Re: Java: Helping the world build bigger idiots

2005-09-20 Thread Jerrold Leichter
| It used to be that checking bounds on certain collections was less
| efficient than waiting for the out of bounds exception. I think Joshua
| Bloch discusses this in his book.
| I've also seen this in generated code where you aren't sure of the
| nature of the object you're indexing and thus don't know the
| appropriate length variable (.length vs .length()).
| That said it's still awful.
I must admit I don't see the objection.  Exceptions are a natural way to
report "end of container" - at least in a language where they are native and
intended to be efficient.  C++ is *not* such a language:  Exceptions were
grafted on - a graft that still shows in many places - and it is widely known
that implementations are supposed to optimize the "no exceptions" case, even
at the expense of the "exceptions" case.  In fact, the norm is *no* cost when
there are no exceptions, paid for by searches through encoded tables in
each enclosing try block until you find one that matches.

Just because two constructs in two different languages are lexically and even
semantically similar doesn't mean they equivalent in intended/supported usage.
Language styles differ, sometimes dramatically.

(BTW, perhaps I don't find this usage so disturbing because I'm an old
SNOBOL4 hacker.  SNOBOL4 way pre-dates exceptions - it was mature by the
early '70's - but it did have a vaguely similar notion that an expression
could either succeed - returning a value - or fail.  Failure propagated out
through expresssions - suppressing further evaluation - to the nearest
containing statement, where it drove control flow.  Out-of-bounds access to
an array caused expression failure.  The usual way to walk a look was to
increment an index until the indexing operation failed - just as here.
(BTW, SNOBOL4 also explicitly specified the order of evaluation of expressions
and the initial value of variables.  Common SNOBOL4 programming idioms relied
on these guarantees.  These idioms would be a disaster in most other languages
- but so what.  Many of these idiomatic styles did make it into later
languages, Icon in particular.)

One thing to consider is that an idiom like this solves an annoying problem.  
Consider a linear search through an array:

for (i = 0; i < lim; i++)
{   if (a[i] == target)
 * Did we get here because we matched or because we
 * failed to match?

How many times have you written code at  - like setting a
"found" Boolean - just to distinguish the two exit states?Contrast with:

{   for (i = 0; i++; )
if (a[i] == target)
catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex)
{   /*
 * We *didn't* find the target
 * If the catch falls through, we still need to
 * disambiguate, but often the catch either adds
 * the missing element, or returns a failure.

Personally, I sometimes use:

for (i = 0; i < lim; i++)
{   if (a[i] == target)
goto found;
 * We *didn't* find it
 * We *did* find it

This draws shock and horror from some code readers, but I don't care.  :-)
Note how much it looks like the exception-based code.

-- Jerry

| On 9/19/05, Peter Gutmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > Found on the Daily WTF,
| >
| >  try {
| >int idx = 0;
| >
| >while (true) {
| >  displayProductInfo(prodnums[idx]);
| >  idx++;
| >  }
| >}
| >  catch (IndexOutOfBoundException ex) {
| >// nil
| >}
| >
| > The editor also comments that when he got the first few of these submitted
| > he rejected them as being faked, but ended up with so many that he
| > realised this usage must be relatively common.
| >
| > Peter.

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Re: [Clips] Contactless payments and the security challenges

2005-09-20 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Alexander Klimov wrote:
> Since the phone has an LCD and a keyboard it is possible to display
> ``Do you want to pay $2 to ABC, Inc. ?'' and authorize the transaction
> only if the user presses OK (larger transactions may require the PIN).
> An additional benefit is that it is your own card accepting device and
> thus the risk that the PIN is keyloggered is lower (of course, this is
> only as far as mobiles are more secure than usual windows pc).

couple articles to put switch on RFID/contactless payment cards
that has to be depressed for the card to be active (somewhat cutting
down on some of the covert skimming attacks)

Switching Off Credit Card Fraud

Switching Off May Reduce Contactless Card Fraud

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Re: ECC patents?

