datamining the NSA

2005-03-07 Thread Ian G
The recent story on datamining the NSA is getting a lot of
airplay here in Austria.  I gather it was slashdotted, and
can be found on "datamining the NSA."  We just listened to
a half hour long interview in prime time (7pm) on national radio
on the subject.  In german.  (Accidentally, I happen to be
jacked in at the offices of the organisation that did the
datamining, or some such.)  It's also been in major newspapers,
so I'm told.
The background of the story appears to have a lot of relevence
to the wider identity debate.  In brief, it looks like there
was a several-year tussle between the NSA (voice recognition),
the FBI (fingerprints) and the British (iris scanning) over
what the standard for biometrics should be.  No mention yet
as to whether any of this data should be encrypted and thus
protected from aggressive threats, such as those mooted in
the passport-rfid debate.
There are also eyebrow-raising comments on how important
components of the biometric technology was developed by
American firms as standard approaches for american systems,
and is now owned by the French government...
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Re: No Encryption for E-Passports

2005-03-07 Thread Thierry Moreau
See the following comments submitted to the Department of State

- Thierry Moreau
CONNOTECH Experts-conseils inc.
9130 Place de Montgolfier
Montreal, Qc
Canada   H2M 2A1
Tel.: (514)385-5691
Fax:  (514)385-5900
web site:
  Comments on the
  Department of State Public Notice 4993 (RIN 1400 AB93)
Electronic Passport
   March 7, 2005
 by Thierry Moreau
  CONNOTECH Experts-conseil inc.
 9130 Place de Montgolfier
   Montr‚al, Qc, Canada H2M 2A1
   Tel.: +1-514-385-5691
   Fax: +1-514-385-5900

We appreciate the opportunity to submit comments on the
electronic passport (e-passport) global project and proposed
regulation changes ([1]). Some of these comments have a
broader scope than the regulation change (this seems to be
invited by the Department of State by the public notice
discussion of e-passport encryption debate, i.e. [1] page
8306, center column, 2nd to 4th paragraphs). Our comments are
centered on the information security aspects of the e-
passport global project, notably the ICAO Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI) framework, i.e. [2].
The uniqueness of security requirements for the global
interoperability of e-passports has been recognized early in
the ICAO development process that brought the document [2] to
its current version. As a result, most of the traditional PKI
concepts has been omitted or simplified. We believe there are
merits in the scheme found in the document [2] for the e-
passport security, including the selection of un-encrypted e-
passport electronic chip data. The driving design criteria
has been operational hindsight rather than conservatism. We
are concerned that this hindsight is not always reflected in
the [1] public notice.
Our comments below are itemized, and they do not have
equal importance, significance, or relevance to the specific
regulatory change.
Unencrypted e-passports is a valid direction
We generally concur with the ICAO selection of
unencrypted e-passports. Encryption would mean a global key
management scheme to determine the circumstances in which an
e-passport would be unlocked by a reader. Such a key
management scheme would imply granting reading rights to some
organizations and denying such rights to others. Those
opposing the unencrypted e-passports would certainly be even
more suspicious of any workable key management scheme for
encrypted e-passports. We have yet to see any suggestion as a
key management scheme that might appear acceptable to a
security expert who claimed that unencrypted e-passport are
putting US citizens at risk. This explanation seems reflected
in the Department of State statement that "in order to be
globally interoperable, encryption would require a higher
level of technology and more complicated technical
coordination with other nations." ([1] page 8306, center
column, 2nd paragraph) although we would have liked the
Department of State to speak for itself (e.g. "Such technical
coordination includes notably the cryptographic key
management for electronic chip decryption keys.").
Doubtful representation of e-passport technology,
reader requirements and skimming threat
According to the document [2], "Everyone who has the
appropriate equipment is able to read the chip contents of
the MRTD, but only the parties that are provided with the
appropriate public key certificates and certificate
revocation lists will be able to verify the authenticity and
integrity of the chip contents." (Document section 2.4.4) So
we find misleading the [1] public notice that eavesdropping
requires a reader "furnished with the proper public key" ([1]
page 8306, center column, 4th paragraph). In fact, reading of
electronic chips by international transportation operators
(e.g. airlines) is encouraged by the ICAO.
The e-passport proponents should not minimize the
significance of unauthorized e-passport reading threats.
Anti-skimming features are important to US travelers wishing
to protect their anonymity and privacy. The Department of
State should provide reliable information about their
effectiveness and their prudent use, since the momentary
disabling of anti-skimming mechanisms (e.g. the removal of a
metallic shield surrounding the electronic chip antenna)
materializes the e-passport bearer authorization to read the
Doubtful representation of e-passport technology,
global skimming countermeasures
We are pu

Re: comments wanted on gbde

2005-03-07 Thread Dan Kaminsky
Re, GDBE--

Some initial thoughts:

I wouldn't be surprised if platters couldn't be analyzed for usage
levels / magnetic degradation (Peter?).  Even without a clean room, ATA
is pretty rich -- anyone remember the guy who graphically plotted the
spiral damage caused by a falled drive head w/ nothing but a massively
hacked ATA driver?  There's also likely to be useful information from
drive sectors duplicated by the drive firmware (there's extra space in
every drive; when particular sectors are judged "buggy" content from
them is migrated onto the spare space).

