model includes attacks on the system(s) you use to 
decrypt messages, or rubber hose/subpoena key-cracking, expiring *and 
wiping* confidentiality keys limits the time during which the keys can 
be compromised using those methods.

Say no to ID cards!

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Echelon papers leaked

2006-01-17 Thread Peter Gutmann
In 1996, New Zealander Nicky Hager wrote a book "Secret Power" containing a
great deal of information on Echelon, with a particular NZ perspective.  A few
days ago, papers held by the Prime Minister of the time were accidentally
released and appeared in the Sunday Star Times.  Some quotes from the story at,2106,3540743a6005,00.html:

  The top-secret intelligence report found among David Lange's papers shows
  New Zealand had been spying on friendly countries throughout the region.

  Targets included Japanese and Philippines diplomatic cables and the
  government communications of Fiji, the Solomons, Tonga and "international
  organisations operating in the Pacific".

  The Government Communications Security Bureau's 1985/86 annual report also
  reveals that one of New Zealand's main targets was "UN diplomatic" cables,
  but which agencies of the United Nations were targeted is not stated.


  "A total of 171 reports were published, covering the Solomons, Fiji, Tonga
  and international organisations operating in the Pacific. The raw traffic
  for this reporting provided by NSA the US National Security Agency)."

  The GCSB also produced 238 intelligence reports on Japanese diplomatic
  cables, using "raw traffic from GCHQ/NSA sources". This was down from the
  previous year: "The Japanese government implementation of a new high grade
  cypher system seriously reduced the bureau's output." For French government
  communications, the GCSB "relied heavily on (British) GCHQ acquisition and
  forwarding of French Pacific satellite intercept".


  Each page of the 31-page report that mentioned eavesdropping operations was
  "communications intelligence".

There's also a second story at,2106,3540733a6005,00.html
covering US pressure on NZ over its anti-nuclear policy.


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Re: long-term GPG signing key

2006-01-17 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Guus Sliepen wrote:
> It depends on how it is used. For example, when I sent this email, I
> typed in the passphrase of my PGP key, authorising GnuPG to create a
> signature for this email. This comes very close to "human signing". I
> read, understood, approve etc. with the contents of this email.
> If assymetric cryptography is used to automatically sign a credit card
> transaction without the user having to do more than click a button, then
> I agree that in that situation, the digital signature is not the same as
> a human signature.

but as in some of the PKI forays into non-repudiation and human
signatures ... there was no way for a relying party to determine the
difference ... and in the previous thread of digital signature dual-use
vulnerability, this can open up fraud.

at one point, some were assuming if there was a digital certificate with
the non-repudiation flag set, then the digital signature indicated human
signature (read, understood, agrees, approves, and/or authorizes).
however, nothing in various PKI protocols providing for proving which
digital certificate was actually appended to a particular digital
signature (appending a non-repudiation digital certificate might imply
the creation of some obligation associated with a digital signature used
as a human signature; however there was no protocol provisions for
establishing which form of digital signature was actually intended
and/or which digital certificate was actually appended to any particular

the dual-use vulnerability has an environment where servers nominally
transmit random data for signing (one of the possible countermeasures
for replay attack) and the person generates a digital signature on the
random data w/o having looked at the data (assuming purely
authentication operation). the other party has actually substituted some
sort of valid text in place of the valid data and then asserts that the
person has performed the digital signature implying a human signature
(read, understood, agrees, approves, and/or authorizes) as opposed to
implying pure authentication operation.

the crook may attempt to further substantiate the fraudulent claim by
producing a digital certificate (for the corresponding public key) with
the non-repudiation bit set (and PKI protocols lack provisions for
differentiating which, of possible several, digital certificates might
actually have been attached).

the possible dual-use for digital signatures then may lead to enormous
ambiguity since the basic technology only provides for authentication
... and that w/o significant additional business processes it is
difficult to differentiate digital signatures used for purely
authentication purposes and the grossly embellished purposes associated
with human signatures.

any embellishing of digital signatures for human signature purposes, in
turn creates significant additional risk than straight-forward

a basic issue isn't what you intended when you caused a digital
signature to be created ... but what can any relying-party reasonably
expect that you intended ... and what can the relying-party reasonably
rely on.

then if there is any possible ambiguity as to what you may have intended
when a digital signature was created, can an attacker use the existence
of such ambiguity to perpetrate fraud (aka dual-use vulnerability).

