Re: [Cryptography] RSA equivalent key length/strength

2013-09-24 Thread Peter Gutmann
Peter Fairbrother  writes:

>If you just want a down-and-dirty 2048-bit FS solution which will work today,
>why not just have the websites sign a new RSA-2048 sub-certificate every day?
>Or every few hours? And delete the secret key, of course.

... and I guess that puts you firmly in the theoretical/impractical camp.
Would you care to explain how this is going to work within the TLS protocol?
It's easy enough to throw out these hypothetical what-if's (gimme ten minutes
and I'll dream up half a dozen more, all of them theoretically OK, none of
them feasible), but they need to actually be deployable in the real world, and
that's what's constraining the current debate.


The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] RSA equivalent key length/strength

2013-09-24 Thread ianG

On 22/09/13 03:07 AM, Patrick Pelletier wrote:

On 9/14/13 11:38 AM, Adam Back wrote:

Tin foil or not: maybe its time for 3072 RSA/DH and 384/512 ECC?

I'm inclined to agree with you, but you might be interested/horrified in
the "1024 bits is enough for anyone" debate currently unfolding on the
TLS list:

1024 bits is pretty good, and there's some science that says it's about 
right.  E.g., risk management says there is little point in making a 
steel door inside a wicker frame.

The problem is more to do with distraction than anything else.  It is a 
problem that people will argue about the numbers, because they can 
compare numbers, far more than they will argue about the essentials. 
There is a psychological bias to beat ones chest about how tough one is 
on the numbers, and thus prove one is better at this game than the enemy.

Unfortunately, in cryptography, almost always, other factors matter more.

So, while you're all arguing about 1024 versus 4096, what you're not 
doing is delivering a good system.  That delay feeds in to the customer 
equation, and the result is less security.  Even when you finally 
compromise on 1964.13 bits, the result is still less security, because 
of other issues like delays.

and there was a similar discussion on the OpenSSL list recently, with
GnuTLS getting "blamed" for using the ECRYPT recommendations rather than

Yeah, they are getting confused (compatibility failures) from too much 
choice.  Never a good idea.  Take out the choice.  One number.  Get back 
to work.


The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] RSA equivalent key length/strength

2013-09-24 Thread David Kuehling
> "Patrick" == Patrick Pelletier  writes:

> On 9/14/13 11:38 AM, Adam Back wrote:

>> Tin foil or not: maybe its time for 3072 RSA/DH and 384/512 ECC?

> I'm inclined to agree with you, but you might be interested/horrified
> in the "1024 bits is enough for anyone" debate currently unfolding on
> the TLS list:


I'm even more horrified, that the Apache webserver uses 1024-bit Diffie
Hellman exchange for TLS/SSL with no way to increase group size other
than modifying and recompiling the sources.  Now that everybody calls
for website operators to enable perfect-forward secrecy, we may in fact
see an overall security downgrade.

(Of course you can also get PFS via ECDHE, but many production webserver
installations run older openssl versions that only support DHE)

GnuPG public key:
Fingerprint: B63B 6AF2 4EEB F033 46F7  7F1D 935E 6F08 E457 205F

Description: PGP signature
The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] PRISM-Proofing and PRISM-Hardening

2013-09-24 Thread ianG

I think, if we are about redesigning and avoiding the failures of the 
past, we have to unravel the false assumptions of the past...

On 20/09/13 01:21 AM, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

Bear in mind that securing financial transactions is exactly what we
designed the WebPKI to do and it works very well at that.

Reasonable people may disagree with that claim.

PKI for the web was designed to secure *one small part* of the financial 
process -- sending credit card numbers over the net.  To secure 
financial transactions without limit, we'd need an end-to-end solution. 
 E.g., online banking (which comes much later) requires an 
authentication solution, which offering by WebPKI (the client cert) is 
infamously not used;  and, as a counterpoint, the biggest hacks occur at 
the server, being that "large part" of financial transactions that 
WebPKI explicitly ignored.

Further, "very well" is a gross exaggeration of marketing proportions. 
In order to say it works "very well" at even its small part of 
protecting access to servers, we'd have to solve the browser 
authentication problem that is at the root cause of phishing.  I grant 
that the phishing bug was addressed at a level of PKI-me-harder, but we 
still lack a solution...