2005-09-20 Thread Bodo Moeller
On Wed, Sep 14, 2005 at 12:18:14PM +0300, Alexander Klimov wrote:

>   What is Really Covered
>   o  The use of elliptic curves defined over GF(p) where p is a prime
>  number greater than 2^255 when the product satisfies the Field of
>  Use conditions
>   o  Both compressed and uncompressed point implementations
>   o  Use of elliptic curve MQV and ECDSA under the above conditions
> This hints that indeed only some particular curves are patented.

Not quite.  I understand the agreement is about using MQV and other
patented stuff, but limited to certain curves.  This alone does not
necessary imply that the *patent* situation is different for prime
fields and binary fields, or for different field sizes -- it just
means that the *license* to the relevant patents has been restricted
accordingly.  Scott Vanstone reports that Certicom would have charged
more for including binary curves as well and this is why they were
left out (for now).

The OpenSSL team, cowards that they are, omitted MQV and other stuff
that would infringe on patents.  MQV is a useful protocol, but clearly
covered by patents.  OpenSSL does support both prime curves and (more
recently thanks to the Sun contribution) binary curves, but without
point compression for binary curves since this would be another patent

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Re: Defending users of unprotected login pages with TrustBar

2005-09-20 Thread Amir Herzberg

David Wagner wrote:

Amir Herzberg writes:

However, quite a few of these sites invoke SSL/TLS only _after_ user has
typed in her user name and pw, and clicked `submit`. This allows a MITM
adversary to send a modified login page to the user, which sends the pw
to the attacker (rather than encrypting it and sending to the site). See
below link to a `Hall of Shame (HoS)` listing such sites.

There are few things we can do about this. We can try to convince these
sites to use SSL/TLS _before_ asking for userid and pw; I tried, and few
fixed, but most did not.

But this isn't enough.  The only way for a user to be secure against such
attacks is to type in a https:-style URL into the address bar directly, or
to load a https:-style URL from a bookmark.  

Why? What's your threat model?

From the follow on, it seems you are concerned that even if the site's 
homepage say would redirect to, like 
etrade for instance do, this can be redirected by a MITM attacker. 
Similarly, if the homepage only contains a link to the https: protected 
login page, like most banks do e.g. Citibank, then again a MITM may 
redirect this to his own page.

The user may not notice this change in address. In fact, with current 
browser UI, we know - by common sense and experiments - that almost all 
users will fail to notice such attacks. But our early experimental data 
with TrustBar seem to show that with improved UI, most users may be able 
to detect such spoofing attempts.

Moreover, a MITM attack may be done even if the user types https://... A 
MITM may reply to the SSL connection itself (e.g. via DNS spoofing). 
True, the browser expects a certificate for say and now will 
get a cert for a different site, so the user gets a warning message; 
however, this is the sort of messages that users often click-away 
without reading and definitely without understanding.

Furthermore, the attacker may even get a cert for the original address 
from one of the less-trustworthy CAs supported by the browser, in which 
case there is not even a warning - with current browser UI. TrustBar 
provides indicators which seem to allow most or at least many naive 
users detect such attacks (involving a non-trustworthy CA).

> Users have to always remember

to type in; they must never use,
or they will be insecure.  Training users to follow this discipline is not
a trivial task.

Impossible task, imho.

I'm not sure it is fair to blame this solely on the web sites

changes to web browsers and/or web servers.  So, a Hall of Shame seems
a little over the top to me, since there is no obvious way that the
web site could fix this on its own.

Web sites should use SSL to protect their login forms (and redirect from 
http if user tries to use it). This does leave the possibility of users 
being redirected to other sites, but at least the site has done the best 
it can. Indeed, very few non-US banks expose their customers in this way.

TrustBar's solution to this conundrum is a nice one.  I like it.
But it does require changing the web browser.
Thanks, and yes, I agree, this requires browser change, I don't think we 
can avoid this. Users can currently use our extension, and we hope that 
as more and more do so, browers makers will add such features.

