The long twilight of IE6

2010-08-05 Thread Jerry Leichter
We discussed the question of why IE6 is still out there.  Well ... 
 reports that the UK government has officially decided not to replace  
IE6, feeling the costs outweigh the benefits.  Quoting from the  
government response:

"Complex software will always have vulnerabilities and motivated  
adversaries will always work to discover and take advantage of them.  
There is no evidence that upgrading away from the latest fully patched  
versions of Internet Explorer to other browsers will make users more  
secure. Regular software patching and updating will help defend  
against the latest threats. The Government continues to work with  
Microsoft and other internet browser suppliers to understand the  
security of the products used by HMG, including Internet Explorer and  
we welcome the work that Microsoft are continuing do on delivering  
security solutions which are deployed as quickly as possible to all  
Internet Explorer users

It is not straightforward for HMG departments to upgrade IE versions  
on their systems. Upgrading these systems to IE8 can be a very large  
operation, taking weeks to test and roll out to all users. To test all  
the web applications currently used by HMG departments can take months  
at significant potential cost to the taxpayer. It is therefore more  
cost effective in many cases to continue to use IE6 and rely on other  
measures, such as firewalls and malware scanning software, to further  
protect public sector internet users."

-- Jerry

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Re: phpwn: PHP cookie PRNG flawed (Netscape redux)

2010-08-05 Thread Chris Palmer writes:


He doesn't mention the php.ini variables session.entropy_length and
session.entropy_file. Last I checked, their default settings were unsafe,
but setting them to 16 and /dev/urandom should solve the problem he
describes in the paper.

Unless not.

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phpwn: PHP cookie PRNG flawed (Netscape redux)

2010-08-05 Thread travis+ml-cryptography

Hey, another PRNG is broken.  Raise your hand if you're surprised.
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Preventing a recurrence of the Realtek/JMicron fiasco

2010-08-05 Thread Peter Gutmann
I've been having an off-list discussion with someone about how you'd prevent
the recent Realtek/JMicron certificate fiasco.  My thoughts on this:

  Since many development shops see the signing process as nothing more than an
  annoying speed-bump that stands in the way of application deployment, not
  helped by the fact that code-signing tools like Windows SignTool and Unix'
  GPG are hard to use and poorly integrated into the development process,
  developers have generally used the most expedient means possible to sign
  their code, with signing keys left unprotected or with easy-to-guess
  passwords (trivial variations of "password" are a favourite in web advice
  columns that give examples of how to do code signing [0]), or passwords
  hard-coded into the scripts that are needed in order to integrate the
  signing into the build process.  Combine this with the existence of entire
  families of malware such as Adrenalin, Nuklus/Apophis, Ursnif, and Zeus that
  integrate key-stealing functionality and it's inevitable that legitimate
  code-signing keys will end up in the hands of malware authors.

  [0] "p...@ssw0rd" is the "password1" of code signing.

So my advice would be to keep the signing key on a dedicated, non-network-
connected machine that takes to-be-signed input from a USB drive with autorun
turned off (or, better, Didier Stevens' USB-protection driver installed, and sign that.  For test
purposes during development you can always sign with test keys, and then only
sign the final release once it's passed QA.  Even if you don't want to go that
far, just getting rid of the current worst practice would be a start, where
code-signing keys are just random data to be copied onto every developer's
machine with no password or a fixed password coded into batch files.

Potential issues/discussion topics:

- The signing tools should include a test key along the lines of the EICAR
  test virus sig. that's included by default and recognised everywhere as
  being purely a test key, to create a zero-overhead way of leaping the
  signing hurdle during development.

- As an extension of the above, the development environment should have some
  checkbox option to test-sign debug builds of binaries so developers don't
  have to google + cut&paste obscure command-line strings and batch files into
  equally obscure config dialogs in their IDE.

- Developers may need to repeatedly sign test releases and beta releases.  How
  do you distinguish "signature for testing purposes" from "signature for live
  release"?  Pretty much anything you do, e.g. throw up a warning every time a
  test-signed version is run, is going to cause enough discomfort eventually
  that developers will go back to using the release key.

Any other issues that anyone can think of?


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Re: A mighty fortress is our PKI, Part II

2010-08-05 Thread Jon Callas

On Aug 4, 2010, at 11:29 PM, Peter Gutmann wrote:

> Jon Callas  writes:
>> But S.J. Perleman's "Three Shares in a Boat"
> Uhh. minor nitpick, it was Jerome K.Jerome who wrote "Three Shares in a 
> Boat". 
> He followed it up with "Three Certificates on the Bummel", a reference to the 
> sharing of commercial vendors' code-signing keys with malware authors.

Oh, well. You are, of course, correct.