Criminals circumvent the WebPKI rather than trying to defeat it. If they
did start breaking the WebPKI then we can change it and do something

Oh, they broke it.  Criminals send an unauthenticated URL and the user 
goes to that URL.  The browser doesn't notice, the user doesn't notice, 
and the implementors conspire not to notice.  WebPKI is totally broken. 
 The fact that the criminals didn't follow the cutesy rules laid out in 
the WebPKI security model is not a circumvention but a breach and an 
excuse -- the rules weren't applicable to the real world.

And, regardless of whether we decide that it is circumvention or breach, 
nothing positive was ever done about it.  So we're left arguing about 
the point of something that is too easy to circumvent and doesn't get 
fixed.  WebPKI is either an historical oddity or an economic drag on 
real security.

(Quite where reasonable people might have a reasonable disagreement is 
where the breach/circumvention is;  that's an argument that will (and 
did) roll on for a decade, which is perhaps why it never gets fixed... 
insert long thread.)

But financial transactions are easier than protecting the privacy of
political speech because it is only money that is at stake. The
criminals are not interested in spending $X to steal $0.5X. We can do
other stuff to raise the cost of attack if it turns out we need to do that.

So I think what we are going to want is more than one trust model
depending on the context and an email security scheme has to support

Yes.  Challenge is to get that into the supply chain.

If we want this to be a global infrastructure we have 2.4 billion users
to support. If we spend $0.01 per user on support, that is $24 million.
It is likely to be a lot more than that per user.

Enabling commercial applications of the security infrastructure is
essential if we are to achieve deployment. If the commercial users of
email can make a profit from it then we have at least a chance to co-opt
them to encourage their customers to get securely connected.

It's either that, or bypass completely.  I agree email looks difficult, 
and the economics suggest bypass not rebuild.

One of the reasons the Web took off like it did in 1995 was that
Microsoft and AOL were both spending hundreds of millions of dollars
advertising the benefits to potential users. Bank America, PayPal etc
are potential allies here.

Curiously (digression), Paypal bought Skype for a secure end-to-end 
solution to many of these problems.  They never capitalised on it.  Did 
they ever say why?

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] RSA equivalent key length/strength

2013-09-24 Thread Peter Fairbrother

On 23/09/13 09:47, Peter Gutmann wrote:

Patrick Pelletier  writes:

I'm inclined to agree with you, but you might be interested/horrified in the
"1024 bits is enough for anyone" debate currently unfolding on the TLS list:

That's rather misrepresenting the situation.  It's a debate between two
groups, the security practitioners, "we'd like a PFS solution as soon as we
can, and given currently-deployed infrastructure DH-1024 seems to be the best
bet", and the theoreticians, "only a theoretically perfect solution is
acceptable, even if it takes us forever to get it".

(You can guess from that which side I'm on).

Lessee - a "forward secrecy solution" which either doesn't work now or 
won't work soon - so that it probably won't protect traffic made now for 
it's useful lifetime - versus - well, who said anything about 
theoretically perfect?

To hell with perfect. I won't even use the word when describing forward 
secrecy (unless it's an OTP).

If you just want a down-and-dirty 2048-bit FS solution which will work 
today, why not just have the websites sign a new RSA-2048 
sub-certificate every day? Or every few hours? And delete the secret 
key, of course.

Forward secrecy doesn't have to be per-session.

Though frankly, I don't think ubiquitous 1024-bit FS without deployment 
of some software/RFC/standard is possible, and if so that deployment 
should also include a 2048-bit solution as well. And maybe 3072-bit and 
4096-bit solutions too.

And please please please don't call them all the same thing - because 
they aren't.

But, the immediate question before the court of TLS now is - "do we 
recommend a 1024-bit FS solution?"

And I for one cannot say that you should. In fact I would be horrified 
if you did.

