Re: SecurID and garage door openers

2005-10-18 Thread Jerrold Leichter
| | Speaking of two-factor authentication, can anyone explain how servers
| | validate the code from a SecurID token in the presence of clockskew? 
| | Does it look backwards and forwards in time a few minutes?
| Yes, it rolls forward and back 3-5 cycles.  The server maintains a
| list of what time it thinks the token thinks it is.  So its not
| testing what time it is, its testing what time the token thinks it is.
Plus, I believe it maintains and updates an estimate of the skew between its 
clock and the token's.  So the "what time I think the token thinks it is" 
value is pretty accurate.  Note that a value read off the token is good for a 
minute, so your synchronization doesn't have to be that good to begin with. (I 
suppose you could scan over a larger number of cycles to find the entered 
value and then use the cycle distance *just to update the skew/token time 
calculation*, refusing the value.  A legitimate user will just try again with 
the next generated number and succeed; but a guesser won't be helped by the 
broader scan range.  At most, he can screw up the skew/token time estimate
somewhat, but that will "heal" when the legimate user next logs in.)

I think there's some special-case synchronization the first time the token is 
used, the details of which I can't recall.  (It may be just that the server is 
very liberal about the allowed skew if it knows it hasn't talked to a token in 
a long time - which is how it would presumably look on the first attempt.  I 
suppose if you're really worried that this would allow an attacker to get in 
before the legitimate user, you can make it a policy to log in with the token 
a couple of times after setting up the account but before handing out the 
token.  Then again, the software could well have a mechanism to do exactly 
this synchronization step, so that you don't actually have to log in or even 
enable the account until synchronization is complete.)

-- Jerry

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Re: SecurID and garage door openers

2005-10-18 Thread Joseph Ashwood
- Original Message - 
From: "Travis H." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: SecurID and garage door openers

Similarly, how do those garage door openers with "rolling codes" work,
given that the user may have pressed the button many times
accidentally while out of range of the receiver?

My understanding is that since it is a purely monotonic counter it is plenty 
possible to do one of two things:
send {counter, data} instead of {data}, receiver stores last counter to 
avoid replays

have the receiver just keep counting forward for a while (not a good idea

Is there any interest in reviewing the security of consumer-level

I'd be willing to take a look at the protocol, but dissection is not my 

PS: How many cypherpunks does it take to open a garage door?

Currently, not very many, with proper designs openly published, not very 
many because not very many companies will use it. However, it could be a 
useful way for some cipherpunks to make some extra money. Anyone else up for 
it? and how about the car alarm?

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Re: SecurID and garage door openers

2005-10-18 Thread maf
On 18 okt, Greg Rose wrote:
>>Similarly, how do those garage door openers with "rolling codes" work,
>>given that the user may have pressed the button many times
>>accidentally while out of range of the receiver?
> Ahh, one of the dirty little secrets. If the base receives two 
> sequential outputs from a registered token, even if they are a long 
> way away from the currently expected output, it will resynchronize to 
> that.

I guess this varies. At least my former car had a warning in the manual,
regarding the remote, that it could get out of sync if I pressed the
buttons too many time while out of range. So I guess at least some
manufacturers did something a little bit better.


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Re: SecurID and garage door openers

2005-10-18 Thread Greg Rose

At 03:25 2005-10-18 -0500, Travis H. wrote:

Speaking of two-factor authentication, can anyone explain how servers
validate the code from a SecurID token in the presence of clockskew?
Does it look backwards and forwards in time a few minutes?

Yes, at registration time the server checks that the clock skew is 
reasonable (IIRC, within 100 minutes either way). From then on it 
knows and remembers the approximate clock skew.

Similarly, how do those garage door openers with "rolling codes" work,
given that the user may have pressed the button many times
accidentally while out of range of the receiver?

