CPRNGs and assurance...

2008-12-17 Thread Perry E. Metzger

I'd like to expand on a point I made a little while ago about the
"just throw everything at it, and hope the good sources drown out the
bad ones" entropy collection strategy.

The biggest problem in security systems isn't whether you're using 128
bit or 256 bit AES keys or similar trivia. The biggest problem is the
limited ability of the human mind to understand a design. This leads
to design bugs and implementation bugs. Design and implementation
flaws are the biggest failure mode for security systems, not whether
it will take all the energy in our galaxy vs. the entire visible
universe to brute force a key.

So, if you're designing any security system, the biggest thing on your
mind has to be how to validate that the system is secure. That
requires ways to know your design was correct, and ways to know you
actually implemented your design correctly.

"Just throw the kitchen sink at it" impedes both. As just one trivial
example, say that your code is buggy and instead of throwing in eight
entropy sources, you're really throwing out #1-#7 and only using #8,
perhaps because of some overwriting that you thought was an xor or
some similar stupidity. How are you going to notice this on the other
end of your SHA-256 pool mashing? Will you look at the output by hand
and magically see that the numbers aren't as random as they should be?
Probably not. Lets then say #8 turned out to be a less than random

Is this sort of stupid move theoretical? Ask the guys at Debian how
theoretical it is.

At the very least, you need to have a very good set of tests attached
to your software that get run every time any sort of change (no matter
how trivial) is made to it, and even that is not necessarily enough.

If you're doing all of this properly (and few people do it properly),
you need to have a good way of knowing that your system works
right. This is especially hard to do properly at the best of times --
when the product of your algorithm is supposed to look like nonsense,
it becomes especially important that you have a well understood design
that has turned into a well validated implementation. "Throw the
kitchen sink at it" often ends up kicking up enough dust that you
can't distinguish something good from something bad. That can be a

Always bear in mind that security systems fail because of people, and
that as a security system designer or implementor, you are the first
and most likely point of failure in the entire process.

Perry E. Metzgerpe...@piermont.com

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Re: CPRNGs are still an issue.

2008-12-17 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Wed, 17 Dec 2008 13:02:58 -0500
Jerry Leichter  wrote:

> On Dec 16, 2008, at 4:22 PM, Charles Jackson wrote:
> > I probably should not be commenting, not being a real device guy.   
> > But,
> > variations in temperature and time could be expected to change SSD  
> > timing.
> > Temperature changes will probably change the power supply voltages  
> > and shift
> > some of the thresholds in the devices.  Oscillators will drift
> > with changes
> > in temperature and voltage.  Battery voltages tend to go down over  
> > time and
> > up with temperature.  In addition, in some systems the clock  
> > frequency is
> > purposely swept over something like a 0.1% range in order to
> > smooth out the
> > RF emissions from the device.  (This can give a 20 or 30 dB  
> > reduction in
> > peak emissions at a given frequency.  There is, of course, no
> > change in
> > total emissions.)
> >
> > Combine all of these factors, and one can envision the SSD cycles  
> > taking
> > varying numbers of system clock ticks and consequently the low
> > order bits of
> > a counter driven by a system clock would be "random."  However,
> > one would
> > have to test this kind of entropy source carefully and would have
> > to keep
> > track of any changes in the manufacturing processes for both the
> > SSD and the
> > processor chip.
> >
> > Is there anyone out there who knows about device timing that can
> > say more?
> I'm not a device guy either, but I've had reason to learn a bit more  
> about SSD's than is widely understood.
> SSD's are complicated devices.  Deep down, the characteristics of
> the underlying storage are very, very different from those of a
> disk. Layers of sophisticated hardware/firmware intervene to make a
> solid- state memory look like a disk.  To take a very simple
> example:  The smallest unit you can read from/write to solid state
> memory is several times the size of a disk block.  So to allow
> software to continue to read and write individual "disk blocks", you
> have to do a layer of buffering and blocking/deblocking.  A much more
> obscure one is that the throughput of the memory is maximum when you
> are doing either all reads or all writes; anywhere in between slows
> it down.  So higher- performance SSD's play games with what is
> essentially double buffering:  Do all reads against a segment of
> memory, while sending writes to a separate copy as well as a
> look-aside buffer to satisfy reads to data that was recently
> written.  Switch the roles of the two segments "at some point".
But what is the *physical basis* for the randomness?
http://www.springerlink.com/content/gkbmm9nuy07kerww/ (full text
at http://world.std.com/~dtd/random/forward.pdf) explains why hard drive
timings are considered random; are their comparable phenomena for SSDs?
(Of course -- that's a '94 paper; hard drive technology has changed a
lot.  Would they still get the same results?)

--Steve Bellovin, http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb

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Re: CPRNGs are still an issue.