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Re: long-term GPG signing key

2006-01-17 Thread Guus Sliepen
On Sat, Jan 14, 2006 at 12:30:25PM -0700, Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:

> Guus Sliepen wrote:
> > By default, GPG creates a signing key and an encryption key. The signing
> > key is used both for signing other keys (including self-signing your own
> > keys), and for signing documents (like emails). However, it is possible
> > to "split" the signing key into a master key that you only use to sign
> > other keys, and a key dedicated to signing documents. You can revoke the
> > latter key and create a new one whenever you want, the master key is
> > still valid. Also, when people sign your key, they sign your master key,
> > not the subkeys. The signatures you accumulated will also still be
> > valid. You can also keep the master key safely tucked away on an old
> > laptop that you keep in a safe, and only export the subkeys to your
> > workstation. That way the master key is very safe.

> as in previous post ... i assert that fundamental digital signature
> verification is an authentication operation
> long-term GPG signing keys
> and doesn't (by itself) carry with it characteristics of human
> signature, read, understood, approves, agrees, and/or authorizes.

It depends on how it is used. For example, when I sent this email, I
typed in the passphrase of my PGP key, authorising GnuPG to create a
signature for this email. This comes very close to "human signing". I
read, understood, approve etc. with the contents of this email.

If assymetric cryptography is used to automatically sign a credit card
transaction without the user having to do more than click a button, then
I agree that in that situation, the digital signature is not the same as
a human signature.

> it is when you start equating private keys with certification and truth
> characteristics that you move into a completely different risk and
> threat domain.

I don't equate private keys with that. I do equate signatures made with
those keys with that.

> the other foray into embellishing private keys and digital signatures
> with human signature type characteristics was the non-repudiation
> activity. however, it is now commoningly accepted that to embellish
> digital signatures with non-repudiation attributes requires a whole lot
> of additional business processes ... not the simple operation of
> generating an authentication digital signature.
> the corollary is that digitally signed certificates and
> private keys embellished with certification and truth characteristics
> become less and less meaningful.

That is probably true, but in the mean time Travis still wants to know
how to create a PGP key with the properties he wishes for.

Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
Guus Sliepen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Description: Digital signature

Re: long-term GPG signing key

2006-01-17 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Guus Sliepen wrote:
> By default, GPG creates a signing key and an encryption key. The signing
> key is used both for signing other keys (including self-signing your own
> keys), and for signing documents (like emails). However, it is possible
> to "split" the signing key into a master key that you only use to sign
> other keys, and a key dedicated to signing documents. You can revoke the
> latter key and create a new one whenever you want, the master key is
> still valid. Also, when people sign your key, they sign your master key,
> not the subkeys. The signatures you accumulated will also still be
> valid. You can also keep the master key safely tucked away on an old
> laptop that you keep in a safe, and only export the subkeys to your
> workstation. That way the master key is very safe.

as in previous post ... i assert that fundamental digital signature
verification is an authentication operation long-term GPG signing keys

and doesn't (by itself) carry with it characteristics of human
signature, read, understood, approves, agrees, and/or authorizes.

the PKI & CA hiearchical infrastructures does tend to add those
attributes to digital signature operations ... creating an equiivalence
between certification digital signatures (and the private keys that
produce such digital signatures) and the validity of the information
being certified.

if you are starting to create a class of private keys that start to
carry the attribute of whether something is true or not (i.e. the
information being certified) ... then there can start to become some
confusion between the difference between the private key as an
authentication mechanism and the use of the private key as whether
something is true or not.