One thing that web sites could do to help is to always make work just as well as, and
then browser plug-ins could simply translate -> for all sensitive sites.  Of course, web site
operators may be reluctant to take this step on performance grounds.


Best regards,

Amir Herzberg

Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
Bar Ilan University
Try TrustBar - improved browser security UI:
Visit my Hall Of Shame of Unprotected Login pages:

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Re: Defending users of unprotected login pages with TrustBar

2005-09-20 Thread Amir Herzberg

John Gilmore wrote:

Perhaps the idea of "automatically" redirecting people to alternative
pages goes a bit too far:
Of course, users can turn this off for one page or for all, but that's 
not answering yet John's comments below - I respond following them...

Also: I am not crazy about this solution either, but I think the current 
situation, where very large banks insist on providing unprotected login 
pages, is even worse. I tried convincing them, and I must say few did 
change, e.g. Wells Fargo I think. I'll be happy to hear of better 
solutions (or do you think the current state is better?).

1. TrustBar will automatically download from our own server,
periodically, a list of all of the unprotected login sites, including
any alternate protected login pages we are aware of. By default,
whenever a user accesses one of these unprotected pages, she will be
automatically redirected to the alternate, protected login page.

How convenient!  So if I could hack your server, I could get all
TrustBar users' accesses -- to any predefined set of pages on the
Internet -- to be redirected to scam pages.
What if the list is signed by one or more authorities that users are 
willing to trust to this matter?

Or just have the list in a trusted site - after all, if someone breaks 
Google, they can redirect much more than by attacking our server...

A redirect to an "untrustworthy" page is just as easy as a redirect to a
"trustworthy" page.  The question is who you trust.
We are not redirecting to a trustworthy site (e.g., your bank is 
insecure, try that one instead...). We simply redirect to an SSL 
protected page of the same entity (bank) if we know one.

BTW, TrustBar is an open-source project, so if some of you want to
provide it to your customers, possibly customized (branded) etc., there
is no licensing required.

Also providing a handy platform for slightly modified versions, that will
take their cues from a less "trustworthy" list of redirects.
Are you now against open source in general? After all, for this attack, 
Mozilla would be a much better target... In fact, since `everybody` uses 
Windows, any stupid program can redirect users to fake sites - and do 
much worse...

Anyway - thanks for the feedback.
Best regards,

Amir Herzberg

Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
Bar Ilan University
Try TrustBar - improved browser security UI:
Visit my Hall Of Shame of Unprotected Login pages:

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [IP] more on ARMSTRONG LECTURE on Quantum Crypto and Optical Networks (Forwarded)]]

2005-09-20 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 20:30:36 -0400
To: Ip Ip 
Subject: [IP] more on  ARMSTRONG LECTURE on Quantum Crypto and Optical Networks 
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.734)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Rod Van Meter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 19, 2005 7:25:19 PM EDT
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: [IP] ARMSTRONG LECTURE on Quantum Crypto and  
Optical Networks (Forwarded)]

[Dave, for IP, if you wish...]

I generally agree with Dave Wagner's response, but a few thoughts...

The physicists are indeed working on quantum repeaters, capable of doing
QKD over long distances.  The trouble is, you have to trust every one of
the repeaters.

I wouldn't phrase the "fiber security" issue quite the same way.  As
others have said, what you need is access to an authenticated channel,
then you're set (but that's a non-trivial problem!).  It's important to
note that a) QKD does NOT solve what Shor's factoring algorithm broke,
and b) key exchange/distribution is not the biggest security problem we
have on the net (it might not even make the top ten).

The one possibly interesting use of QKD is for the super-paranoid: those
who believe their traffic is being snooped today, and don't want it
decrypted fifty years from now when theoretical and technological
advances render all classical cryptography breakable (!?!).

But in order for that to work, you have to use the QKD-generated random
bit string as a one-time pad, not just a seed or key for classical
encryption.  That means you need very high QKD bit-generation rates, and
most are still in the kilobits/second.  Some experiments have been done
in the low megabits/sec., but that's pre-filtering, I believe, which
costs you at least one order of magnitude in performance.