Ahh, one of the dirty little secrets. If the base receives two 
sequential outputs from a registered token, even if they are a long 
way away from the currently expected output, it will resynchronize to 
that. The replay protection just means that the attacker needs to 
record two sequential accesses, not a single one. When all is working 
as expected, this means the attacker must target you and hang around 
for a day, or do a lunchtime attack on your zapper.


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Re: SecurID and garage door openers

2005-10-18 Thread Adam Shostack
On Tue, Oct 18, 2005 at 03:25:40AM -0500, Travis H. wrote:
| Speaking of two-factor authentication, can anyone explain how servers
| validate the code from a SecurID token in the presence of clockskew? 
| Does it look backwards and forwards in time a few minutes?

Yes, it rolls forward and back 3-5 cycles.  The server maintains a
list of what time it thinks the token thinks it is.  So its not
testing what time it is, its testing what time the token thinks it is.

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printer "dot code" broken by EFF

2005-10-18 Thread Perry E. Metzger

Many color printers these days include a subtle set of dots in the
output that encodes information on the printer that produced it,
allowing tracing of who printed what. EFF has broken the code on one
such line of printers:


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SecurID and garage door openers

2005-10-18 Thread Travis H.
Speaking of two-factor authentication, can anyone explain how servers
validate the code from a SecurID token in the presence of clockskew? 
Does it look backwards and forwards in time a few minutes?

Similarly, how do those garage door openers with "rolling codes" work,
given that the user may have pressed the button many times
accidentally while out of range of the receiver?

Is there any interest in reviewing the security of consumer-level
devices?  I ran across this when trying to pick a fairly secure
cordless telephone; there's precious little information on the
algorithms and keys used in the sales brochures.  I've heard horror
stories such as a DSSS phone that actually uses a normal analog
transmission in one of the directions.  Same issue with garage door
openers, alarm systems with remote controls, etc.

PS: How many cypherpunks does it take to open a garage door?
--  -><-
"We already have enough fast, insecure systems." -- Schneier & Ferguson
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Re: EDP (entropy distribution protocol), userland PRNG design

2005-10-18 Thread Travis H.
> I can't say I a fan of the idea of having multiple ways of mixing entropy into
> the system. In particular, the idea of producing output by XORing your PRNGs
> output with the output of a semi-public RNG seems like a bad idea to me,
> because an attacker can easily control those values by taking over the web
> server or modifying packets in the network, and if they can somehow predict
> your PRNG outputs then they will be able to actually control the final output.

Ah yes, leveraging a known output into a controlled output would be bad indeed.

> I prefer a multi-stage design, as described by various people smarter than I
> am:
>  source(s) --> mixer --> pool --> extractor --> X9.31

Where can I find out more about the design choices for these stages?

> I believe most common hardware RNGs produce data at fairly high rates, often
> over 100 kbytes per second.

Some do, some don't.  Depends on the random source they are tapping.

Mine, the Atom Age HWRNG, produces them at 9600bps:

Here are two others:

The Intel Random Number Generator
The Via C3 Nehemiah RNG

The actual output rate depends on things like whitening and von
Neumann correctors, and so may vary.  In any case, the source has some
limit on the entropy rate, and oversampling won't help you generate
random bits any faster; you will get more bits but no more randomness.

With HWRNGs based on radioactive decay, going fast means using some
very unsafe substances.

There are some very fast RNGs, such as the quantis:

However, that's a sealed opaque package, so I don't fully trust it. 
I've been wondering if there's a way I could use it such that I didn't
have to fully trust it.  For example, if I could combine several, so
that an effective attack would require collusion of several parties.

> Instead of treating the two entropy sources as somehow different in your 
> mixing
> strategy, just use the HWRNG for most of the inputs, but every tenth sample 
> (or
> whatever), instead use the hash of all the random-looking system data you can
> get ahold of. Only doing it occasionally means there is a reasonable chance
> that sufficient changes have happend to the system since the sample worthwhile
> in terms of entropy gained, and doing a large block of it all at once prevents
> iterative guessing attacks if an attacker can control your HWRNG outputs but
> not your system statistics.