-- Peter Fairbrother
The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] RSA equivalent key length/strength

2013-09-24 Thread Peter Gutmann
Patrick Pelletier  writes:

>I'm inclined to agree with you, but you might be interested/horrified in the
>"1024 bits is enough for anyone" debate currently unfolding on the TLS list:

That's rather misrepresenting the situation.  It's a debate between two
groups, the security practitioners, "we'd like a PFS solution as soon as we
can, and given currently-deployed infrastructure DH-1024 seems to be the best
bet", and the theoreticians, "only a theoretically perfect solution is
acceptable, even if it takes us forever to get it".

(You can guess from that which side I'm on).

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] RSA recommends against use of its own products.

2013-09-24 Thread ianG

On 22/09/13 16:43 PM, Jerry Leichter wrote:

On Sep 20, 2013, at 2:08 PM, Ray Dillinger wrote:

More fuel for the fire...

RSA today declared its own BSAFE toolkit and all versions of its
Data Protection Manager insecure, recommending that all customers
immediately discontinue use of these products

Wow.  You took as holy writ on a technical matter a pronouncement of the 
general press.

Etc.  Yes, we expect the company to declare itself near white, and the 
press to declare it blacker than the ace of spaces.

Meanwhile, this list is about those who know how to analyse this sort of 
stuff, independently.  So...

...  But they made Dual EC DRBG the default ...

I don't see a lot of distance between choosing Dual_EC as default, and 
the conclusion that BSAFE & user-systems are insecure.

The question that remains is, was it an innocent mistake, or were they 
influenced by NSA?

We don't have much solid evidence on that.  But we can draw the dots, 
and a reasonable judgement can fill the missing pieces in.


The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] What is Intel® Core™ vPro™ Technology Animation

2013-09-24 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 22, 2013, at 7:56 PM, d.nix wrote:
> ...If for example, the paper regarding manipulating the RNG circuit by
> alternate chip doping is valid, then an adversary with deep pockets
> and vast resources might well be able remotely target specific systems
> on demand. Possibly even air gapped ones if this function is
> controllable via a 3G signal as I have read elsewhere.
> Or perhaps just outright reroute and tap information prior to
> encryption, or subtly corrupt things in other ways such that processes
> fail or leak data
You started off concerned about misuse of a "remote override" function that 
Intel deliberately puts on the chips - a valid concern - but now have wandered 
off into arbitrary chip modifications.  Those, too, are perhaps valid concerns 
- but they've been concerns for many years.  Nothing new here, except that the 
deeper we look, the more ways we find to hide attacks within the hardware.

That said, the doping paper, if I understood the suggestion correctly, 
discussed a way to modify individual chips, not whole runs of them.  
(Presumably you could modify whole runs by spiking the production process, but 
that would be difficult to hide:  Chip manufacturing is by its nature a very 
tightly controlled process, and an extra step isn't something that people would 
miss.  It would probably even show up in the very tightly watched yield 
statistics:  The extra step would delay wafers on the line, which would cause 
the yield to drop.  The beauty of the doping attack is that it's undetectable - 
at least right now; for every attack, a defense; for every defense, an attack.  
But exactly how one might make the *implementation* of the attack undetectable 
isn't at all clear.)

> H. Maybe time to pull my old 1996 SGI R10K and R4400 boxes out of
> storage. For a few *very* dedicated and air gapped tasks they might be
> a small measure of worthwhile trouble.
You'll be amazed at how slow they now seem

Still, it raises the question:  If you can't trust your microprocessor chips, 
what do you do?  One possible answer:  Build yourself a processor out of MSI 
chips.  We used to do that, not so long ago, and got respectable performance 
(if not, perhaps, on anything like today's scale).  An MSI chip doesn't have 
enough intrinsic computation to provide much of a hook for an attack.  Oh, 
sure, the hardware could be spiked - but to do *what*?  Any given type of MSI 
chip could go into many different points of many different circuit topologies, 
and won't see enough of the data to do much anyway.  There may be some 
interface issues:  This stuff might not be fast enough to deal with modern 
memory chips.  (How would you attack a memory chip?  Certainly possible if 
you're make a targeted attack - you can slip in a small processor in the design 
to do all kinds of nasty things.  But commercial of the shelf memory chips are 
built right up to the edge of what we can make, so you can't change a
 ll that much.)