I saw nothing establishing the integrity of sectors during
*decryption* in 7.5.  Random / polluted sectors will decrypt, though
into unpredictable noise (which tends to do bad things to file system
code).  Previous versions of sectors will also decrypt successfully --
the cleaning lady can take lessons from Mallory, as it were.  It's
useful to immediately grant though that their threat model is much more
aligned towards drives that will never be hot again.

One wonders if there is a delivery service for Key-key's.


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comments wanted on gbde

2005-03-07 Thread David Wagner
Steve Bellovin writes:
>A "discussion" -- I'll be polite and call it that -- has erupted on 
>some mailing lists about gbde -- geometry-based disk encryption.  With 
>the author's consent, I'm soliciting opinions from this group about it:

I took a look at that paper.  (I seem to recall looking briefly at actual
GBDE code two or three years ago, but I have since forgotten everything
I once knew about GBDE, so I was forced to read the paper and start
from scratch.)  Here are some thoughts.  Warning: they are based solely
on reading the above paper.  I have not put a great deal of thought into
this, nor have I examined any source code, so take everything with many
grains of NaCl.

My sense: GBDE isn't built the way I would have chosen to, and there are
many aspects that I consider inelegant, but it doesn't look obviously
broken.  If you use it appropriately, it looks fairly reasonable, as far
as I can tell.  I would be willing to use it for my own personal secrets.
I believe it is possible to use it in a way such that it will provide
adequate security.

However, I also believe it is possible -- and, perhaps, all too easy --
to use GBDE in a way that will not provide adequate security.  My biggest
fear is that safe usage is just hard enough that many users will end up
being insecure.  GBDE uses a passphrase to encrypt the disk.  If you can
guess the passphrase, you can decrypt the disk.  Now in theory, all we
have to do is tell users to pick a passphrase with at least 80 bits of
entropy.  However, in practice, this is a pipe dream.  As we know, users
often pick passphrases with very little entropy.  Practices vary widely,
but for many users, an estimate in the range of 10-40 bits is probably
reasonable.  Consequently, dictionary attacks are a very serious threat.

GBDE does not take any steps to defend against dictionary attacks.
In GBDE, a passphrase with b bits of entropy can be broken with 2^b AES
trial decryptions.  This means that people who are using passphrases
with only 10-40 bits of entropy may be screwed -- their data will not
be secure against any serious attack.  40-bit security is a very weak
level of protection.

So, this seems like it could be a real concern, depending on how GBDE
is used and how much security you need.  If you can train users to use
strong passphrases, GBDE should be fine, I would think.  For instance,
human rights workers might be willing to deal with the usability costs of
very long passphrases.  However, many users may not have enough discipline
to use very strong passphrases, and those users might be at risk.

The GBDE paper has a rather peculiar comment about dictionary attacks.
It mentions the possibility of using password stretching/strengthening
techniques (e.g., PKCS#5, iteration to slow down dictionary attacks,
etc.), but rejects them on the basis that they are not able to ensure
perfect security in all cases.  That strikes me as a rather weird stance.
They in no case make things worse, and in many cases may provide a
measurable improvement.  I agree that such mechanisms are imperfect,
and there are severe limits on how much they can help, but they still
seem better than doing nothing about dictionary attacks.  This strikes
me as an unfortunate aspect of GBDE.

A second possible critique of GBDE is that the design seems a little
strange in several places.  There is no clear explanation of the threat
model GBDE is intended to protect against, or the security goals it is
intended to achieve.  The design is unnecessarily complex and baroque.

I should elaborate.  The threat model: What can we assume about the
attacker's capabilities?  What kinds of attacks are we trying to
defend against?  One scenario is where a hard disk is stolen, the
attacker gains access, and wants to read the data.  But what about
other threats?  The paper mentions the "cleaning lady" threat, where
an attacker gains physical access to the hard disk at multiple times,
without being detected.  Do we want to defend against such attacks?
If we do, we need chosen-ciphertext security, because otherwise the
attacker might be able to tamper with data on the disk and thereby learn
information about the plaintext.  The GBDE paper does not clearly say
whether GBDE is intended to design against this threat model, and I have
serious doubts about whether it would be secure against such a threat;
the modes are certainly not chosen-ciphertext secure.  So can we assume
we do not need to defend against such threats, and that if the attacker
ever gains access to the hard disk, then we will learn of this fact and
never use the hard disk again?  As another example, can we assume that
the communication between the computer and the hard disk is physically
secure, or might GBDE be used with NFS (for example)?

