Re: Free Rootkit with Every New Intel Machine

2007-06-23 Thread Ivan Krstić
Peter Gutmann wrote:
> I've seen all sorts of *claims* of TPM support, but try going out and buying a
> PC with one

Of the 25 business laptop models that HP offers on its site right now,
only 5 don't have a TPM installed.

Ivan Krstić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GPG: 0x147C722D

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Re: Why self describing data formats:

2007-06-23 Thread Nicolas Williams
On Mon, Jun 11, 2007 at 11:28:37AM -0400, Richard Salz wrote:
> >Many protocols use some form of self describing data format, for example
> > ASN.1, XML, S expressions, and bencoding.
> I'm not sure what you're getting at.  All XML and S expressions really get 
> you is that you know how to skip past something you don't understand. This 
> is also true for many (XER, DER, BER) but not all (PER) encodings for 
> ASN.1.

If only it were so easy.  As we discovered in the IETF KRB WG you can't
expect that just because the protocol uses a TLV encoding (DER) you can
just add items to sequences (structures) or choices (discriminated
unions) willy nilly: code generated by a compiler might choke because
formally the protocol didn't allow extensibility and the compiler did
the Right Thing.  Extensibility of this sort requires that one be
explicit about it in the original spec.

> Are you saying why publish a schema?

I doubt it: you can have schemas without self-describing encodings
(again, PER, XDR, are examples of non-self-describing encodings for
ASN.1 and XDR, respectively).  Schemas can be good while self-describing
encodings can be bad...


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Re: A secure Internet requires a secure network protocol

2007-06-23 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

Alex Alten wrote:

SSL seems to be hanging by a thread, mainly the name to public key mapping
depends on how thorough the checking is done in to SSL vs application 
inside of the web browser.  If this is hosed then unrestricted MITM is 
in the cards

sometime in the near future.

re: A secure Internet requires a secure 
network protocol

i.e. we were called in to consult with this small client/server startup that 
to do payments on their server. they had this technology they called SSL ... 
and we
had to end-to-end process audits ... including walk-thru of some of these new 
entities that were calling themselves certification authorities.

the fundamental SSL design point was that the user knows the relationship 
between a website
and a URL, the user entered that URL, and SSL would authenticate that the 
website that
the user *thot* they were talking to (from entering the URL), was in fact, the 
they were actually talking to.

these days, most users have no cognition about relationship between websites and URLs, 
they click on something in email and/or webpages. In this scenario, the attacker

is providing the URL and then the only thing that SSL is providing is 
who the attacker is claiming to be (via the URL that the attacker provides).

the original SSL design point had implicit assumptions that users knew the 
between the website they thot they were talking to and URLs (and then SSL 
the relationship between those known URLs and the website). For the most part 
assumptions are no longer valid ... which then breaks the security model and 
all bets
are off. With the potential attacker frequently providing both the URL and the 
then the only thing SSL is providing is authenticating the website that the attacker 
claims to be (via the URL) is the website that they are (breaking original basic
assumption about SSL). This totally invalidates the assumption that SSL is proving 
that the website that the user *thot* they were talking to (via directly entering 
the URL) was, in fact, the website that they were talking to (aka the user has

no idea what website they are talking to ... because they no longer have the 
about the relationship between websites they think they are talking to and the 
for those websites).

The (*URL*) name to key mapping isn't the problem ... that is the mechanics that 
SSL provided. The problem was that SSL security had implicit assumption that the

user knew the mapping between the website they think they talk to and the URL 
that website. In the current environment, that assumption is no longer valid,

So the basic, most common PKI infrastructures provide a trusted public key 
(typically manufactured into browsers before they ship). Users are 
indoctrinated that
they can trust those public keys ... for the purposes of digitally signing 
certificates. These digital certificates provide the binding between URL 
the domain names part of URL) and website public keys. It is imperative that the
user (knowledge) then provide the binding the website they think they are 
to and the URL. That is the part that is missing in today's environment (and 
large numbers of attackers can leverage to slip thru the "cracks").