If you do it right, then, authentication that is good enough TODAY, plus
QKD to generate a random one-time pad, can make your data secure FOREVER
(modulo breakins/breakdowns at the endpoints).  Even if your
authentication is broken later, since it's not used in the actual data
exchange, the attacker gains no data.  This is covered in Paterson et
al.'s paper.

I arrived at the party a little late to get in on the recent thread at
Dave Bacon's Quantum Pontiff blog, but I did throw in my two cents

Dave's blog is an excellent source for current news and gossip, and is
read (and commented on) by many of the best names in the biz.

btw, Steve, not sure if you're aware of it or not, but Al Aho's student
Krysta Svore is doing quantum stuff for her thesis.  She just spent a
year in Cambridge working with Ike Chuang, but is back at Columbia, I
understand.  She's pretty sharp.


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ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820
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Description: Digital signature

Online fraud 'ahead' of credit-card companies-experts

2005-09-20 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler;_ylt=AlItQtA0cAs1.5FbhmH_orX6VbIF;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl

Online fraud 'ahead' of credit-card companies-experts

Speaking at an conference here, John Shaughnessy, senior vice president
for fraud prevention at Visa USA and Suzanne Lynch, vice president for
security and risk services at MasterCard International, said that
organized crime rings 

.. snip ...

The picture they presented of an escalating struggle between commerce
and criminality offered little hope of quick relief for consumers
worried about identity theft or for investors in card-issuing banks
concerned about security's escalating costs.

... snip ...

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Re: Java: Helping the world build bigger idiots

2005-09-20 Thread Bill Frantz
On 9/19/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Gutmann) wrote:

>Found on the Daily WTF,
>  try { 
>int idx = 0; 
>while (true) { 
>  displayProductInfo(prodnums[idx]);
>  idx++; 
>  } 
>  catch (IndexOutOfBoundException ex) { 
>// nil

This is obviously just an attempt to make Java array access more like Java file 
access.  :-)

Seriously, the real flaw in this approach, which I did not see mentioned in the 
comments on the web page Peter references above, is the masking of 
IndexOutOfBoundExceptions that may be generated by displayProductInfo.  This 
code will treat such errors as "end of array".  A more normal coding of the 

for (int i=1; i

Re: Defending users of unprotected login pages with TrustBar

2005-09-20 Thread John Gilmore
Perhaps the idea of "automatically" redirecting people to alternative
pages goes a bit too far:

> 1. TrustBar will automatically download from our own server,
> periodically, a list of all of the unprotected login sites, including
> any alternate protected login pages we are aware of. By default,
> whenever a user accesses one of these unprotected pages, she will be
> automatically redirected to the alternate, protected login page.

How convenient!  So if I could hack your server, I could get all
TrustBar users' accesses -- to any predefined set of pages on the
Internet -- to be redirected to scam pages.

A redirect to an "untrustworthy" page is just as easy as a redirect to a
"trustworthy" page.  The question is who you trust.

> BTW, TrustBar is an open-source project, so if some of you want to
> provide it to your customers, possibly customized (branded) etc., there
> is no licensing required.

Also providing a handy platform for slightly modified versions, that will
take their cues from a less "trustworthy" list of redirects.


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Defending users of unprotected login pages with TrustBar

2005-09-20 Thread David Wagner
Amir Herzberg writes:
>However, quite a few of these sites invoke SSL/TLS only _after_ user has
>typed in her user name and pw, and clicked `submit`. This allows a MITM
>adversary to send a modified login page to the user, which sends the pw
>to the attacker (rather than encrypting it and sending to the site). See
>below link to a `Hall of Shame (HoS)` listing such sites.
>There are few things we can do about this. We can try to convince these
>sites to use SSL/TLS _before_ asking for userid and pw; I tried, and few
>fixed, but most did not.