That seems like a very ad-hoc system that treats the HWRNG and
random-looking system data as somehow different (one is used for 90%
of the samples, one for 10%).

> Encrypting the output using keys generated by the PRNG is a good idea, but you
> presented it in a somewhat confusing way, in that it sounded almost like you
> were doing message transfer. [...]
> At not point do the two sides actually exchange messages,

I don't follow.  I'm transmitting entropy from the source to where it
is needed; surely this is a message of some kind?

I think I see what you mean, though, in that you don't need to think
of the encryption as part of the network protocol, but rather as
processing of the already-transmitted data.

> If
> you want to try to keep the entropy values sent from the box with the HWRNG to
> the client a secret from people on the network, just open up a TLS session.

TLS is SSL, right?

Transmitting over SSL would limit the strength to the minimum of the
strength of the asymmetric and symmetric ciphers.  Using my method
alone would not involve PK, so would be faster, need less entropy to
start with, and also the upper bound on strength is the same or
higher.  What I'm saying is that a chain is only as strong as its
weakest link, and my protocol has one less link.

> at little or no extra cost. You can buy a PCI board with a low-end Hifn crypto
> chip on it for less than $80 online.

For anyone who is interested, here is a link:
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"We already have enough fast, insecure systems." -- Schneier & Ferguson
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[Clips] Estonians vote in world's first nationwide Internet election

2005-10-18 Thread R.A. Hettinga

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 Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2005 20:11:31 -0400
 To: Philodox Clips List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 From: "R.A. Hettinga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Subject: [Clips] Estonians vote in world's first nationwide Internet election


 The San Jose Mercury News

 Posted on Fri, Oct. 14, 2005?

 Estonians vote in world's first nationwide Internet election

 TALLINN, Estonia (AP) - This tiny former Soviet republic nicknamed
 ``e-Stonia'' because of its tech-savvy population is breaking new ground in
 digital democracy.

 This week, Estonia became the first country in the world to hold an
 election allowing voters nationwide to cast ballots over the Internet.

 Fewer than 10,000 people, or 1 percent of registered voters, participated
 online in elections for mayors and city councils across the country, but
 officials hailed the experiment conducted Monday to Wednesday as a success.

 Election officials in the country of 1.4 million said they had received no
 reports of flaws in the online voting system or hacking attempts.

 But critics say the fact that no problems emerged shouldn't give people
 comfort that Internet voting is safe from hacks, identity fraud and vote
 count manipulation. Potential attackers, they say, may simply wait until
 Internet voting is more widely used -- by which time it would be harder to

 In the United States, the Pentagon canceled an Internet voting plan for
 military and overseas citizens in 2004 because of security concerns. Plans
 for large-scale voting in Britain have also been dropped.

 ``The benefits don't come anywhere near the risks,'' said Jason Kitcat, an
 online consultant and researcher at the University of Sussex, England.
 ``It's a waste of money and a waste of government energy.''

 He acknowledged that Estonia's system was the most secure to date, but said
 no system was ``good enough for a politically binding election.''

 Thousands of people voted online in Democratic primaries in Arizona in 2000
 and Michigan in 2004. The city of Geneva, Switzerland, has held several
 online referendums, the first in January 2003.

 But Estonia is the first to extend it to voters nationwide, experts said.

 ``They have the perfect population size to do something like this,'' said
 Thad Hall, a University of Utah political scientist and co-author of a book
 on Internet voting. ``As they have success, people will start to copy their

 Estonia has the most advanced information infrastructure of any formerly
 communist eastern European state.

 It gave the Linux-based voting system a trial run in January, when about
 600 people voted online in a referendum in the capital, Tallinn. The plan
 is to allow online voting in the next parliamentary elections in 2007.

 ``I believe this is the future,'' said Mait Sooaru, director of an Estonian
 information logistics company who cast his electronic ballot Monday. ``It
 was easy and pretty straightforward.''