The missing piece is trusted binding between who the user's think they are 
to and the URL (or at least domain name). This could be accomplished by a 
separate trusted repository ... names that the end-user relates to and trusted 
binding between those names
and URLs. Attacker provided URLs that are clicked on ... then can be 
with things in that new trusted table (analogous to the way that the browser 
of certification authority public keys are trusted).

Then the issue is that if there is a trusted table mapping names to URLs (or at 
domain names) ... and a separate table of trusted public keys ... the whole 
could be collapsed into a single table ... totally eliminating the level of
indirection provided by (redundant and superfluous) PKI and certification authorities 
... just add the public key to the trusted table of names & domain names (aka URLs).

The issue isn't so much that SSL is broken ... it is the implicit dependency on
users knowing the relationship between the website they think they were talking
to and the URL for those websites. Creating a user trusted table of website/urls
(analogous to the browser trusted table of certification authority public keys),
can make PKIs and certification authorities redundant and superfluous ... since
in whatever trusted process is used to maintain the trusted table of 
... can also directly include the public key for those website/urls.

this is similar, but different to some of the domain name infr

Re: Free Rootkit with Every New Intel Machine

2007-06-23 Thread Peter Gutmann

>my understanding from a person active in the NEA working group (IETF) is that
>TPMs these days "come along for free" because they're included on-die in at
>least one of said chips.

Check again.  A few months ago I was chatting with someone who works for a
large US computer hardware distributor and he located one single motherboard
(an Intel one, based on an old, possibly discontinued chipset) in their entire
inventory that contained a TPM (they also had all the ex-IBM/Lenovo laptops,
and a handful of HP laptops, that were reported as having TPMs).  He also said
that there were a handful of others (e.g. a few Dell laptops, which they don't
carry) with TPMs.

I've seen all sorts of *claims* of TPM support, but try going out and buying a
PC with one (aside from IBM/Lenovo and the handful of others) - you have to
look really, *really* hard to find anything, and if you do decide you
specifically want a TPM-enabled MB or laptop you're severely restricting your
options (unless it's a Lenovo).

Unless something truly miraculous happens, TPMs are destined to end their
lives as optional theft-discouragement gadgets for laptops (assuming they're
running Windows XP, or possibly Vista if you can find the drivers).  They've
certainly failed to make any impression on the desktop market.


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Re: A secure Internet requires a secure network protocol

2007-06-23 Thread Alex Alten

Lynne or Anne,

At 10:30 AM 6/22/2007 -0600, Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:

A secure Internet requires a secure network protocol

Actually I think we need a shadow Internet that is used only for security 
purposes (and is
fully encrypted).  It is sort of like the old SS7 signaling infrastructure 
of the phone network.
It doesn't need the same bandwidth, maybe 1/1000 or 1/10,000 as much.  It 
would use
strictly cryptographic protocols for identity & authentication and key 
management, etc..

one of the things seen in various of the SSL (authentication) vulnerabilities

SSL seems to be hanging by a thread, mainly the name to public key mapping
depends on how thorough the checking is done in to SSL vs application layers
inside of the web browser.  If this is hosed then unrestricted MITM is in 
the cards

sometime in the near future.

- Alex


Alex Alten

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Re: question re practical use of secret sharing

2007-06-23 Thread Allen

Actually I worked on a project recently that had this scenario.

Paramedic team picks up heart attack/stroke/serious accident 
patient. The paramedic tending the patient is using a laptop to 
record EKG or other electronic medical process.

Even with the siren on they get in a serious accident that puts 
the paramedic in a coma due to a concussion. The laptop with the 
data is broken.

At the hospital they yank the hard drive and using an adapter 
cable mount it on another computer. However, since medical data 
is considered personal and private data the hard drive is 
encrypted. The patient, especially if a stroke victim, needs to 
have his condition understood immediately. Yes, they can do the 
same tests again, but that does not give them a baseline to 
compare to: Is the patient getting worse, staying the same, or 
maybe even improving? With a stroke victim there is a very short 
window for doing some types of treatment.

How do you recover the data?