But this isn't enough.  The only way for a user to be secure against such
attacks is to type in a https:-style URL into the address bar directly, or
to load a https:-style URL from a bookmark.  Users have to always remember
to type in; they must never use,
or they will be insecure.  Training users to follow this discipline is not
a trivial task.

I'm not sure it is fair to blame this solely on the web sites.
The problem is that the https: model for web security is broken, if
attackers are mounting active attacks, DNS spoofing, and other kinds of
man-in-the-middle attacks.  The problem is not with SSL; the problem is
with the model for how SSL is applied to solve the web security problem,
and with the user interaction model.  Fixing this probably requires
changes to web browsers and/or web servers.  So, a Hall of Shame seems
a little over the top to me, since there is no obvious way that the
web site could fix this on its own.

TrustBar's solution to this conundrum is a nice one.  I like it.
But it does require changing the web browser.

One thing that web sites could do to help is to always make work just as well as, and
then browser plug-ins could simply translate -> for all sensitive sites.  Of course, web site
operators may be reluctant to take this step on performance grounds.

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Re: [Clips] Contactless payments and the security challenges

2005-09-20 Thread Alexander Klimov
On Sun, 18 Sep 2005, John Gilmore wrote:

> E.g. I can extract money from your RFID payment tag whenever you
> walk past, whether you authorized the transaction or not.

Since the phone has an LCD and a keyboard it is possible to display
``Do you want to pay $2 to ABC, Inc. ?'' and authorize the transaction
only if the user presses OK (larger transactions may require the PIN).
An additional benefit is that it is your own card accepting device and
thus the risk that the PIN is keyloggered is lower (of course, this is
only as far as mobiles are more secure than usual windows pc).

> If you lose your cellphone, you can report it gone (to fifty
> different systems), and somehow show them your new Motorola RFID,
> but how is each of them going to know it's you, rather than a
> fraudster doing denial of service or identity theft on you?

I guess the idea is that each transaction is online, so you can just
notify your bank (who can identify you).

> That is only true once -- til anyone who wants to correlates that
> token ID "blob" with your photo on the security camera, your license
> plate number (and the RFIDs in each of your Michelin tires), the
> other RFIDs you're carrying, your mobile phone number, the driver's
> license they asked you to show, the shipping address of the thing
> you just bought, and the big database on the Internet where Equifax
> will turn a token ID into an SSN (or vice verse) for 3c in bulk.

This problem is also solvable if the bank or a separate privacy
certification authority (as it is proposed in the TCG documents)
provides an alternative ID for your phone---an alias of the
endorsement key---for each new transaction,

But do not get me wrong: saying that all the common problems are
easily solvable does not mean that they are in fact solved in this
particular system...


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2005-09-20 Thread R.A. Hettinga

--- begin forwarded text

 Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 15:04:54 -0400
 To: "Philodox Clips List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 From: "R.A. Hettinga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Subject: [Clips] [MTNews] CRYPTOCard DEMONSTRATES CRYPTO-Server 6.3

 --- begin forwarded text

  Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 09:59:24 -0700
  From: MacTech News Moderator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Subject: [MTNews] CRYPTOCard DEMONSTRATES CRYPTO-Server 6.3

  This message comes to you from MacTech News -- the Mac(tm) OS Technical
  News and Info server.  See below for more info on this list (including
  sub/unsub details).


  Fully Compatible With "Tiger's" Support For Smart Cards, CRYPTO-Server 6.3
  For OS X Provides Simple Authenticated Access To Desktops-Even If The User
  Is Not Connected To The Network!