Some stuff is probably just impossible with this level of technology.  I doubt 
you can build a Gig-E Ethernet interface without large-scale integration.  You 
can certainly do the original 10 Mb/sec - after all, people did!  I have no 
idea if you could get to 100 Mb/sec.

Do people still make bit-slice chips?  Are they at a low-enough level to not be 
a plausible attack vector?

You could certainly build a respectable mail server this way - though it's 
probably not doing 2048-bit RSA at a usable speed.

We've been talking about crypto (math) and coding (software).  Frankly, I, 
personally, have no need to worry about someone attacking my hardware, and 
that's probably true of most people.  But it's *not* true of everyone.  So 
thinking about how to build "harder to attack" hardware is probably worth the 
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Cryptographic mailto: URI

2013-09-24 Thread Dirk-Willem van Gulik

Op 20 sep. 2013, om 14:55 heeft Phillip Hallam-Baker  het 
volgende geschreven:

> On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 4:36 AM, Dirk-Willem van Gulik  
> wrote:
> Op 19 sep. 2013, om 19:15 heeft Phillip Hallam-Baker  het 
> volgende geschreven:
> > Let us say I want to send an email to securely.
> ...
> >
> …
> ...fqdn-in-some-tld.
> which is in fact a first-come, first-served secure dynamic dns updatable zone 
> containing the public key.
> Which once created allows only updating to those (still) having the private 
> key of the public key that signed the initial claim of that .
> Interesting, though I suspect this is attempting to meet different trust 
> requirements than I am.

Most likely. The aim was not so much to secure an entry - but to provide a 
sufficiently solid bread-crum trail to the information which could be used to 
do so; to be able to use both 'trust on first contact' -or- a trust chain; and 
to provide 'low cost' yet very robust pillars that can be managed by 
'untrusted' parties. 

Or in other words - the design focused more on a workable trust infrastructure 
with the governance pushed as close to the (end) user as possible; at the 
expense of some 'absolute default' trust (absolute  as in the sort of trust 
you'd get by default from 'some deity/governement/big-mega-crop says I am 
good/interacting with a legal entity).


The cryptography mailing list

[Cryptography] The hypothetical random number generator backdoor

2013-09-24 Thread Phillip Hallam-Baker
So we think there is 'some kind' of backdoor in a random number generator.
One question is how the EC math might make that possible. Another is how
might the door be opened.

I was thinking about this and it occurred to me that it is fairly easy to
get a public SSL server to provide a client with a session key - just ask
to start a session.

Which suggests that maybe the backdoor is of the form that if you know
nonce i, and the private key to the backdoor, that reduces the search space
for finding nonce i+1.

Or maybe there is some sort of scheme where you get a lot of nonces from
the random number generator, tens of thousands and that allows the seed to
be unearthed.

Either way, the question is how to stop this side channel attack. One
simple way would be to encrypt the nonces from the RNG under a secret key
generated in some other fashion.

nonce = E (R, k)

Or hashing the RNG output and XORing with it

nonce = r  XOR H (r)

Either way, there is an extra crypto system in the way that has to be
broken if a random number generator turns out to have some sort of
relationship between sequential outputs.

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] What is Intel® Core™ vPro™ Technology Animation

2013-09-24 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Sep 21, 2013, at 10:05 PM, d.nix wrote:
> Hah hah hah. Uh, reading between the lines, color me *skeptical* that
> this is really what it claims to be, given the current understanding
> of things...
The question isn't whether it's what it claims to be.  It is that.  But is it's 
*more* than it claims to be.

There are a whole bunch of things in recent Intel chips to provide 
manageability and security.  And there are cases where this is very valuable 
and necessary - e.g., if you have a large cluster or processors, it's good to 
be able to remotely configure them no matter what state they are in.  There are 
many similar examples.  If it's *your* hardware, *your* ability to control it, 
in detail, is a good thing.  (Yes, if you've been lent the hardware by your 
employer, it's the *employer* who's the owner, not you, and it's the *employer* 
who can do what he likes.  This has always been the case to a large degree.  If 
it makes you uncomfortable - buy your own machine, don't use your work machine 
for non-work things.)

