Re: Password hashing

2007-10-18 Thread Tero Kivinen
Joseph Ashwood writes:
> There is a shortcut in the design as listed, using the non-changing password 
> as the key allows for the optimization that a single HMAC can be keyed, then 
> copied and reused with each seed. this shortcut actually speeds attack by a 
> factor of 3. The fix is to use the salt as the HMAC key, this assumes much 
> less of the hash function.

When you are trying to crack password, you do know the SALT and
iteration count. You do not know the password. You need to try all
possible passwords with different salts. As we use the password we are
trying as an input to our test function we need to initialize
hmac_sha1 again for each pasword we are guessing. Or did I understand
something wrong.

With your fix I could take the SALT from the passwd string and
initialize first level of hmac with it and then feed different
password to it.


Adding USERID to the calculations will firstly break API
compatibility, as the crypt function do not know the userid. It will
also break the ability to copy the encrypted passwords from one
machine to other, even when you would need to change user id in the
progress (If I need to set up account for someone on my machines, I
usually either ask them to send me already encrypted password I can
put in to my /etc/password, or ask them to send me ssh public key... 

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Re: Password hashing

2007-10-18 Thread Joseph Ashwood
- Original Message - 
From: "Tero Kivinen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, October 15, 2007 5:47 AM
Subject: Re: Password hashing

Joseph Ashwood writes:

There is a shortcut in the design as listed, using the non-changing 
as the key allows for the optimization that a single HMAC can be keyed, 
copied and reused with each seed. this shortcut actually speeds attack by 
factor of 3. The fix is to use the salt as the HMAC key, this assumes 

less of the hash function.

When you are trying to crack password, you do know the SALT and
iteration count. You do not know the password. You need to try all
possible passwords with different salts. As we use the password we are
trying as an input to our test function we need to initialize
hmac_sha1 again for each pasword we are guessing. Or did I understand
something wrong.

With your fix I could take the SALT from the passwd string and
initialize first level of hmac with it and then feed different
password to it.

It is true that the first two iterations of the compression function in my 
supplied solution are computationally irrelevant, while in the current 
design the first two are computationally relevant, but the second time 
through the HMAC the situation reverses, the password keyed HMAC has exactly 
the same pre-salt state as the in the first HMAC iteration, and so in the 
second and subsequent HMAC iteration the first two applications of the 
compression function are computationally irrelevant, but in my solution 
there is no prior knowledge of the key for the second and subsequent HMAC 
iteration and so the first two applications of the compression function are 
computationally relevant. So my given solution trades the computation in the 
first two compression function computations for the millions of subsequent 
compression function computations. Asymptotically this is a 3 fold 
improvement, and so it is a very good change.

It is also worth noting that most passwords, even so called "good" 
passwords, have only a small amoutn of entropy, and a 50,000 word list will 
contain a significant number of all passwords on a system, there are more 
salts, and so storing the precomputations of the passwords versus the 
precomputations of even a 32-bit salt is radically different.


Adding USERID to the calculations will firstly break API
compatibility, as the crypt function do not know the userid.

There is a choice, do it right, or keep the API. I am firmly on the side of 
doing it right. While the USERID is irrelevant if the SALT can be made to 
never repeat, that is a very hard thing to truly accomplish, especially 
across multiple disconnected systems.

It will
also break the ability to copy the encrypted passwords from one
machine to other,

So it prevents people from doing something that is poor security.

even when you would need to change user id in the
progress (If I need to set up account for someone on my machines, I
usually either ask them to send me already encrypted password I can
put in to my /etc/password, or ask them to send me ssh public key...

While the design is being changed (as you noted making this change would 
necessitate other changes) it is worthwhile to eliminate other security poor 
decisions as well.

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Re: fyi: Storm Worm botnet numbers, via Microsoft

2007-10-18 Thread ' =JeffH '
> I have two problems with this report. 

thanks for commenting on it. I pointed to it in order to see what denizens of 
this list might have to say about it. I'm simply curious.

Also, as I'd noted, I haven't really seen any estimates of Storm's extent -- 
other than that article [0] -- that actually go into any details about how the 
number is arrived at (however bogus or not the approach might be).

Also, I'm personally mostly just curious and have done only modest searches 
for info. And based on that, I've only come across the (typically) 
unsubstantiated "one or two million zombies" [1] to "(breathless) maybe /50 
million/ out there" [2] articles/posts.

> Firstly, I don't think this is a very
> representative sampling technique compared to the estimates from security
> companies. 

