Re: 2008: The year of hack the vote?

2007-12-29 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

Jack Lloyd wrote:
> The only reason this 'must' be true is because an anonymous and secure
> payment system is a terror which thankfully our federal governments
> and central banks protect us from. While Amazon and others obviously
> like being able to build customer profiles of everyone, I don't doubt
> that they would be perfectly willing to accept an anonymous payment as
> long as the money is good (and, of course, that the transaction costs
> are no more than a credit card and/or the order flow is sufficient
> that it is worth building support for it).

in the mid-90s, the x9a10 financial standard working group had
been given the requirement to preserve the integrity of the
financial infrastructure for all retail payments ... which resulted
in the x9.59 standard

in the same timeframe, the EU (in conjunction with eu-dpd)
made statements that electronic payments at point-of-sale
should be as anonymous as cash.

this was interpreted as meaning that names should be
removed from payment cards (plastic and magstripe).
the contention was that (because of poor authentication)
retail outlets could cross-check names on the cards against
some other form of "ID". the implication that removing
names might help promote other integrity measures.

in the x9.59 standard, we claimed that the improved
integrity allowed meeting the EU-DPD objectives.
We also claimed that x9.59 was privacy agnostic
i.e. it allowed for privacy. The "ALL" requirement
given to the x9a10 financial standard working
group met internet, face-to-face, point-of-sale,
electronic commerce. It also met debit, credit,
ACH, as well as stored-value cards ... aka the
same X9.59 was applicable to *ALL*. In the debit/credit
scenario some countries have "know your customer"
mandates associating account numbers with individuals
... which we claimed was outside the x9.59 standard.
Supposedly with appropriate regulated access to
information, govs can obtain information associating
account activity with individuals.

However, the very same x9.59 standard also works
with stored-value/gift cards ... which doesn't have
similar "know your customer" mandates.

And in fact, most stored-value/gift cards share a lot
of the same exact processing with the debit/credit
processing ... the addition of x9.59 could provide for
the exactly same level of integrity thruout debit,
credit, and stored-value/gift processing.

for other drift, in the mid-90s ... there were some
of the other payment efforts specifically for the
internet which had so much payload and processing bloat
that it made it impractical past the toy demo stage

related recent post on infrastructure provisioning and bloat of
toy demos: folklore indeed

about the same time, there were completely different
chip card oriented efforts for point-of-sale. one of the
scenarios of some of the chipcard pilot projects in
the late 90s and early part of this century was that
they managed to increase the vulnerabilities
(magstripe vis-a-vis chipcards)

the common excuse from the period, was that chips
cost so much that it wasn't possible to afford integrity
that actually improved over magstripe. The other
possible observation was that some of the chipcard
efforts were so chip myopic ... that they couldn't
realize that they were actually making it worse
for the overall infrastructure.

A big issue for merchants isn't anonymous payments
... it is cost of doing business. This has been in
the news quite a bit recently in the form of
interchange fees ... recent posts folklore indeed

the other area is in the liability related to breaches
(and/or the costs of countermeasures to breaches).

i've mentioned before that we had been called in
to consult with small client/server startup that wanted
to do payments on their server. They had this technology
they called SSL and it is frequently now referred to
as electronic commerce

and then we got dragged into involved with the x9a10
financial standard. as part of attempting to meet the
requirement to preserve the integrity of the financial
infrastructure for all retail payments ... we did some detailed
threat and vulnerability analysis. A big item that came out
were infrastructure vulnerabilities ... breaches, skimming,
harvesting, evesdropping, ... a whole slew of things.

we identified that much of the vulnerability could be
attributed to the account number and transaction
information has diametrically opposing requirements
... 1) it has to be readily available for large number of
different business processes and 2) since the crooks
can use the same information for various kinds of
essentially replay attacks ... the information has to
be kept confidential an

Fwd: [silk] For years US eavesdroppers could read encrypted messages without the least difficulty

2007-12-29 Thread R.A. Hettinga

Begin forwarded message:

From: Eugen Leitl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: December 29, 2007 9:16:49 AM EST
Subject: [silk] For years US eavesdroppers could read encrypted  
messages without the least difficulty