2008-12-17 Thread Perry E. Metzger

Jerry Leichter  writes:
> SSD's are complicated devices.

Complexity makes it hard to understand the security characteristics of
relying on the timing of the devices.

> So ... use with extreme caution.  Estimate conservatively.  Mix any
> apparent entropy you get with other sources.

The longer I'm in this field, the more the phrase "use with extreme
caution" seems to mean "don't use" to me. More and more, I think that
if you don't have a really good way to test and get assurance about a
component of your security architecture, you should leave that
component out.

That's one reason I recommended "just use AES in counter mode" as the
best way to generate random numbers in a low cost embedded context --
it is easy to get assurance simply by running AES validation tests,
and you confine your risk to one easily examined part of the process,
the key generator in the factory.

I'm reminded of Tony Hoare's old saw about systems: "There are two
ways of constructing a software design: One way is to make it so
simple there are obviously no deficiencies and the other way is to
make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies."


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Re: CPRNGs are still an issue.

2008-12-17 Thread Jerry Leichter

On Dec 16, 2008, at 4:22 PM, Charles Jackson wrote:
I probably should not be commenting, not being a real device guy.   
variations in temperature and time could be expected to change SSD  
Temperature changes will probably change the power supply voltages  
and shift
some of the thresholds in the devices.  Oscillators will drift with  
in temperature and voltage.  Battery voltages tend to go down over  
time and
up with temperature.  In addition, in some systems the clock  
frequency is
purposely swept over something like a 0.1% range in order to smooth  
out the
RF emissions from the device.  (This can give a 20 or 30 dB  
reduction in
peak emissions at a given frequency.  There is, of course, no change  

total emissions.)

Combine all of these factors, and one can envision the SSD cycles  
varying numbers of system clock ticks and consequently the low order  
bits of
a counter driven by a system clock would be "random."  However, one  
have to test this kind of entropy source carefully and would have to  
track of any changes in the manufacturing processes for both the SSD  
and the

processor chip.

Is there anyone out there who knows about device timing that can say  
I'm not a device guy either, but I've had reason to learn a bit more  
about SSD's than is widely understood.

SSD's are complicated devices.  Deep down, the characteristics of the  
underlying storage are very, very different from those of a disk.   
Layers of sophisticated hardware/firmware intervene to make a solid- 
state memory look like a disk.  To take a very simple example:  The  
smallest unit you can read from/write to solid state memory is several  
times the size of a disk block.  So to allow software to continue to  
read and write individual "disk blocks", you have to do a layer of  
buffering and blocking/deblocking.  A much more obscure one is that  
the throughput of the memory is maximum when you are doing either all  
reads or all writes; anywhere in between slows it down.  So higher- 
performance SSD's play games with what is essentially double  
buffering:  Do all reads against a segment of memory, while sending  
writes to a separate copy as well as a look-aside buffer to satisfy  
reads to data that was recently written.  Switch the roles of the two  
segments "at some point".

Put all this together and the performance visible even at the OS  
driver level will certainly show all kinds of variation.  However,  
just because there's variation doesn't mean there's entropy to be  
had!  You'd need to have a sufficiently detailed model of the inner  
workings of the SSD to be confident that the variations aren't  
predictable.  However, you're not likely to get that:  Getting good  
performance out of SSD's is a black art.  The techniques are highly  
proprietary right now, because they are what make an SSD competitive.   
Further, of course, anything you did learn would likely apply to one  
manufacturing run of one model - just about anything could change at  
any time.

So ... use with extreme caution.  Estimate conservatively.  Mix any  
apparent entropy you get with other sources.

-- Jerry

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Re: CPRNGs are still an issue.

2008-12-17 Thread Peter Gutmann
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Joachim_Str=F6mbergson?=  writes:
>Damien Miller wrote:
>> Until someone runs your software on a SSD instead of a HDD. Oops.
>That is a very good observation. I would bet loads of GM stocks that very few
>people realise that moving from 0ld sk00l HDD to SSD would affect their
>entropy sources.

This is only going to be a problem if your RNG is... well, to be blunt, stupid
enough to rely entirely on HDD timings as an entropy source.  I would hope
that any well-designed entropy polling system would use as many sources as
possible for the simple reason that otherwise a single failure can destroy the
security of your entire system.  In other words an entropy polling mechanism
should see the change from HDD to SSD as nothing more than a small glitch for
its fault-tolerant front-end to accomodate and continue as before.


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Re: CPRNGs are still an issue.