 To cast an online ballot, voters need a special ID card, a $24 device that
 reads the card and a computer with Internet access. Some 80 percent of
 Estonian voters have the ID cards, which have been used since 2002 for
 online access to bank accounts and tax records.

 Election committee officials said the ID card system had proven effective
 and reliable and dismissed any security concerns with using it for the
 online ballot.

 Arne Koitmae, of Parliament's elections department, said Internet voting
 would make it easier for people in remote rural locations to vote.

 Election officials said only 9,317 people out of 1.06 million registered
 voters opted to vote online. Estonians were also given the option of voting
 by mail and in person on Sunday.

 Koitmae said many ID card users still lack the reading device, which
 explains the low turnout of online voting.

 R. A. Hettinga 
 The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
 "... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
 [predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
 experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'
 Clips mailing list

--- end forwarded text

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

The Cryptograph

[Clips] Bypassing the Password Prompt

2005-10-18 Thread R.A. Hettinga

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 Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2005 20:02:26 -0400
 To: Philodox Clips List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 From: "R.A. Hettinga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Subject: [Clips] Bypassing the Password Prompt


 The Washington Post
 Bypassing the Password Prompt

 By Mike Musgrove
 Washington Post Staff Writer
 Sunday, October 16, 2005; F07

 So many passwords, so little memory. In a digital era where everybody can
 access everything from bank information to vacation photos online,
 passwords are everywhere and many folks in the plugged-in world are finding
 they have more than they can remember.

 Password-management software, designed to give people a safe place to stash
 all those secret codes, has become a mini-industry unto itself. For Mac
 users, Apple has even built a password-stashing program, called Keychain,
 into the operating system.

 Security expert Bruce Schneier, the author of a free program for Windows
 users, got so tired of having to keep a lot of seldom-used passwords in his
 head that he designed a digital-locker program that he gives away at his
 security-focused blog, .

 Schneier says his program, which is basically a notepad locked under its
 own password, uses "military-level" encryption. "Basically, the idea is
 that you could hand this file to your worst enemy, and he still couldn't
 get to your passwords," he said.

 Just don't come complaining to him if you forget the password that you use
 to open the program because he has no way to access it.

 Schneier's program requires users to copy and paste their password from his
 program to any password-protected application or Web site. For users
 looking to reclaim a few more precious seconds from their daily Web
 routine, there's another program that makes things even a little easier.

 A security widget from Siber Systems Inc., a small software company in
 Fairfax, automates the process of logging on to password-protected Web
 sites. Click on your "Hotmail" entry in the program, for example, and
 RoboForm will automatically enter your information and log you in to the
 Web-based e-mail program. If you like, the program will even randomly
 generate a password for you, all the better for protecting that valuable
 info locked up at your online stock account.

 Siber Systems marketing executive Bill Carey says that the program, which
 will also stash your credit card information and fill it out when you make
 purchases online, has been downloaded 6 million times since its launch in
 2001. The company offers a free trial version of the software at ; the full version costs $29.95.

 Sometimes Web users can circumvent the process of having to use a password
 at all. For Web surfers who don't want to register at pesky news sites that
 want your e-mail address and demographic information, one site, , is a clearinghouse for bogus accounts. It'll set
 you up with cheeky fake names and passwords -- like "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
 and "death_to_logons" -- that already work on the site you're trying to

 Though is primarily a handy way to avoid registering at a news
 site -- the site lists as an offender -- it also pitches
 itself as a social movement for those who find it annoying that such Web
 sites ask for personal information. The site has a petition online, a
 protest "to demonstrate the pointless nature of forced Web site
 registration schemes and the dubious demographic data they collect."

 By signing the petition, users vow to create a fake account at
 one of the "top ten offending sites" on Nov. 13, which the site dubs
 "Internet Advertiser Wakeup Day."

 R. A. Hettinga 
 The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
 "... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
 [predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
 experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'
 Clips mailing list

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R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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