From: Gautam John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [silk] For years US eavesdroppers could read encrypted messages
without the least difficulty
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2007 19:38:28 +0530

Sat, 29 Dec 2007 04:02:00
By Ludwig De Braeckeleer

(OhMyNews) -- For decades, the US National Security Agency (NSA) has
been reading effortlessly ultra sensitive messages intercepted from
all parts of the world. This extraordinary feat was not the
consequence of the work of some genius cyber mathematician. Nor was it
the result of the agency dominance in the field of super computers,
which allegedly have outpaced their most direct rivals by orders of
magnitude. The truth is far simpler and quite troubling. The game was

For half a century, Crypto AG, a Swiss company located in Zug, has
sold to more than 100 countries the encryption machines their
officials rely upon to exchange their most sensitive economic,
diplomatic and military messages. Crypto AG was founded in 1952 by the
legendary (Russian born) Swedish cryptographer Boris Hagelin. During
World War II, Hagelin sold 140,000 of his machine to the US Army.

"In the meantime, the Crypto AG has built up long standing cooperative
relations with customers in 130 countries," states a prospectus of the
company. The home page of the company Web site says, "Crypto AG is the
preferred top-security partner for civilian and military authorities
worldwide. Security is our business and will always remain our

And for all those years, US eavesdroppers could read these messages
without the least difficulty. A decade after the end of WWII, the NSA,
also known as No Such Agency, had rigged the Crypto AG machines in
various ways according to the targeted countries. It is probably no
exaggeration to state that this 20th century version of the "Trojan
horse" is quite likely the greatest sting in modern history.

In effect, US intelligence had spies in the government and military
command of all these countries working around the clock without ever
risking the possibility of being unmasked.

An Old and Venerable Company

In the aftermath of the Islamic revolution, Iran, quite
understandably, would no longer trust encryption equipment provided by
companies of NATO countries.

The Swiss reputation for secrecy and neutrality lured Iranians to
Crypto AG, an old and venerable company. They never imagined for a
moment that, attached to the encrypted message, their Crypto machines
were transmitting the key allowing the de scri ption of messages they
were sending. The scheme was perfect, undetectable to all but those
who knew where to look.

Crypto AG, of course, denied the allegations as "pure invention." In
1994, the company issued a message in the Swiss press, stating that
"manipulation of Crypto AG equipment is absolutely excluded."

On the Wikipedia page of Crypto AG, one can read: "Crypto AG rejected
these accusations as pure invention, asserting in a press release that
in March 1994, the Swiss Federal Prosecutor's Office initiated a
wide-ranging preliminary investigation against Crypto AG, which was
completed in 1997. The accusations regarding influence by third
parties or manipulations, which had been repeatedly raised in the
media, proved to be without foundation."

However, meetings between a NSA cryptographer and Crypto AG personnel
to discuss the design of new machines have been factually established.
The story was also confirmed by former employees and is supported by
company documents. Boris Hagelin is said to have acted out of
idealism. What is certain is that the deal for Crypto AG was quite
juicy. In return for rigging their machines, Crypto AG is understood
to have been granted export licenses to all entities controlled by the

Early Hints

A book published in 1977 by Ronald Clark (The Man Who Broke Purple:
The Life of Colonel William F. Friedman) revealed that William F.
Friedman, another Russian-born genius in the field of cryptography (he
deciphered the Japanese code in World War II) and onetime special
assistant to the NSA director, had visited Boris Hagelin in 1957.
Friedman and Hagelin met at least on two other occasions. Clark was
urged by the NSA not to reveal the existence of these meetings for
national security reasons. In 1982, James Bamford confirmed the story
in his book on the NSA: The Puzzle Palace. The operation was codenamed
the "Boris project." In effect, Friedman and Hagelin had reached an
agreement that was going to pave the way to cooperation of Crypto AG
with the NSA.

Despite these very obvious hints, countries such as Iran, Iraq and
Libya continued using the Crypto AG machines for encrypting their
messages. And so d

Question on export issues

2007-12-29 Thread Alan
What are the rules these days on crypto exports.  Is a review still
required?  If so, what gets rejected?

