Comment Period for FIPS 186-3: Digital Signature Standard

2008-11-12 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
From: Sara Caswell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Comment Period for FIPS 186-3: Digital Signature Standard
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 14:52:17 -0500
User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080421)

As stated in the Federal Register of November 12, 2008, NIST requests
final comments on FIPS 186-3, the proposed revision of FIPS 186-2, the
Digital Signature Standard. The draft defines methods for digital
signature generation that can be used for the protection of messages,
and for the verification and validation of those digital signatures
using DSA, RSA and ECDSA.

Please submit comments to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "Comments on Draft
186-3" in the subject line. The comment period closes on December 12,

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WPA crack

2008-11-12 Thread Perry E. Metzger

A reasonable article on the WPA attack that has been making the rounds
on the blogs...

and the actual paper:

The attack is not very general, but it is interesting.

[Hat tip for the Ars Technica article to Bruce Schneier.]


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Fwd: [Announce] Introducing Tor VM – Tor in a virtual machine.

2008-11-12 Thread R.A. Hettinga

Begin forwarded message:

From: Eugen Leitl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: November 12, 2008 6:10:52 AM GMT-04:00
Subject: [Announce] Introducing Tor VM – Tor in a virtual machine.

- Forwarded message from Kyle Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

From: Kyle Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 01:27:07 -0800
Subject: [Announce] Introducing Tor VM b Tor in a virtual machine.


  Tor VM is a small virtual machine that acts as a router and redirects
  your TCP traffic and DNS request through Tor while filtering out
  protocols that could jeopardize your anonymity. Tor VM is built using
  all open source software and is free.

  There are many advantages to running Tor in a virtual machine. Any
  application on any operating system that uses TCP for communication  

  routed over Tor. By using a small virtual machine that acts as a
  router, protocols such as UDP and ICMP are filtered, preventing a
  compromise of your anonymity. Placing Tor in a virtual machine
  separates Tor from potentially insecure applications that could
  compromises Tor's integrity and your security.

  The Tor VM ISO is designed to be run in a virtual machine, not on
  physical hardware. The ISO requires two virtual NICs to be used; one
  bridged interface, one OpenVPN Tun/Tap adapter. The Windows build of
  Tor VM is portable and includes QEMU to run the virtual machine, but
  requires Administrator privileges to install the Tap32 adapter.
  Traffic is routed through the Tap interface, into the VM, TCP and DNS
  are directed to Tor's Transport while other protocols are discarded,
  then Tor does it's magic with your traffic. More details can be found
  in the design documentation.

  Lots of people are going to ask "What's the difference between  

  and Tor VM?", so I'll address this now. JanusVM was designed to be
  used by multiple users, runs HTTP traffic through Squid and Privoxy,
  and was build on top of Debian packages. Tor VM is built from  

  100% open source software, is pre-configured to support only a single
  user, is much smaller in size, uses less memory than JanusVM, and
  works with QEMU. Is Tor VM going to replace JanusVM?? It's too soon  


  This software is in the late alpha stages of development; work is
  still in progress. For the time being, Tor VM is being hosted on the
  JanusVM server. Martin and I would appreciate it if a few of you  

  give Tor VM a go and provide us with your feedback. Feel free to
  review the We look forward to hearing from the community.

  One last thing. Mad props to coderman! Martin did an amazing job
  hacking QEMU and the WinPCAP drivers in order to create an interface
  that is a raw bridge into the existing network card. This is just as
  good as VMware bridge service, if not better! It's Amazing work; make
  sure to take a close look at what is under the hood. Tor VM wouldn't
  have been possible if it wasn't for his insane amount of knowledge  

  skill. Let me be the first to say it; Thank You. :)

  Best Regards,

  Kyle Williams



- End forwarded message -
Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
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