I would assert that authentication private keys can be treated like a
much better password technology ... not having various of the
shared-secret vulnerabilities and other shortcomings.

it is when you start equating private keys with certification and truth
characteristics that you move into a completely different risk and
threat domain.

the other foray into embellishing private keys and digital signatures
with human signature type characteristics was the non-repudiation
activity. however, it is now commoningly accepted that to embellish
digital signatures with non-repudiation attributes requires a whole lot
of additional business processes ... not the simple operation of
generating an authentication digital signature.

the whole scenario of digital signing of public keys ... is a matter of
the entity performing the digital signing doing an authentication
operation ... but that the entity is certifying the truth of some value
... typically related to the public key. that is a whole business
process infrastructure that has to be layered on top of digital
signatures (in much the same way to actually achieve non-repudiation a
whole business process infrastructure has to be created that is built
above any authentication digital signature).

the other characteristics is that stale, static certification ... paper
or digitally signed electronic bits ... are characteristic of the
offline age ... where an entity could present the certificate
representing the truth of some information; as opposed to the relying
party having their own access to the truth of the same information. in
the transition to an online world, it is becoming less & less coming
that relying parties won't have access to the truth of some piece of
information (making certificates and credentials less and less
meaningful). the corollary is that digitally signed certificates and
private keys embellished with certification and truth characteristics
become less and less meaningful.

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Re: quantum chip built

2006-01-17 Thread Alex Alten

At 03:04 AM 1/14/2006 +1100, Michael Cordover wrote:

John Denker wrote:

From what I understand simple quantum computers can easily brute-force 
attack RSA keys or other

types of PK keys.

My understanding is that quantum computers cannot "easily" do anything.

Au contraire, quantum computers can easily perform prime factoring or 
perform discrete logarithms - this is Shor's algorithm and has been known 
for more than a decade.  The difficulty is in making a QC.

Is ECC at risk too?  And are we at risk in 10, 20 or 30 years from now?

ECC is also at risk because it relies on the difficulty of discrete 
logarithms which are victim to a quantum attack.  Are we at risk in 10, 20 
or 30 years?  Well, as John said, it's hard to say.  The first working 2 
qbit computers were demonstrated in 1998, then 3 qbits in the same 
year.  7 qbits were demonstrated in 2000.  8 in December 2005.  As you can 
see, adding a qbit is pretty hard.  In order to factor a 1024 bit modulus 
you'd need a 1024 bit QC.  Perhaps if there were some sudden breakthrough 
it'd be a danger in a decade - but this is the same as the risk of a 
sudden classical breakthrough: low.

My assessment: nothing to worry about for now or in the immediate future. 
A key valid for 20 years will face much greater dangers from expanding 
classical computer power, weak implementations, social engineering 
etc.  The "quantum chip" is just a new housing, not anything that puts RSA 
or ECC at risk.

Hmm, extrapolating forward...

1998 = 2 qubits
2005 = 8 qubits  (a 4x increase in 7 years)
2013 = 32 qubits?
2020 = 128 qubits?
2027 = 512 qubits?
2034 = 2048 qubits?

So, say, somewhere between 20 to 30 years from now current RSA moduli may 

be at risk from the Shor's algorithm.

Is that a reasonable assumption?

If so, would ECC (moduli) also be at risk within this time frame?

- Alex


- Alex Alten

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RE: long-term GPG signing key

2006-01-17 Thread Trei, Peter
Alexander Klimov wrote:

>On Wed, 11 Jan 2006, Ian G wrote:

>> Even though triple-DES is still considered to have avoided that trap,

>> its relatively small block size means you can now put the entire 
>> decrypt table on a dvd (or somesuch, I forget the maths).

> This would need 8 x 2^{64} bytes of storage which is approximately 
> 2,000,000,000 DVD's (~ 4 x 2^{32} bytes on each).

> Probably, you are referring to the fact that during encryption of 
> a whole DVD, say, in CBC mode two blocks are likely to be the 
> same since there are an order of 2^{32} x 2^{32} pairs.

I've actually seen something like this happen in real life. 

As you know, RSA has been running a series of 'Secret Key 
Challenges', wherein we ask people to try to brute-force 
messages encrypted with RC5 at various keystrengths. There is
a cash prize for the person turning in the correct response.
The messages are encrypted in CBC mode with 32 bit blocks. 
The start of the message has a known plaintext

Most of the recent challenges have been won by
While they were working on the 64 bit challenge, I received an
email saying that a proposed solution had been found, and was asked
to check it. (We set up the challenges in such a way that the
correct keys are unknown, even to us). 

The supplied key correctly decrypted the first block, but the
rest were gibberish. After scratching our heads, we realized 
that had found a collision.