Also, the security goals are never precisely stated.  Is the only goal to
protect the confidentiality of stored data?  Do we also want to prevent
"traffic analys

Re: MD5 collision in X509 certificates

2005-03-07 Thread Peter Gutmann
Anne & Lynn Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>the purpose of a certificate is analogous to the old letters of credit in the
>sailing ship days  it supposedly establishes the bonifides of the
>individual in an offline, non-connected world where the relying party has no
>other recourse regarding trust/integrity of the individual that they are
>dealing with.

I ran into an interesting example of the conflict between PKI's almost
completely offline design vs.the almost completely online world recently.
Someone showed me a full-page diagram of their PKI/certificate management
process containing several dozen boxes, a maze of connecting arrows, labels,
references to pages and pages of further explanation, etc etc etc.  After
reverse-engineering the process displayed in the diagram over a period of
about quarter of an hour, I simplified the whole thing by drawing a single
line from the top left ("I have someone's public key") to the bottom right
("Ask an online service who it belongs to and whether it's OK to use"),
completely bypassing the morass of PKI in the middle.  (This is a bit like the
financial industry use of PKI that Lynn mentioned a while back in which you
throw away everything but the public key and check that directly, because all
the PKI does is get in the way).

At that point the conversation went something like this:

"Why not do it that way then, since that's the end effect anyway?".

  "We can't do that.  $LARGE_ORGANISATION have spent millions of dollars
   setting up their PKI, and they won't allow something that sidesteps it".

"So the only reason the PKI is there is because not having it there would be
an admission of its uselessness?"

  "Uhh, yeah".

This leads to the following PKI business model:

1. Spend millions of dollars setting up a PKI.

2. Everyone is forced to use it because not to do so would be a waste of the
   setup costs.

3. Profit!


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Re: MD5 collision in X509 certificates

2005-03-07 Thread Bill Frantz
On 3/5/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anne & Lynn Wheeler) wrote:
>The implication is that if i can substitute a public key in some 
>certificate that attests to represent some other party  then it may 
>be some form of identity theft (fraudulent messages can be created that 
>otherwise appear to have originated from you ... and validate with the 
>substituted public key). The other might be elevation of privileges  
>adding characteristics to a certificate that were otherwise not provided.

The real concern, and there is no evidence that it is easy, is that if a 
certificate is signed using a MD5 hash, and another certificate, with a 
different (RSA) public key, can be substituted, maintaining the signature, then 
it will be probable that the new public key will be the product of many primes, 
and (relatively) easy to factor.  If this were possible, it would lead to 
identity theft.

While this scenario is not, as far as I know, easy, it seems to me that it is 
time to abandon MD5 in signatures.  The issues with SHA1 are worrisome, but not 
yet, IMHO, fatal.  However, it would be prudent to plan on moving beyond SHA1 
in the near future.


Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| The first thing you need when  | Periwinkle 
(408)356-8506  | using a perimeter defense is a | 16345 Englewood Ave | perimeter. | Los Gatos, CA 95032

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RE: two-factor authentication problems

2005-03-07 Thread Gabriel Haythornthwaite
You're quite correct Matt,

Which is why IMHO you can only really get true "non-repudiation" through use
of PKI.  And more specifically:
- where the key pair was generated by the end-user, and
- where the server has stored a copy of the transaction - digitally signed
by the end user - which it can reproduce in court.  

In this case, a corrupt operator could not have faked the transaction even
if they had wanted to. 

RSA SecureID and OATH technology have some great virtues:
- they cost nothing to integrate at the client end - there is no client
"footprint" so there's nothing to go wrong
- they are relatively easy to understand and use
- they're unquestionably better than reliance on user IDs and passwords.

What they won't do is:
- provide non-repudiation
- defend against man-in-the-middle attacks, or
- provide a robust defence against phishing scams

And for these reasons I suspect their days are numbered.

All the best,

Gabriel Haythornthwaite
Phone: +61 412 544 632
Fax: +61 2 9798 3935

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matt Crawford
> Sent: Monday, 7 March 2005 1:38 PM
> To: Ed Gerck
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: two-factor authentication problems
> On Mar 5, 2005, at 11:32, Ed Gerck wrote:
> > The worse part, however, is that the server side can always 
> fake your 
> > authentication using a third-party because the server side 
> can always 
> > calculate ahead and generate "your next number" for that 
> third-party 
> > to enter -- the same number that you would get from your 
> token. So, if 
> > someone breaks into your file using "your" number -- who is 
> > responsible? The server side can always deny foul play.
> Huh?  The server can always say "response was good" when it wasn't 
> good.  Unless someone reclaims the server from the corrupt 
> operator and 
> analyzes it, the results are the same.
> -
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