Re: New Attacks against AES-256

2009-08-03 Thread Robert Holmes
I)ruid wrote:
> Paper and details are not yet public, but Schneier provides a summary:
> Basically, if AES-256 is implemented with fewer rounds than the standard
> specifies (essentially the number of rounds recommended for AES-128), it
> is susceptible to a number of related-key attacks.
Paper and details are now public ---

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Re: Unattended reboots (was Re: The clouds are not random enough)

2009-08-03 Thread Peter Gutmann
Arshad Noor  writes:

>If you (or anyone on this forum) know of technology that allows the
>application to gain access to the crypto-hardware after an unattended reboot
>- but can prevent an attacker from gaining access to those keys after
>compromising a legitimate ID on the machine - I'd welcome hearing about it.

I talked to an auditor about this a while back, here's my summary of this:

  For auditing purposes the only thing that.s required for unattended restart
  is a mechanism to prevent an attacker from copying unprotected keying
  material from the machine.  For example storing the key in a token plugged
  into the machine is generally considered sufficient because it gives you the
  ability to point to a physical security procedure that.s used to prevent the
  key (meaning the token that it.s held in) from being removed.  This
  functions as an audit mechanism because it.ll be noticed if someone removes
  the token, which isn.t the case if someone copies a file containing the
  unprotected key from the machine.  Hardware security modules (HSMs, a
  special-purpose crypto computing device capable of storing thousands of
  keys and performing encryption, signing, certificate management, and many
  other operations) are often used for this purpose, storing a single
  symmetric key in the HSM to meet audit requirements.  If the HSM vendor has
  particularly good salespeople then they.ll sell the client at least two
  $20,000 HSMs (each storing a single key) for disaster recovery purposes.

In other word's the target isn't necessarily what's good enough for security
people, but what's good enough for the auditors, and the above was deemed good
enough for the auditors.


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New Attacks against AES-256

2009-08-03 Thread I)ruid
Paper and details are not yet public, but Schneier provides a summary:

Basically, if AES-256 is implemented with fewer rounds than the standard
specifies (essentially the number of rounds recommended for AES-128), it
is susceptible to a number of related-key attacks.

I)ruid, C²ISSP

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Re: Unattended reboots (was Re: The clouds are not random enough)

2009-08-03 Thread Philipp Gühring

> If you (or anyone on this forum) know of technology that allows the
> application to gain access to the crypto-hardware after an unattended
> reboot - but can prevent an attacker from gaining access to those keys
> after compromising a legitimate ID on the machine - I'd welcome hearing
> about it.  TIA.

I (re?)invented a concept for that application, which can be applied in
certain situations.
I have started from the assumption that we are talking about something
like an E-Business system that is hosted in a normal commercial
environment with wired, routed networks.
The attack-vector I wanted to secure against was stealing the machines.
So in the scenario, an attacker would break into the building, steal the
server, get out again, and would try to get access to the data afterwards.
As long as the machine stays in place, it should be able to reboot
unattendedly, as soon as it's somewhere else, it shouldn't be able to
reboot unattendedly anymore.

The concept is to have a secondary server (or several secondary servers)
somewhere else, which has the necessary key available. It should be
situated in a place where it is highly unlikely that it also gets stolen
when the primary server gets stolen, and it has to be connected through
a somewhat trusted routed network.

Now the secondary server has configured the IP address of the primary
server, and regularly tries to contact the primary server, every minute
or something. (Or it uses a different method to detect when the primary
server needs the key).
The contact-tries are done over the routed network, and the routers must
be somewhat secured, and the links in between also have to be trusted.
When the secondary server succeeds the connection to the primary server,
 it authenticates the connection to the primary server (with a key that
is stored in plaintext on the primary server, or perhaps generated from
the hardware configuration). If the authentication succeeds, the
secondary server sends the private key to the primary server, and the
primary server can continue to boot normally.
If an attacker steals the server, and connects it at a different place
in the network, or somewhere else, then the secondary server will not be
able to reach the IP address due to the routing, and won't be able to
provide the key. So the attacker could only try to break in again, and
trace back where the server is, where it comes from, ...

Due to the connection originating from the secondary server and not from
the primary server, you have to have both the server, and you have to be
on the right place of the network.

It's not perfect security, but I think it's a reasonable tradeoff for
the given threats and the need for high-availability in those certain

Please let me know if you hear about any other interesting solutions too.

Best regards,
Philipp Gühring

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Re: Unattended reboots (was Re: The clouds are not random enough)

2009-08-03 Thread Ali, Saqib
> If you (or anyone on this forum) know of technology that allows the
> application to gain access to the crypto-hardware after an unattended
> reboot - but can prevent an attacker from gaining access to those keys
> after compromising a legitimate ID on the machine

This is the conundrum of the of the the decade. The TPMs etc, tie a
HDD to a server. This helps in cases where the HDDs are discarded w/o
proper destruction of data or are stolen. If you have a problem of
entire servers being stolen, than you have to worry about physical


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Re: unattended reboot (was: clouds ...)