Just wondering...  I have people at work ask me what the rules are and I
have not kept up with them.  If GnuPG can ship, what gets rejected?  Is
there some magic cryptotech I am not aware of?  (Or is it just theater at
this point?)

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Storm, Nugache lead dangerous new botnet barrage

2007-12-29 Thread ' =JeffH '
Storm, Nugache lead dangerous new botnet barrage
By Dennis Fisher, Executive Editor
19 Dec 2007 |

In early 2006, Dave Dittrich, a senior security engineer and researcher at the 
University of Washington in Seattle, got a sample of a new strain of malware 
from a colleague, and began monitoring its activity. The Trojan was a bit lazy 
at first, making just a few outbound connections. But it quickly became 
obvious that this was no ordinary piece of malware, because each of the 
connections was to a peer and not a central command and control server.

This was strange behavior for PCs that have been compromised by this type of 
malware. The members of a distributed network like this typically communicate 
only with one central machine, called the command and control server. It's a 
top-down structure; the C&C server gives the commands and the compromised PCs 
carry them out. However, this new network didn't seem to have one C&C server 
that was running the show, and the malware itself couldn't really even be 
classified as a bot as it didn't make its first IRC connection for more than a 
month. IRC, or Internet Relay Chat, is the preferred method of communication 
for botnet controllers.

But with this network, in lieu of one C&C server, there were a number of peers 
around the network that were sending out commands and serving as download 
sites for various pieces of the network. So if one of the peers in the network 
that the attacker is using to issue commands to the rest of the network is 
shut down, the attacker could simply begin sending orders through another 
peer. This made the entire network of compromised PCs equal partners and made 
the prospect of disabling the network incredibly daunting.

As troubling as this new development was, more troubling was the fact that the 
peers sending out the commands changed on the fly and, as Dittrich watched, 
various members of the network would drop off botnet, only to reappear days or 
weeks later. So the shape and size of the botnet was changing almost 
constantly, with entire branches going dark for extended periods of time and 
peers jumping from one portion of the network to another seemingly on a whim. 
And, to add to the pile of bad news, the bots were communicating with each 
other over an encrypted channel, making it all but impossible to listen in on 
their conversations.

Dittrich, one of the top botnet researchers in the world, has been tracking 
botnets for close to a decade and has seen it all. But this new piece of 
malware, which came to be known as Nugache, was a game-changer. With no C&C 
server to target, bots capable of sending encrypted packets and the 
possibility of any peer on the network suddenly becoming the de facto leader 
of the botnet, Nugache, Dittrich knew, would be virtually impossible to stop.

"The authors are making these subtle little changes to keep it under the 
radar, and they're succeeding," said Dittrich.

This is the future of malware and it's not a pretty picture. What it is, is a 
nightmare: a new breed of malicious software developed, tested and sold by 
professionals and engineered to change on the fly, adapt to its environment 
and evade traditional defenses.

Nugache, and its more famous cousin, the Storm Trojan, are not simply the next 
step in the evolution of malware. They represent a major step forward in both 
the quality of software that malware authors are producing and in the 
sophistication of their tactics. Although they're often referred to as worms, 
Storm and Nugache are actually Trojans. The Storm creator, for example, sends 
out millions of spam messages on a semi-regular basis, each containing a link 
to content on some remote server, normally disguised in a fake pitch for a 
penny stock, Viagra or relief for victims of a recent natural disaster. When a 
user clicks on the link, the attacker's server installs the Storm Trojan on 
the user's PC and it's off and running.

Various worms, viruses, bots and Trojans over the years have had one or two of 
the features that Storm, Nugache, Rbot and other such programs possess, but 
none has approached the breadth and depth of their feature sets. Rbot, for 
example, has more than 100 features that users can choose from when compiling 
the bot. This means that two different bots compiled from an identical source 
could have nearly identical feature sets, yet look completely different to an 
antivirus engine.

The creators of these Trojans and bots not only have very strong software 
development and testing skills, but also clearly know how security vendors 
operate and how to outmaneuver defenses such as antivirus software, IDS and 
firewalls, experts say. They know that they simply need to alter their code 
and the messages carrying it in small ways in order to evade signature-based