It was almost a year later they found the correct key, for the
$10,000 prize. They immediately started on the 72 bit challenge.
(I'm not holding my breath).

Peter Trei

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Re: long-term GPG signing key

2006-01-17 Thread Werner Koch
On Thu, 12 Jan 2006 00:48:05 -0600, Travis H said:

> All it really does is crudely limit the quantity of data sent under
> that key, which is little to none anyway.

And it has the advantage that people will stop sending encrypted mail
to this key after the expiration date.  Comes handy if you forgot your
passphrase or lost physical access to the key.



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Re: long-term GPG signing key

2006-01-17 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ian G writes:
>Alexander Klimov wrote:
>> On Wed, 11 Jan 2006, Ian G wrote:
>>>Even though triple-DES is still considered to have avoided that
>>>trap, its relatively small block size means you can now put the
>>>entire decrypt table on a dvd (or somesuch, I forget the maths).
>> This would need 8 x 2^{64} bytes of storage which is approximately
>> 2,000,000,000 DVD's (~ 4 x 2^{32} bytes on each).
>> Probably, you are referring to the fact that during encryption of a
>> whole DVD, say, in CBC mode two blocks are likely to be the same
>> since there are an order of 2^{32} x 2^{32} pairs.
>Thanks for the correction, yes, so obviously I
>muffed that one.  I saw it mentioned on this list
>about a year ago, but didn't pay enough attention
>to recall the precise difficulty that the small
>block size of 8 bytes now has.

The difficulty with 3DES's small blocksize is the 2^32 block limit when 
using CBC -- you start getting collisions, allowing the attacker to 
start building up a code book.  The amount of data is quite within 
reach at gigabit speeds, and gigabit Ethernet is all but standard 
equipment on new computers.  Mandatory arithmetic: 2^32 bytes is 2^38 
bits, or ~275 * 10^9.  At 10^9 bits/sec, that's less than 5 minutes.  
Even at 100M bps -- and that speed *is* standard today -- it's less 
than an hour's worth of transmission.  The conclusion is that if you're 
encrypting a LAN, you need AES or you need to rekey fairly often.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: quantum chip built

2006-01-17 Thread Mads Rasmussen

Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

They seems to have built a device which can store one qubit, isolated 
from the rest of the world. They seem to be able to scale up their 
technique to store many qubits, but I strongly suspect that they cannot 
store those many qubits COHERENTLY. To store reliably individual qubits 
is not that difficult, but to prevent entangled systems from interacting 
with the environment is very, very difficult.

Maybe someone else can give more information?

Mads Rasmussen  
LEA - Laboratório de Ensaios e Auditoria
(Cryptographic Certification Laboratory)
Office: +55 11 4208 3873 
Mobile: +55 11 9655 8885			Skype: mads_work   

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Re: quantum chip built

2006-01-17 Thread Michael Cordover

John Denker wrote:

From what I understand simple quantum computers can easily brute-force 
attack RSA keys or other
types of PK keys.  

My understanding is that quantum computers cannot "easily" do anything.

Au contraire, quantum computers can easily perform prime factoring or 
perform discrete logarithms - this is Shor's algorithm and has been 
known for more than a decade.  The difficulty is in making a QC.

Is ECC at risk too?  And are we at risk in 10, 20 or 30 years from now?

ECC is also at risk because it relies on the difficulty of discrete 
logarithms which are victim to a quantum attack.  Are we at risk in 10, 
20 or 30 years?  Well, as John said, it's hard to say.  The first 
working 2 qbit computers were demonstrated in 1998, then 3 qbits in the 
same year.  7 qbits were demonstrated in 2000.  8 in December 2005.  As 
you can see, adding a qbit is pretty hard.  In order to factor a 1024 
bit modulus you'd need a 1024 bit QC.  Perhaps if there were some sudden 
breakthrough it'd be a danger in a decade - but this is the same as the 
risk of a sudden classical breakthrough: low.

My assessment: nothing to worry about for now or in the immediate 
future. A key valid for 20 years will face much greater dangers from 
expanding classical computer power, weak implementations, social 
engineering etc.  The "quantum chip" is just a new housing, not anything 
that puts RSA or ECC at risk.


Michael Cordover

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