  PARIS, FRANCE, September 19, 2005  CRYPTOCard (,
  a leading authentication developer, will demonstrate CRYPTO-Server 6.3 for
  OS X, the authentication solution designed to make it simple to positively
  identify all Panther and Tiger users attempting LAN, VPN (Apple or Cisco),
  or Web-based (Apache) access, at the Apple Expo (booth 22) in Paris from
  September 20th through 24th. Specifically designed to fully integrate with
  Tiger's robust support for smart card environments, CRYPTO-Server 6.3
  couples something in the user's possession (a multi-function smart card,
  USB token, hardware token, or software token), with something the user
  knows (their PIN) to provide secure, enterprise-class LAN, Web, and remote
  ATM-style One-PIN-and-You’re-In’ authenticated access that mirrors the look
  and feel of the OS X logon  ensuring that the technology is simple for
  Tiger and Panther users to utilize. CRYPTO-Server 6.3's "Fast User
  Switching" functionality also makes it simple for multiple Tiger users to
  securely access the Mac, using smart cards or tokens  in a stand-alone or
  networked environment.

  Incorporating CRYPTOCard's familiar ATM-style logon, that has proven to
  eliminate the user resistance usually encountered when organizations
  attempt to implement an additional layer of security, CRYPTO-Server 6.3 for
  OS X generates a one-time password for every log-on attempt, making stolen
  credentials useless to hackers while simultaneously ensuring Tiger and
  Panther users do not have to memorize complicated credentials
  significantly reducing the help-desk costs associated with resetting
  forgotten passwords, and the obvious security risk resulting from users
  writing down their passwords.

  "Understanding that an organization cannot guarantee a system security if
  it cannot positively authenticate each individual user, CRYPTOCard has
  developed a fully-integrated authentication solution specifically designed
  for Tiger and Panther," commented Malcolm MacTaggart, President & CEO,
  CRYPTOCard Corporation. "CRYPTO-Server 6.3 now makes it simple for Tiger
  and Panther users, particularly in the traditional Mac strongholds of the
  health, legal, higher education, and printing/publishing/multimedia
  sectors, to provide true ATM-style One-PIN-and-You’re-In’ enterprise-class
  strong user authentication for LAN, VPN, Web, or remote system access."

  CRYPTOCard's CRYPTO-Logon feature makes it easy for OS X users attempting
  to gain secure LAN, Web, or remote access to the system to authenticate
  themselves to the CRYPTO-Server by simply inserting their smart card and
  entering their PIN. To log off, the user simply removes their smart card to
  lock the desktop. CRYPTO-Server 6.3 for OS X's "Fast User Switching"
  functionality makes it simple for multiple users to utilize CRYPTOCard's
  familiar ATM-style protocol to gain authenticated access via the same
  computer in stand-alone and, or, in network environments.

  CRYPTO-Server's remote access functionality offers support for Apple's VPN
  Server, with the same "One-PIN-and-You’re-In." experience, however, if
  hardware tokens are employed, no additional software is required on the
  client side  CRYPTOCard's two-factor-authentication is ready to go,
  "out-of-the-box." CRYPTO-Server 6.3's CRYPTO-Web component also makes it
  simple for Tiger users to utilize the exact same ATM-style log-on protocol
  to positively authenticate themselves to Apache and IIS Websites, right
  down to the page level. And, with almost 75 percent (or more than 13
  million) of the world's web servers running on Apache, CRYPTO-Server 6.3
  for OS X represents a significant advance in authentication technology for
  the web medium.

Guideline for Implementing Cryptography In the Federal Government

2005-09-20 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

--Steven M. Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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RFID Payments

2005-09-20 Thread R.A. Hettinga
I've got Dave's updated article here, for them as wants it...


--- begin forwarded text

 Subject: RFID Payments
 Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 17:21:14 +0100
 From: "Dave Birch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 John (and Bob and Ian),

 Thanks for the interest in the article, which I really appreciate.  I can
 safely say I had no idea that NCC IT Advisor was so widely read!

 >  Interesting article,

 Thanks, much appreciated.

 > but despite the title, there seems to be no
 >  mention of any of the actual security (or privacy) challenges involved
 >  in deploying massive RFID payment systems.

 Please find enclosed an updated draft of a longer version, which I hope
 helps to stimulate this debate further.

 >E.g. I can extract money
 >  from your RFID payment tag whenever you walk past, whether you
 >  authorized the transaction or not.

