I have been involved for the past several years in the development 
of a specification Common Interface to Cryptographic Modules 
(CICM) that defines an application programming interface specifically 
for high assurance cryptographic modules.  High assurance modules 
are typically developed by countries for their government, diplomatic 
and military communications.  The interface differs from commercial 
interface standards like PKCS#11 primarily for its support for domain 
separation, but also for the richer module and key management 
capabilities required by high assurance modules.  To my knowledge, 
CICM is the first generic high assurance API that has been developed.  
There has been considerable interest in the specification in the high 
assurance community.

The specification has recently been submitted to the Internet 
Engineering Task Force (IETF) as an Internet Draft and is available at 
https://datatracker.ietf.org/drafts/draft-lanz-cicm/ .  I would like to 
encourage interested individuals to participate in the standardization 
process through the IETF.  If you have an interest in this effort, feel 
free to sign up for the IETF CICM mailing list by visiting 
https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/cicm .


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