I haven't come across any detailed Storm extent analysis, even with having 
Google search specific security company sites (e.g. using 
""). So if anyone has pointers to pages (other than the MSFT 
blog article pointed to in an earlier post) that present a sane and 
substantiated analysis of Storm extent, please post 'em. Maybe folks don't 
want to (post 'em or point to 'em)? Are there papers in submission? ;-)

> If you look at the sample that's being used, "Windows machines
> that have automatic updates turned on", then the typical machine is going to
> be configured with something like Windows XP SP2 with all available hotfixes
> and updates applied, in other words the very systems that are (one would hope
> :-) the *least* likely to be affected by malware.


>  If you take the rule-of-
> thumb estimate that's sometimes used on MSDN blogs of 1B Windows machines out
> there then 2.6M machines is < 0.3% of that total.  Now this in itself
> wouldn't be so bad if it was an unbiased sample, but in fact it's probably a
> rather non-representative 0.3%. compared to the overall population of windows machines, on the Internet, 


> Although some of the numbers from security
> companies for infections may be just guesswork, they also use broad sampling
> across all Windows machines (not just ones with Windows Defender), honeypots,
> monitoring of botnet traffic patterns, and other methods as well.


>  So while it's valid to say that this [the Anti-Malware Engineering 
> Team blog post [0]] provides data for Storm on fully patched,
> up-to-date machines running Windows Defender, I don't think this generalises
> for all Windows machines.


> Secondly, the text completely contradicts the figures given.  If the figures
> really are accurate and not a typo, then 274K machines infected out of 2.6M
> puts Storm on 10% of Windows PCs, which would make the worldwide infection
> rate 100M systems, or ten times larger than the previous worst-possible case
> estimate.  

a resonably-substantiated worst-case estimate? Because it's only twice as many 
as the 50M number thrown around in the likes of [2].

But yes, it'd be alarming if there's really 1B windows machines on the 
Internet (one way or another) and there's a reasonable probability of 10% 
being Storm zombies.

> Storm may be big, but it's not *that* big.  I think there's
> something wrong with the figures.

Yeah, one hopes so.

So, it'd seem to me (tho I'm not a statistician) that if one could get a set 
of articles wrt Storm extent that say at least something to substantiate how 
they arrived at the numbers, and then do some back-of-the-envelope calcs, we'd 
have  a better idea of what's going on, at least here in the public domain. I 
have to believe that there's folks working hard on this given the 
down-the-road risks, and are just keeping the info close to their collective 





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Re: Quantum Crytography to be used for Swiss elections

2007-10-18 Thread Leichter, Jerry
| Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2007 03:20:48 -0400
| From: Victor Duchovni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| To:
| Subject: Re: Quantum Crytography to be used for Swiss elections
| On Fri, Oct 12, 2007 at 11:04:15AM -0400, Leichter, Jerry wrote:
| > No comment from me on the appropriateness.  From Computerworld.
| > 
| Why so shy? ...
Only that we've been over this ground so many times before.

| There is real charm in the phrase "endowed with relevance and
| purpose".
| One might, by analogy with the 2nd law of thermodynamics, speculate
| that prior to some of the relevance and purpose of the election data
| rubbing off on the QC system, the QC system was the one more lacking
| in these desirable attributes. If wants to really go out on a limb,
| one might try to apply the fist law also, and conclude that the
| election data has as a result less relevance and purpose.
| In our physical analogy, heat is replaced with
| "trust/relevance/purpose".  One can transfer this "heat" from the
| election to a technology or from a technology an election, always in
| the expected direction.
Ah, but this is a quantum system.  I think it's more a matter of
inducing correlations than a physical transfer.

Are trust, relevance, and purpose orthogonal variables?  That seems
unlikely.  So you need to trade of your ability to measure them.

Ah, there are some trustworthy photons.  Oops, we can trust them, but
we don't know if they are relevant.  Ah, there's a relevant photon

-- Jerry :-)

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Re: Password hashing

2007-10-18 Thread Leichter, Jerry
| > ...  What's wrong with starting
| > with input SALT || PASSWORD and iterating N times, 
| Shouldn't it be USERID || SALT || PASSWORD to guarantee that if
| two users choose the same password they get different hashes?
| It looks to me like this wold make dictionary attacks harder too.
As others have pointed out, with a large enough salt, dictionary attacks
become impossible.  But it's worth mentioning another issue:  People's
userid's do change and it's nice not to have the hashed passwords break
as a result.  (This is pretty counter-intuitive to users who change their 
names, and a disaster if a large organization needs to do a mass renaming
and somehow has to coordinate a mass password update at the same time.)

-- Jerry

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Re: Password hashing

2007-10-18 Thread Peter Gutmann
Martin James Cochran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>This might work, although 90% of the steps seem to unnecessarily (and
>perilously) complicate the algorithm.  What's wrong with starting with input
>SALT || PASSWORD and iterating N times, where N is chosen (but variable) to
>make brute-force attacks take longer?

Or just use PBKDF2, RFC 2898.  It does what's required, has been vetted by
cryptographers, is an IETF standard, has free implementations available, ...


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