2008-12-17 Thread Peter Gutmann
Bill Frantz  writes:

>I find myself in this situation with a design I'm working on. I have an ARM
>chip, where each chip has two unique numbers burned into the chip for a total
>of 160 bits. I don't think I can really depend on these numbers being secret,
>since the chip designers thought they would be useful for DRM. It certainly
>will do no harm to hash them into the pool, and give them a zero entropy

The ARM family are particularly problematic for entropy gathering because
anything that'd help you is (a) locked away so it can't be accessed and (b)
not easily ascertainable at runtime.  For the x86 equivalent you just do a
CPUID (and you can in turn check whether the architecture supports that before
you use it if you're on an old-enough system) and from there can execute
further instructions to determine hardware capabilities and read/use them via
MSRs as required.

For the ARM the equivalent is a CP15 read (and then further accesses to the
ARM equivalent of x86 MSRs), e.g.:

  asm volatile (
  "mrc p15, 0, r0, c0, c0, 0\n\t"
  "str r0, %0\n"
  : "=m"(processorID)
  : "cc", "r0");

but this is only accessible in supervisor mode so for any normal app it's an
instant illegal instruction fault.  Furthermore, even in supervisor mode
there's no way to bootstrap your way up as you can for x86 and tap the amazing
store of hard-to-predict information that most ARM cores make available
because each ARM implementation adds its own oddball registers and the only
way to know whether they're present and usable is if you know in advance which
specific core and stepping you're working with.  In other words you can't get
there from here and even if you could you wouldn't know what to do when you
got there.  So everything you need is there, you just can't use it.


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Re: Why the poor uptake of encrypted email?

2008-12-17 Thread Peter Gutmann
StealthMonger  writes:

>Connection-based communication such as Skype and OTR do not provide this
>capability.  The hop by hop store-and-forward email network does. This is not
>busted or wrong.  It's essential.

... to a statistically irrelevant bunch of geeks.  Watch Skype deploy a not-
terribly-anonymous (to the people running the Skype servers) communications
system.  Watch the entire world not care, and flock to it in droves.  Heck,
the entire business model for social networking, one of the biggest Internet
phenomena in the last few years, is built around users being as non-anonymous
as possible.

So Alec's argument still stands.  It's pretty hard selling anonymity and
privacy to people who think nothing of sending Twitter updates of everything
they do all day long to anyone prepared to listen and posting videos of their
drunken antics to MyFace.


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Re: CPRNGs are still an issue.

2008-12-17 Thread Damien Miller
On Tue, 16 Dec 2008, mhey...@gmail.com wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 8:42 PM, Damien Miller  wrote:
> > On Thu, 11 Dec 2008, James A. Donald wrote:
> >
> >> If one uses a higher resolution counter - sub
> >> microsecond - and times multiple disk accesses, one gets
> >> true physical randomness, since disk access times are
> >> effected by turbulence, which is physically true
> >> random.
> >
> > Until someone runs your software on a SSD instead of a HDD. Oops.
> >
> Before we give up on using drive timings, does anyone have evidence to
> verify this assertion? The reviews I have seen using tools like HD
> Tune and HD Tach seem to show timing noise reading and writing SSDs. I
> don't know where the noise comes from - it is probably not turbulence
>  - but it may be random enough that a long series of tests, say
> for a second or so (don't forget, these drives are fast), could
> provide a nice pool of unguessable bits.

I think you have it quite backwards - in the absence of good evidence
that transaction timings on SSDs are dependent on some physically
unpredictable process (air turbulence, shot noise, etc.) then they
should not be considered suitable for cryptographic use, no matter how
"random looking" they are.


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Re: CPRNGs are still an issue.

2008-12-17 Thread Jerry Leichter

On Dec 15, 2008, at 2:28 PM, Joachim Strömbergson wrote:
...One could probably do a similar comparison to the increasingly  
idea of building virtual LANs to connect your virtualized server  

on the same physical host. Ethernet frame reception time variance as
well as other real physical events should take a hit when moving into
the virtualization domain. After all, replacing physical stuff with SW
is the whole point of virtualization.

Does anybody know what VMware, Parallels etc do to support entropy for
sources like this, or is it basically a forgotten/skipped/ignored  
They don't seem to be doing very much yet - and the problems are very  
real.  All sorts of algorithms assume that an instance of a running OS  
has some unique features associated with it, and at the least (a)  
those will be fairly stable over time; (b) there will never be two  
instances at the same time.  In different contexts and uses,  
virtualization breaks both of these.  The virtual image captures  
everything there is to say about the running OS and all its  
processes.  Nothing stops you from running multiple copies at once.   
Nothing stops you from saving an image, so replaying the same machine  
state repeatedly.  Conversely, if something in the underlying hardware  
is made available to provide uniqueness of some kind, the ability to  
stop the VM and move it elsewhere - typically between almost any two  
instructions - means that you can't rely on this uniqueness except in  
very constrained ways.