2009-08-03 Thread John Denker
On 08/01/2009 02:06 PM, Jerry Leichter wrote:

>  A while back, I evaluated a
> technology that did it best to solve a basically insoluble problem:  How
> does a server, built on stock technology, keep secrets that it can use
> to authenticate with other servers after an unattended reboot?  

This problem is routinely solved in practice.

> Without
> tamper-resistant hardware that controls access to keys, anything the
> software can get at at boot, an attacker who steals a copy of a backup,
> say - can also get at.  

1a) Don't put the keys on the routine backups, and/or
1b) secure the backed-up keys as carefully as you secure the machine 

2) If the machine itself is not secure, you have already lost the
game and there's no hope of securing any keys or certificates on
that machine.

> So, the trick is to use a variety of
> measurements of the hardware - amount of memory, disk sizes, disk serial
> numbers, whatever you can think of that varies from machine to machine

I see no advantage in that.  The only halfway-useful property that 
such data has is that it is not backed up by ordinary off-the-shelf 
backup routines.  That's not an important advantage because it is 
easy to arrange for *any* data of your choosing to be not backed up.
 -- If you routinely back up files, put keys in a special file.  
 -- If you routinely back up entire partition, put keys in a special 
  partition (or outside any partition).  
 -- If you routinely mirror entire drives, put keys on a special drive.  
This is all "stock technology".

Let's be clear:  If the attackers have penetrated the machine to the 
point where they can read the keys from a special file/partition/drive, 
they can read the hardware serial numbers etc. as well.

> .  Since hardware does need to be fixed or
> upgraded at times, a good implementation will use some kind of "m
> unchanged out of n measurements" algorithm.  

That makes life harder for the good guys, and makes life easier for
the bad guys.  Just putting the keys on disk is far more reliable
and practical, especially during hardware maintenance (scheduled or 

On top of all that, there is the very serious risk of a dictionary
attack against the hardware serial numbers.  There's nowhere near
enough entropy in the hardware serial numbers.  There is incomparably
more entropy in a special file/partition/drive.

> Virtualization changes all of this.

That's yet another reason for not taking the hardware serial number
approach.  In contrast, a special file/partition/drive can be virtualized 
in a direct and natural way.

Bottom line:  Relying on hardware serial numbers etc. to defend keys 
is not recommended.  Vastly more practical approaches are available.

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Re: Unattended reboots (was Re: The clouds are not random enough)

2009-08-03 Thread Richard Salz
> All the HSMs I've worked with start their system daemons automatically;
> but the applications using them must still authenticate themselves to
> the HSM before keys can be used.  How do the cards you've worked with
> authenticate the application if no PINs are involved?

Sorry, I wasn't clear enough.  When I think PIN I think of a keypad and 
secure channel to the HSM.  Not the name/password used by the application. 
 For that, of course, you're right -- the application needs it.


STSM, DataPower CTO
WebSphere Appliance Architect

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Attacks against GOST? Was: Protocol Construction

2009-08-03 Thread Alexander Klimov
On Sun, 2 Aug 2009, Joseph Ashwood wrote:
> > So far, evidence supports the idea that the stereotypical Soviet
> > tendency to overdesign might have been a better plan after all,
> > because the paranoia about future discoveries and breaks that
> > motivated that overdesign is being regularly proven out.
> And that is why Kelsey found an attack on GOST

Do you want to say that the GOST (28147-89) block cipher is broken? I
have never heard of an attack against it that is faster than the
exhaustive search.

By the way, it was not "overdesign" (IMO it is simpler even than DES),
nor it was an example of "the stereotypical Soviet..." According to an
informed source [1], it was specifically made to be not like military
ciphers:  its only purpose was to make something for non-military
cryptography that would not betray any Soviet cryptographic know-how
(this is why they chose to do something very similar to DES).

[1] Mikhail Maslennikov, "Cryptography and freedom" (in Russian)


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Re: Unattended reboots (was Re: The clouds are not random enough)

2009-08-03 Thread Darren J Moffat

Arshad Noor wrote:

Almost every e-commerce site (that needs to be PCI-DSS compliant) I've
worked with in the last few years, insists on having unattended reboots.

Not only that but many will be multi-node High Availability cluster 
systems as well or will be horizontally scaled.  This means that there 
are multiple machines needing access to the same key material.  Or it 
means putting a crypto protocol terminator "on the front" - the down 
side of that is loosing end to end security.