Two solutions were considered, one was secret sharing and the 
other was StrongAuth's commercial version of the open source 
StrongKey. The StrongAuth approach was better than the secret 
sharing but both were way ahead of the next possible choice.

The primary reason that the StrongAuth approach would work better 
is that the medical data would be stored an a folder/partition 
that every person with the same level of access rights or higher 
could access the data with their own authentication via a stored 
certificate. This would mean there would be many people's 
certificate stored on the drive, but being relatively small this 
would not pose a problem.

The secret sharing was next best because anyone at the hospital 
could call a central paging system that would page all security 
people with the number to login to. If enough shares were created 
- we were thinking 99+ for a major medical system - then the 
minimum needed - we were thinking three - to recover the key 
would be available 24/7/366 to generate the needed key to allow 

Both would work, but in this scenario, the local certificate 
would be faster by several minutes. If StrongAuth did not exist, 
then the secret sharing approach would be the only approach that 
could be made to work fast enough.

Granted this seems like a corner case, but, trust me, this 
scenario happens several times a year in the USA. What with 
medical diagnosis and treatment being pushed closer to the scene 
of the emergency this is likely to become more common.

Except for time critical events, secret sharing is the easiest to 
deploy and use in a robust way but there are very few, none that 
I could find, implementations of it that would have enough shares 
to cover vacations, out of range, and other vagaries of human 

BTW, on the net is a demo of secret sharing:


Peter Gutmann wrote:

"Charles Jackson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Is anyone aware of a commercial product that implements secret sharing? If
so, can I get a pointer to some product literature?

It's available as part of other products (e.g. nCipher do it for keying their
HSMs), but I don't know of any product that just does... secret sharing.  What
would be the user interface for such an application?  What would be the target
audience?  (I mean a real target audience, not some hypothesised scenario).

(This is actually a serious question.  I talked with some crypto guys a few
years ago about doing a standard for secret sharing, but to do that we had to
come up with some general usage model for it rather than just one particular
application-specific solution, and couldn't).

Besides that, user demand for it was practically nonexistent... no, it was
completely nonexistent, apart from a few highly specialised custom uses we
couldn't even find someone to use as a guinea pig for testing, and the
existing specialised users already had specialised solutions of their own
for handling it.


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Re: Free Rootkit with Every New Intel Machine

2007-06-23 Thread Ivan Krstić
> the way in that IT depts ensure that don't turn 'em off 
> (as I understand it) is they set the BIOS admin password on their "assets" 
> (computers) before their give them out.

Right, but I think people's fears about Active Management are mostly
related to personal machines. If you're using a work-issued laptop,
you're already more or less at the complete mercy of your IT admins. AMT
gives them the ability to make the chokehold they already have over your
machine stronger.

The really troubling question that I see is how we can ascertain that
AMT can't be enabled remotely on an arbitrary machine. Let the
conspiracy theories begin.

Ivan Krstić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GPG: 0x147C722D

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Re: Blackberries insecure?

2007-06-23 Thread Ivan Krstić
[Perry -- I have no connection to Nokia whatsoever and am thrilled with
the phone in question, but the message below sounds like an
advertisement so please reject from the list if inappropriate.]

[Moderator's note: this is off topic, but there were a couple of "what
is that phone" messages to the list so clearly enough readers want to
know where to get a phone that runs real ssl and ssh. No followups,
please -- the list has been off topic enough lately already. --Perry]

James A. Donald wrote:
> What is your phone's model number?

Nokia E61i, an update of the E61:

It's not available directly from service providers in the states who
only sell the E62, which is a crippled E61. It has wifi, Bluetooth,
takes additional microSD storage, exposes its drive (and SD card) as a
standard USB hard drive, has a decent music player and built-in zooming
web browser, runs Acrobat reader and Opera, can sync with Google
calendar with a third party program, runs putty as an ssh client,
supports viewing Office documents and has all the other features you'd
expect from a business phone (e.g. timed profiles and phone ACLs --
instead of turning off or muting your phone at night, you can, for
instance, specify that only certain people can call you.)

