Re: AES cache timing attack

2005-06-17 Thread Brian Gladman
Hal Finney wrote:

>> Steven M. Bellovin writes:
Dan Bernstein has a new cache timing attack on AES:
>> This is a pretty alarming attack.  Bernstein was actually able to recover
>> the AES key using a somewhat artificial server which reported its own
>> timing to do an AES operation.  In principle the same attack would be
>> possible on a typical remote server, using a larger number of requests
>> to average out timing variations.

This is a very nice piece of work by Bernstein but I am not convinced
about the practical significance of the attack.

And I certainly don't see any reason to abandon some of the design
approaches (e.g table lookup) as he has been suggesting just because
they are exploitable in some situations. In many situations they are not
exploitable at all and in those situations where they might cause
problems it is up to system designers to decide whether or not they need
to deploy countermeasures.

>> He also had some critical things to say about the AES selection
>> process, which apparently dropped the ball on this issue.  Other ciphers
>> got dinged for nonconstant execution time, but no one thought that cache
>> misses would be that significant.

>> Dan has more information at, including
>> graphs showing the variability in timings for various
>> implementations at and
>>, and his own attempt at a (nearly)
>> constant-time AES implementation as part of his poly1305-aes MAC
>> It would be interesting to see how the speed of his AES implementation
>> compares to that of other widely used versions like Brian Gladman's.
>> How much speed penalty do you pay to get the constant speed?  As Dan
>> notes, you can easily make a slow AES that runs at constant speed, but
>> a fast one is far more difficult.

Nevertheless Bernstein has shown up one issue that I had not been
conscious of and this is that on modern (Intel) x86 systems there is no
longer a significant speed penalty for unaligned memory accesses to
32-bit words, a feature that allows AES to be implemented with very much
less table space than is normally the case.

There is almost no speed penalty in terms of best speed and the typical
speed is likely to be a lot better in most practical situations because
the load on the cache is greatly reduced.  And the timing variability of
this code is greatly reduced so its an all round win on the x86.

The downside is that, although unaligned accesses on x86 are ok, on many
other architectures these cause exceptions and this makes it tedious to
build compressed table operation into portable C code. In fact it is so
tedious that I am not going to offer this and have instead simply
published x86 assembler code which I report on here:

For those who can live with x86 only, and with an assembler
implementation, this code matches the maximum speed of my large table
assembler version on the P3 and P4.

Another issue that this raises is that of the crypto API since in those
situations where the timing attack matters it is necessary to control
the position of the expanded AES key on the stack and this requires that
key expansion and encryption is done as one integrated API call, aka:

   encrypt(key[], in[], out[], no_of_blocks)

I hope this helps but if not I will try and answer any other questions.

   Brian Gladman

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Re: AES cache timing attack

2005-06-17 Thread "Hal Finney"
Peter Gutman writes:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Hal Finney") writes:
> >Steven M. Bellovin writes:
> >> Dan Bernstein has a new cache timing attack on AES:
> >>
> >This is a pretty alarming attack.  
> It is?  Recovering a key from a server custom-written to act as an oracle for
> the attacker?  By this I don't even mean the timing-related stuff, but just
> one that just acts as a basic encryption oracle.

Does it though?  Take a look at the code at the end of Dan's paper,
server.c in Appendix A, which I have reproduced below.  It does not appear
to act as an encryption oracle.  It takes the input, which is *random*
(visible in Appendix C), encrypts it and returns the timing it took to
encrypt it.  However, it does not return the encrypted result.

The one extra piece of information it does return is the encryption of
an all-zero packet.  So there is a small element of chosen plaintext

But for all the rest, as far as I can see a passive eavesdropper on an
encrypted channel with a good timer could make it work.

Hal Finney




unsigned int timestamp(void)
  unsigned int bottom;
  unsigned int top;
  asm volatile(".byte 15;.byte 49" : "=a"(bottom),"=d"(top));
  return bottom;

unsigned char key[16];
AES_KEY expanded;
unsigned char zero[16];
unsigned char scrambledzero[16];

void handle(char out[40],char in[],int len)
  unsigned char workarea[len * 3];
  int i;

  for (i = 0;i < 40;++i) out[i] = 0;
  *(unsigned int *) (out + 32) = timestamp();

  if (len < 16) return;
  for (i = 0;i < 16;++i) out[i] = in[i];

  for (i = 16;i < len;++i) workarea[i] = in[i];
  /* a real server would now check AES-based authenticator, */
  /* process legitimate packets, and generate useful output */

  for (i = 0;i < 16;++i) out[16 + i] = scrambledzero[i];
  *(unsigned int *) (out + 36) = timestamp();

struct sockaddr_in server;
struct sockaddr_in client; socklen_t clientlen;
int s;
char in[1537];
int r;
char out[40];

main(int argc,char **argv)
  if (read(0,key,sizeof key) < sizeof key) return 111;

  if (!argv[1]) return 100;
  if (!inet_aton(argv[1],&server.sin_addr)) return 100;
  server.sin_family = AF_INET;
  server.sin_port = htons(1);

  s = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,0);
  if (s == -1) return 111;
  if (bind(s,(struct sockaddr *) &server,sizeof server) == -1)
return 111;

  for (;;) {
clientlen = sizeof client;
r = recvfrom(s,in,sizeof in,0
  ,(struct sockaddr *) &client,&clientlen);
if (r < 16) continue;
if (r >= sizeof in) continue;
sendto(s,out,40,0,(struct sockaddr *) &client,clientlen);

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US DoJ wants ISPs to be forced to log their customers activities

2005-06-17 Thread Perry E. Metzger


   The U.S. Department of Justice is quietly shopping around the
   explosive idea of requiring Internet service providers to retain
   records of their customers' online activities.