People move to virtualization with the idea that a virtual machine is  
just like a physical machine, only more flexible.  Well - it's either  
"just like", or it's "more flexible"!  It can't be both.  In fact,  
"more flexible" is what sells virtualization, and the effects can be  
very subtle and far-reaching.  We don't really understand them.

-- Jerry

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Re: CPRNGs are still an issue.

2008-12-17 Thread Jerry Leichter

On Dec 16, 2008, at 12:10 PM, Simon Josefsson wrote:

...I agree with your recommendation to write an AES key to devices at
manufacturing time.  However it always comes with costs, including:

1) The cost of improving the manufacture process sufficiently well to
make it unlikely that compromised AES keys are set in the factory.

2) The cost of individualizing each device.

Each of these costs can be high enough that alternative approaches can
be cost-effective. (*) My impression is that the cost and risks in 1)
are often under-estimated, to the point where they can become a
relatively cheap attack vector.


(*) In case anyone doubts how the YubiKey works, which I'm affiliated
with, we took the costs in 1) and 2).  But they are large costs.  We
considered to require users to go through an initial configuration  

to set the AES key themselves.  However, the usability cost in that is
probably higher than 1) and 2).
Configuration at installation seems to be worth considering.  It's a  
matter of making that as easy as possible.  Asking users for the AES  
key is not easy - people aren't good at generating, or even entering,  
random 128-bit strings.  However, you might be able to get them to  
push a reset button - or even connect and disconnect the device - a  
number of times and use the timing as a source of entropy.  For  
something like a network interface, it might be reasonable to assume  
that an attacker is unlikely to be present at exactly the time of  
initial configuration, so simply pulling bits off the wire/out of the  
air during initialization isn't unreasonable.  In general, given the  
assumption that it's easier to keep the initialization environment  
reasonably secure than it is the general fielded environment, and that  
you can afford much more time during initial configuration than is  
likely during normal operation, all kinds of things that are marginal  
if used operationally may be workable for initial configuration.   
(Also, of course, operational use may be unattended, but in most cases  
you can assume that initial configuration is attended.)

-- Jerry

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RE: CPRNGs are still an issue.

2008-12-17 Thread Charles Jackson
-Michael Heyman

Before we give up on using drive timings [as an entropy source], does anyone
have evidence to
verify this assertion [that SSD drives will have much less variation in
read/write timing]?  The reviews I have seen using tools like HD
Tune and HD Tach seem to show timing noise reading and writing SSDs. I
don't know where the noise comes from - it is probably not turbulence
 - but it may be random enough that a long series of tests, say
for a second or so (don't forget, these drives are fast), could
provide a nice pool of unguessable bits.

I probably should not be commenting, not being a real device guy.  But,
variations in temperature and time could be expected to change SSD timing.
Temperature changes will probably change the power supply voltages and shift
some of the thresholds in the devices.  Oscillators will drift with changes
in temperature and voltage.  Battery voltages tend to go down over time and
up with temperature.  In addition, in some systems the clock frequency is
purposely swept over something like a 0.1% range in order to smooth out the
RF emissions from the device.  (This can give a 20 or 30 dB reduction in
peak emissions at a given frequency.  There is, of course, no change in
total emissions.)

Combine all of these factors, and one can envision the SSD cycles taking
varying numbers of system clock ticks and consequently the low order bits of
a counter driven by a system clock would be "random."  However, one would
have to test this kind of entropy source carefully and would have to keep
track of any changes in the manufacturing processes for both the SSD and the
processor chip. 

Is there anyone out there who knows about device timing that can say more?  

Chuck Jackson 

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Re: Why the poor uptake of encrypted email?

2008-12-17 Thread Nicolas Williams
On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 03:06:04AM +, StealthMonger wrote:
> Alec Muffett  writes:
> > In the world of e-mail the problem is that the end-user inherits a
> > blob of data which was encrypted in order to defend the message as it
> > passes hop by hop over the store-and-forward SMTP-relay (or UUCP?) e-
> > mail network...  but the user is left to deal with the effects of
> > solving the *transport* security problem.
> > The model is old.  It is busted.  It is (today) wrong.
> But the capabilities of encrypted email go beyond mere confidentiality
> and authentication.  They include also strongly untraceable anonymity
> and pseudonymity.  This is accomplished by using chains of anonymizing
> remailers, each having a large random latency for mixing with other
> traffic.

The subject is "[w]hy the poor uptake of encrypted email?".

Alec's answer shows that "encrypted email" when at rest is not easy to

Providing a suitable e-mail security solution for the masses strikes me
as more important than providing anonymity to the few people who want or
need it.  Not that you can't have both, unless you want everyone to use
PGP or S/MIME as a way to hide anonymized traffic from non-anonymized


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