Even when the server is configured with a FIPS-certified HSM and the
cryptographic keys are in secure storage with M of N controls for access
to the keys, in order for the application to have access to the keys in
the crypto hardware upon an unattended reboot,

This is because availability of the service is actually more important 
to the business than "real" security.

> the PINs to the hardware

must be accessible to the application.  If the application has automatic

Or at least a broker for the application.

access to the PINs, then so does an attacker who manages to gain entry
to the machine.

The way we have traditionally done that in Solaris for IKE is to write 
the passphrase/PIN in the clear to disk but rely on UNIX permissions to 
"protect" ie readable only to root or the user account the service runs as.

P.S. As an aside, the solution we have settled on is to have the key-
custodians enter their PINs to the crypto-hardware (even from remote
locations, if needed, through secure channels).  While it does not
provide for unattended reboots, it does minimize the latency between
reboots while ensuring that there is nothing persistent on the machine
with PINs to the crypto-hardware.

We recently added this ability for the IKE daemon on Solaris/OpenSolaris 
for the case when the private keys IKE uses are stored in a PKCS#11 
keystore (HSM or TPM).  However we don't expect this to be used in the 
case where unattended reboots or cluster failover be used.

This is really no different to storing a root/host/service keytab on 
disk for Kerberos - yet that seems to be accepted practice even in 
organisations that by policy don't want passphrase/PIN on disk.

Darren J Moffat

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Re: Unattended reboots (was Re: The clouds are not random enough)

2009-08-03 Thread lists
Arshad Noor  wrote:

> to the keys, in order for the application to have access to the keys in
> the crypto hardware upon an unattended reboot, the PINs to the hardware
> must be accessible to the application.  If the application has automatic
> access to the PINs, then so does an attacker who manages to gain entry
> to the machine.

> If you (or anyone on this forum) know of technology that allows the
> application to gain access to the crypto-hardware after an unattended
> reboot - but can prevent an attacker from gaining access to those keys
> after compromising a legitimate ID on the machine - I'd welcome hearing
> about it.  TIA.

You could have a device that uses the keys only once for each time
it is powered on, and see that the intended process uses it early
in the boot process to answer the challenge of whatever it's
authenticating to.  This could be simulated in s/w using something
such as BSD securelevel or having a different sudoers file for
one part of the boot process.

Then you're going to want only cold reboots, and if your device doesn't
work when expected you'd wonder whether someone beat you to it.

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Re: Unattended reboots

2009-08-03 Thread james hughes

On Aug 2, 2009, at 4:00 PM, Arshad Noor wrote:

Jerry Leichter wrote:
does a server, built on stock technology, keep secrets that it can  
use to authenticate with other servers after an unattended reboot?   
Without tamper-resistant hardware that controls access to keys,  
anything the software can get at at boot, an attacker who steals a  
copy of a backup, say - can also get at.

Almost every e-commerce site (that needs to be PCI-DSS compliant) I've
worked with in the last few years, insists on having unattended  

I penned a recent blog about this fact at

It discusses this fact and how it can be mitigated. Specifically, how  
wrapped keys can be escrowed, and used to boot a machine in, what I  
consider, a significantly more secure manner. Given that you can never  
guarantee a cloud provider can not tamper with you machine while  
running, this post describes the problem, a set of goals and one  
possible solution.

Encrypted Kernels are requirement. Geoff Arnold
suggested that an AMI that can boot an encrypted AMI may solve the  
issue. A harder, but possible solution would be to change the AMI's  
Grub loader without changing AWS's infrastructure. Anyone interested  
on working on a prototype :-)


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Re: Unattended reboots (was Re: The clouds are not random enough)

2009-08-03 Thread Arshad Noor

Richard Salz wrote:

The cards that I know about work differently -- you configure them to 
allow unattended reboot, and then no PIN is involved.  This is a little 
more secure, in that it requires a conscious decision to do this, as 
opposed to sticking the PIN somewhere on the filesystem.

I'm not sure I'm following, Richard.

All the HSMs I've worked with start their system daemons automatically;
but the applications using them must still authenticate themselves to
the HSM before keys can be used.  How do the cards you've worked with
authenticate the application if no PINs are involved?

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

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Re: Unattended reboots (was Re: The clouds are not random enough)

2009-08-03 Thread Richard Salz
> in order for the application to have access to the keys in
> the crypto hardware upon an unattended reboot, the PINs to the hardware
> must be accessible to the application.

The cards that I know about work differently -- you configure them to 
allow unattended reboot, and then no PIN is involved.  This is a little 
more secure, in that it requires a conscious decision to do this, as 
opposed to sticking the PIN somewhere on the filesystem.


STSM, DataPower CTO
WebSphere Appliance Architect

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