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Crypto 2005 papers on SHA-0 and SHA-1 collisions

2005-06-17 Thread vlastimil . klima
Wang et al. published their Crypto 2005 papers on SHA-0 and SHA-1
collisions. Maybe you find it interesting
Vlastimil Klima

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clanku z portalu VOLNY.

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Re: AES cache timing attack

2005-06-17 Thread Victor Duchovni
On Fri, Jun 17, 2005 at 11:57:29PM +1200, Peter Gutmann wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Hal Finney") writes:
> >Steven M. Bellovin writes:
> >> Dan Bernstein has a new cache timing attack on AES:
> >>
> >This is a pretty alarming attack.  
> It is?  Recovering a key from a server custom-written to act as an oracle for
> the attacker?  By this I don't even mean the timing-related stuff, but just
> one that just acts as a basic encryption oracle.  Try doing that with TLS or
> SSH, you'll get exactly one unrelated packet back, which is the connection
> shutdown message.  So while it's a nice attack, section 15 should really be
> simplified to:
>   Don't do that, then.

Doesn't the Kerberos TGS, for example, somewhat resemble Dan's server?
Yes, it does not report fine-grained time-stamps or do everything in
mememory. Still, if one sends data that looks like authenticator + TGT,
the TGS is going to decrypt the TGT with the ticket granting service
key, getting nonsense and will report an error. The time taken to
report the error will be data dependent, and Dan's attack may apply.

This is speculative. Has anyone studied the applicability of Dan's
attack to a Kerberos 5 KDC with an AES TGS key?


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Re: de-identification

2005-06-17 Thread dan

"Steven M. Bellovin" writes:
 | >
 | >Ladies and Gentlemen,
 | >
 | >I'd like to come up to speed on the state of the
 | >art in de-identification (~=anonymization) of data
 | >especially monitoring data (firewall/hids logs, say).
 | >A little googling suggests that this is an academic
 | >subspeciality as well as a word with many interpretations.
 | >If someone here can point me at the mother lode of 
 | >insight, I would be most grateful.
 | >
 | What's your threat model?  It's proved to be a very hard problem to 
 | solve, since there are all sorts of other channels -- application data, 
 | timing data (the remote fingerprinting paper mentioned this one), etc.

Steve, et al.,

My threat model is how can I have a convincing
technical solution that, in turn, gets your average
corporate general counsel to permit sharing various
kinds of logs with similar firms.  The Patriot Act
(2001,Bush), PDD 63 (1998,Clinton), and various other
intervening bits of legislation say that threat and
vulnerability information shared between like private
sector firms is (1) exempt from Anti-Trust (even
where security is a competitive feature) and (2)
exempt from FOIA (even where such sharing is under
government aegis).  Nevertheless no corporate general
counsel will permit such sharing.  From where a GC
sits, the risk is clear, near-term and direct to the
firm while any benefit is diffuse and distant, and
no GC believes any laws' words until the courts, as
unacknowledged legislators, get a whack at it and
that being so no GC wants to be the test case.

Ipso facto, I (we) need a way to ensure that log
data can be shared between firms in ways that do
not identify the source firm so that, in turn, 
I can stand up and say that the risk as seen from
the GC's point of view has been technically put
to bed.  I don't imagine for a minute that even
that argument will be trivial, but a technical
solution is necessary even if insufficient.

My real aim is, of course, the characterization 
of macro-scale risk to critical infrastructure.
In the hypothesis-generation stage of such an
effort I need to take field observations that
could easily go any of three ways:

 (1) All the players see the same scans, the same
 automated attacks, the same over-pressure;

 (2) All the players see entirely different scans,
 entirely different automated attacks, entirely
 different over-pressures; or

 (3) One of the players stands apart from the others
 and whereas the corpus of that industrial 
 sector sees the same scans, the same automated
 attacks, the same over-pressure there is one
 player whose experience is different.

This is information that no firm can get on its
own, so uniqueness of value is a given and amongst
rational players unarguable.  What I need is to
break the logjam over being the first to share.

The only alternative is to take the biased samples
that are available inside managed security providers
and confidential consulting firms and pool that data,
thus anonymizing it, within a single corporate shell.
This is second best and tends to have little motive
power of its own, though I/we proved it can be done[1]
as has Qualys[2], inter alia.

Clear enough?




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Re: AES cache timing attack

2005-06-17 Thread Peter Gutmann
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Hal Finney") writes:
>Steven M. Bellovin writes:
>> Dan Bernstein has a new cache timing attack on AES:
>This is a pretty alarming attack.  

It is?  Recovering a key from a server custom-written to act as an oracle for
the attacker?  By this I don't even mean the timing-related stuff, but just
one that just acts as a basic encryption oracle.  Try doing that with TLS or
SSH, you'll get exactly one unrelated packet back, which is the connection
shutdown message.  So while it's a nice attack, section 15 should really be
simplified to:

  Don't do that, then.


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