 You can extract a transaction, certainly.  But not money: the only place the
 money can go to is a merchant acquiring account (if you're talking about
 Visa, MC, Amex schemes).

 > And even assuming you wanted it
 >  this way, if your Nokia phone has an RFID chip in it, who's going to
 >  twist the arms of all the transit systems and banks and ATM networks
 >  and vending machines and parking meters and supermarkets and
 >  libraries?

 Transit is a special case, so let's put that to one side for a second.

 As for banks, supermarkets etc: they're already installing the terminals.

 > Their first reaction is going to be to issue you an RFID
 >  themselves, and make you juggle them all,

 Just like your existing payment cards.

 >rather than agreeing that
 >  your existing Nokia RFID will work with their system.

 No, not really.  Your Nokia phone will become your Visa or MC card and
 therefore work with the terminals.

 Things may develop in a different direction in the world of NFC, but that's
 a different issue (ie, phone as POS terminal rather than phone as card).

 >If you lose
 >  your cellphone, you can report it gone (to fifty different systems),
 >  and somehow show them your new Motorola RFID, but how is each of them
 >  going to know it's you, rather than a fraudster doing denial of
 >  service or identity theft on you?

 Very good point, and this will have to be addressed.

 >  Then there's the usual "tracking people via the RFIDs they carry"
 >  problem, which was not just ignored -- they claimed the opposite:

 Remote tracking is a non-issue with these schemes, the range is too short.
 I'll track the tag on your shirt rather than your card.

 >  "This kind of solution provides privacy, because the token ID is
 >  meaningless to anyone other than the issuing bank which can map that
 >  ID to an actual account or card number."  That is only true once --
 >  til anyone who wants to correlates that token ID "blob" with your
 >  photo on the security camera,

 Or the loyalty card I used in the transaction.  But your point is correct:
 using my MasterCard keyfob gives me privacy from the clerk etc, but of
 course it is not designed to be impervious to correlated data fusion.

 > your license plate number (and the RFIDs
 >  in each of your Michelin tires), the other RFIDs you're carrying, your
 >  mobile phone number, the driver's license they asked you to show, the
 >  shipping address of the thing you just bought, and the big database on
 >  the Internet where Equifax will turn a token ID into an SSN (or vice
 >  verse) for 3c in bulk.

 That's a different kind of privacy.  I am not claiming that the payment
 tokens being introduced provide any kind of anonymity.  Nor do they and nor,
 as far as I am aware, will it ever be one of their design goals.

 >  The article seems to have a not-so-subtle flavor of boosterspice.

 Absolutely.  I love contactless payments.

 >  Anybody got a REAL article on contactless payments and security
 >  challenges?

 Please let me have a copy as I'm interested in anything around this topic.

 And thanks again for taking the trouble to comment: I genuinely do value the

 Best regards,
 Dave Birch.

 -- David Birch, Director, Consult Hyperion 
 -- Tweed House, 12 The Mount, Guildford GU2 4HN, UK
 -- voice +44 (0)1483 468672, fax +44 (0)8701 338610
 -- Digital Identity 6, 25th/26th October 2005 

--- end forwarded text

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

The Cryptography Mailing List

Re: Java: Helping the world build bigger idiots

2005-09-20 Thread Jeremiah Rogers
It used to be that checking bounds on certain collections was less
efficient than waiting for the out of bounds exception. I think Joshua
Bloch discusses this in his book.

I've also seen this in generated code where you aren't sure of the
nature of the object you're indexing and thus don't know the
appropriate length variable (.length vs .length()).

That said it's still awful.

On 9/19/05, Peter Gutmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Found on the Daily WTF,
>  try {
>int idx = 0;
>while (true) {
>  displayProductInfo(prodnums[idx]);
>  idx++;
>  }
>  catch (IndexOutOfBoundException ex) {
>// nil
> The editor also comments that when he got the first few of these submitted he
> rejected them as being faked, but ended up with so many that he realised this
> usage must be relatively common.
> Peter.
> -
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Jeremiah Rogers

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