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Re: A mighty fortress is our PKI, Part II

2010-08-05 Thread Peter Gutmann
Jon Callas  writes:

>But S.J. Perleman's "Three Shares in a Boat"

Uhh. minor nitpick, it was Jerome K.Jerome who wrote "Three Shares in a Boat". 
He followed it up with "Three Certificates on the Bummel", a reference to the 
sharing of commercial vendors' code-signing keys with malware authors.


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Re: A mighty fortress is our PKI, Part II

2010-08-05 Thread Jon Callas
On Jul 30, 2010, at 4:58 AM, Peter Gutmann wrote:

> [0] I've never understood why this is a comedy of errors, it seems more like
>a tragedy of errors to me.

That is because a tragedy involves someone dying. Strictly speaking, a tragedy 
involves a Great Person who is brought to their undoing and death because of 
some small fatal flaw in their otherwise sterling character.

In contrast, comedies involve no one dying, but the entertaining exploits of 
flawed people in flawed circumstances.

PKI is not a tragedy, it's comedy. No one dies in PKI. They may get embarrassed 
or lose money, but that happens in comedy. It's the basis of many timeless 

Specifically, PKI is a farce. In the same strict definition of dramatic types, 
a farce is a comedy in which small silly things are compounded on top of each 
other, over and over. The term farce itself comes from the French "to stuff" 
and is comedically like stuffing more and more feathers into a pillow until the 
thing explodes.

So farces involve ludicrous situations, buffoonery, wildly improbable / 
implausible situations, and crude characterizations of well-known comedic 
types. Farces typically also involve mistaken identity, disguises, verbal humor 
including sexual innuendo all in a fast-paced plot that doesn't let up piling 
things on top of each other until the whole thing bursts at the seams.

PKI has figured in tragedy, most notably when Polonius asked Hamlet, "What are 
you signing, milord?" and he answered, "OIDs, OIDs, OIDs," but that was 
considered comic relief. Farcical use of PKI is far more common. 

We all know the words to Gilbert's patter-song, "I Am the Very Model of a 
Certificate Authority," and Wilde's genius shows throughout "The Importance of 
Being Trusted." Lady Bracknell's snarky comment, "To lose one HSM, Mr. 
Worthing, may be regarded as a misfortune, but lose your backup smacks of 
carelessness," is pretty much the basis of the WebTrust audit practice even to 
this day.

More to the point, not only did Cyrano issue bogus short-lived certificates to 
help woo Roxane, but Mozart and Da Ponte wrote an entire farcical opera on the 
subject of abuse of issuance, "EV Fan Tutti." There are some who assert that he 
did this under the control of the Freemasons, who were then trying to gain 
control of the Austro-Hungarian authentication systems. These were each 
farcical social commentary on the identity trust policies of the day. 

Mozart touched upon this again (libretto by Bretzner this time) in "The 
Revocation of the Seraglio," but this was comic veneer over the discontent that 
the so-called Aluminum Bavariati had with the trade certifications in siding 
sales throughout the German states, as well as export control policies since 
Aluminum was an expensive strategic metal of the time. People suspected the 
Freemasons were behind it all yet again. Nonetheless, it was all farce. 

Most of us would like to forget some of the more grotesque twentieth-century 
farces, like the thirties short where Moe, Larry, and Shemp start the "Daddy-O" 
DNS registration company and CA or the "23 Skidoo" DNA-sequencing firm as a way 
out of the Great Depression. But S.J. Perleman's "Three Shares in a Boat" shows 
a real-world use of a threshold scheme. I don't think anyone said it better 
than W.C. Fields did in "Never Give a Sucker an Even Break" and "You Can't 
Cheat an Honest Man."

I think you'll have to agree that unlike history, which starts out as tragedy 
and replays itself as farce, PKI has always been farce over the centuries. It 
might actually end up as tragedy, but so far so good. I'm sure that if we look 
further, the Athenians had the same issues with it that we do today, and that 
Sophocles had his own farcical commentary.

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Re: A mighty fortress is our PKI, Part II

2010-08-05 Thread Peter Gutmann
David-Sarah Hopwood  writes:

>Huh? I don't understand the argument being made here.

It's a bogus argument, the text says:

  He took a legitimate software package and removed the signature of the
  digital certificate it contained, then installed the package on his
  computer. The Installer application didn't indicate that the certificate had
  been modified.

The certificate wasn't modified, they just stripped the signature from the

  "Only an expert will be able to detect a problem," Schouwenberg said. "And
  all Microsoft will tell you is that the file is not signed."

And what else should Windows say?  "We put this through our time machine and
noticed that at some time in the past it was signed and now it isn't"?

The rest of the story isn't much better:

  The Stuxnet worm, which surfaced last month, used fake Verisign digital

No, they were genuine certs, just in the wrong hands.


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