Ivan Krstić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GPG: 0x147C722D

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Re: Quantum Cryptography

2007-06-23 Thread Leichter, Jerry
My previous message was not an attempt to defend the companies that are
out there trying to sell quantum cryptography.  They're clearly way out
ahead of any reasonable theory and are following in a great tradition
of offering crypto snake oil.  That some of them are doing it on *my*
money - i.e., by selling stuff to the government - hardly makes me

However, just because there are many people in there to make a buck,
and others who are naive about the state of the art - having come over
from a different field (not something new either; look at some of the
papers mathematicians published when public-key first came into public
view) - doesn't mean there might not be valid and potentially useful
ideas to be found here.  The question was:  Does QK as it currently
exists offer anything that isn't available with conventional crypto?
The answer is clearly yes.  It offers two things:

- An entirely different (and just as unprovable!) set of
assumptions on which proofs of security can be
based.  One might argue that our assumptions about QM
have a significantly longer history than our assump-
tions about the difficulty of various computational
problems, and are at least to some degree empirically
testable.  For some people, that might make a
difference.  If you're really paranoid, you might
build a system which would be secure if *either*
set of assumptions was valid - defense in depth.
I'll agree, though, that a debate along these lines
is rather pointless.  There's really no good way
to know if either set of assumptions is really
correct, but both are so embedded in extensive
bodies of knowledge that it would be very surprising
if they turned out to be wrong.  (Frankly, it would
be much more surprising at this point to find a
fundamental error in the assumptions about randomness
in QM than to find, say, a fast factoring algorithm
or an attack on AES, or a break in secure hash
algorithms - oops, that happened already!)

- Quantum techniques allow you to detect eavesdropping.  This
is a *fundamental* difference.  Its implications have
not been explored, so there's no way to tell if they
will ultimately prove interesting or not.  (If a
number of years ago I had handed to you, without
explanation, an algorithm for bit commitment, would
you have had any idea what it might be used for?)
It's also not at all clear that this is the *only*
fundamental property that distinguishes Quantum
Cryptography (whatever that might turn out to be)
as opposed to Quantum Key Exchange.  (Might there
be a quantum signature algorithm which can detect
that someone has stolen your signature and is
using it?)

If you want to attack the vendors of quantum key distribution equipment
for selling high-priced snake oil, fine.  They are hardly alone in
this field - and if their equipment doesn't *add* security, at least
it doesn't seem to remove it (if you use it properly).  Likewise,
if you want to attack papers by physicists who don't understand the
problem, that's fine - they *should* be attacked, because that's the
way science works.  Many of these guys are quite clever, and they'll

All I'm responding to is the self-congratulating commentary whose
starting point is "these problems have all been solved, there's
nothing at all new here".  That's not true.

BTW, on the quantum subway tokens business:  In more modern terms,
what this was providing was unlinkable, untraceable e-coins which
could be spent exactly once, with *no* central database to check
against and none of this "well, we can't stop you from spending it
more than once, but if we ever notice, we'll learn all kinds of
nasty things about you".  (The coins were unlinkable and untraceable
because, in fact, they were *identical*.)  Now, of course, they
were also physical objects, not just collections of bits.  The same
is true of the photons used in quantum key exchange.  Otherwise,
it wouldn't work.  We're inherently dealing with a different model
here.  Where it ends up is anyone's guess at this point.

-- Jerry

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Re: Why self describing data formats:

2007-06-23 Thread James A. Donald

James A. Donald:
> > In the case of XML, yes there is a parsing engine,
> > and if the structure of the DTD reflects the
> > structure of the algorithm, then indeed it makes
> > things much easier.  But usually the committee have
> > not thought about the algorithm, or have unresolved
> > disagreements about what the algorithm should be,
> > leaving the engineer with problems that are at best
> > extremely difficult to solve, and are at worst
> > impossible to solve.  Ideally the DTD should be
> > developed in parallel with the program that
> > processes the XML.  In that case, you get the
> > parsing engine doing a lot of work for free, so the
> > engineers do not have to reinvent the wheel.  But if
> > the DTD is written first by one group, and the
> > program second, by another group, the second group
> > is usually hosed good.

Will Morton:
> The situation is improved slightly with XML schemas,
> as one can use frameworks like XMLBeans
> ( to get the protocol much
> closer to the code.  This can help a bit, but doesn't
> change the fundamentals.
> You're still right in that if you have one group
> developing the code and another the protocol, you're
> probably screwed, but isn't this just as true (perhaps
> moreso) if you're rolling your own protocol structure
> instead of using XML?

With XML, alarmingly great flexibility in the protocol
is easy and less work for the people designing the
protocol - the protocol may be inordinately flexible
because of laziness, carelessness, unresolved
disagreement, or papered over disagreement,
resulting in tag soup.

With a protocol that is not self describing, the
committee devising the protocol have to actually agree
on what the protocol actually is.

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Re: question re practical use of secret sharing

2007-06-23 Thread James A. Donald

James A. Donald:
> > Is anyone aware of a commercial product that
> > implements secret sharing? If so, can I get a
> > pointer to some product literature?

Peter Gutmann
> It's available as part of other products (e.g. nCipher
> do it for keying their HSMs), but I don't know of any
> product that just does... secret sharing.  What would
> be the user interface for such an application?  What
> would be the target audience?  (I mean a real target
> audience, not some hypothesised scenario).
> (This is actually a serious question.  I talked with
> some crypto guys a few years ago about doing a
> standard for secret sharing, but to do that we had to
> come up with some general usage model for it rather
> than just one particular application-specific
> solution, and couldn't).
> Besides that, user demand for it was practically
> nonexistent... no, it was completely nonexistent,
> apart from a few highly specialised custom uses we
> couldn't even find someone to use as a guinea pig for
> testing, and the existing specialised users already
> had specialised solutions of their own for handling
> it.

There is no market, zero, for stand alone crypto of any
kind.  Cryptographic solutions should be embedded
invisibly in products that do tasks for the user.

The purpose of cryptography is to stop such products
from invisibly doing tasks for an adversary.  Since the
attack is generally invisible, one cannot expect the
user to use a visible addon product to protect against
the attack.

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Re: Quantum Cryptography

2007-06-23 Thread Jon Callas

On Jun 22, 2007, at 10:44 AM, Ali, Saqib wrote:

...whereas the key distribution systems we have aren't affected by
eavesdropping unless the attacker has the ability to perform 2^128 or
more operations, which he doesn't.

Paul: Here you are assuming that key exchange has already taken place.
But key exchange is the toughest part. That is where Quantum Key
Distribution QKD comes in the picture. Once the keys are exchanged
using QKD, you have to rely on conventional cryptography to do bulk
encryption using symmetric crypto.

Using Quantum Crypto to do bulk encryption doesn't make any sense. It
is only useful in key distribution.

Let me create an aphorism to sum up what Paul, Perry, and others have  
said in detail before I address your comment:

If Quantum Cryptography does what is claims, then it is
strengthening the strongest link in the chain of security.

Now to your comment.

If you do a 3000 bit Diffie-Hellman exchange, you have a key exchange  
with 2^128 security, to the best of our knowledge, assuming this and  
that, blah, blah, blah. If you don't like 3000 bit integers, go to  
elliptic curve.

I have in some of my talks, renamed Quantum Cryptography to Quantum  
Secrecy. If the QC people would stop calling it cryptography, a good  
deal of the hostility you find among us crypto people would evaporate.

Let me give an analogy. I will posit Quantum Message Teleportation.  
Using QMT, Alice can write her message on a piece of paper, close her  
eyes, and it will disappear from her hand and appear in Bob's hand.

This is cool. This is useful. It is amazing. It is also not  

It also has all the problems that Perry points out in QC, like a lack  
of authentication and so on. Like QC, adding cryptography to it makes  
it even more useful.

The QC people should change their song to QS, and stop bashing the  
mathematicians with arguments we can show are somewhere between  
incomplete and fallacious. Then they might find us drift over to  
supporting them because while Quantum Secrecy is not practical, it is  
very cool.


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