The *theory* is that the owner can enable or disable these features, and has 
the keys to access them if enabled.  What we don't know is whether anyone else 
has a back-door key.  The phrase I always use to describe such situations is 
"if there's a mode, there's a failure mode".  Such technology could have been 
present in previous generations of chips, completely invisibly - but it would 
have required significant effort on Intel's part with no real payback.  But 
once Intel is adding this stuff anyway ... well, it's only a small effort to 
provide a special additional back door access.

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] The Case for Formal Verification

2013-09-24 Thread Derek Jones

> With all due respect, most of the points you make are ridiculous.

Could you please explain why you think they are ridiculous.

> For example, you point out that the certified C compiler will not
> make any guarantees about code that relies on undefined behavior.
> Well, of course! Being certified doesn't magically fix your specification!
> Certified just says the implementation matches the specification!

Where did the word "certified" come from?  I have not said anything
about magically fixing a specification.

The CompCert people are claiming a formally verified compiler and I
think this claim is very misleading to say the least.

> And to suggest that such a project is misguided because it places
> blind trust in coq (and because it is written in ocaml?!) shows a

I did not say that this project was misguided.

> misunderstanding of the proof tools. There is a very small core of
> trust that you need to have faith in and it is backed by solid theory

Yes, the axioms.  These need to be small in number and 'obviously'
correct; something that cannot be said of the source code of coq.
The nearest I can think of is the Lisp subset written in itself in
under a 100 lines (my memory is vague on this point)

> and is a much more solid foundation for building on than just about
> any other software we have in computer science. I don't see how in
> any way you can compare the f2c translator to this effort.

Why not?  What work has been done on the coq+other tools that has not
been done on f2c?

I describe work that was done to try and show the correctness of
a Model Implementation for C here:

[ My original post to this list bounced, so I am reposting it here now), it
cam ebefore the message it is replying to]

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] RSA equivalent key length/strength

2013-09-24 Thread Bill Frantz
On 9/21/13 at 5:07 PM, (Patrick 
Pelletier) wrote:

I'm inclined to agree with you, but you might be 
interested/horrified in the "1024 bits is enough for anyone" 
debate currently unfolding on the TLS list:

I think that this comment is a serious misinterpretation of the 
discussion on the TLS list.

The RFC under discussion is a Best Current Practices (BCP) RFC. 
Some people, including me, think that changes to the protocol or 
current implementations of the protocol are out of scope for a 
BCP document.

There are several implementations of TLS which will only do 1024 
bit Diffie-Hellman ephemeral (DHE)[1]. The question as I see it 
is: Are we better off recommending forward security with 1024 
bit DHE, with the possibility that large organizations can brute 
force it; or using the technique of having the client encrypt 
the keying material with the server's RSA key with the 
probability that the same large organizations have acquired the 
server's secret key.

Now there are good arguments on both sides.

The nearly complete database of who talks to who allows 
"interesting" communications [2] to be singled out for attacks 
on the 1024 bit DHE. Cracking all the DHE exchanges is probably 
more work than these large organizations can do with current 
technology. However, it is almost certain that these sessions 
will be readable in the not too distant future.

It is widely believed that most large sites have had their RSA 
secret keys compromised, which makes all these sessions are 
trivially readable.

I think that the vast majority of TLS list commenters want to 
have TLS 1.3 include fixes for the problems that have been 
identified. However, getting TLS 1.3 approved is at least a 
year, and getting it through the FIPS process will add at least 
another year. We already know that these large organizations 
work to delay better crypto, sometimes using the argument that 
we should wait for the perfect solution rather than 
incrementally adopt better solutions in the mean time.

Cheers - Bill

[1] Implementations which will only do 1024 bit DHE are said to 
include: Apache with OpenSSL, Java, and Windows crypt libraries 
(used by Internet Explorer). If longer keys are used by the 
other side, they abort the connection attempt.

[2] I actually believe NSA when they say they aren't interested 
in grandma's cookie recipe. I am, but I like good cookies. :0)

Bill Frantz| Privacy is dead, get over| Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | it.  | 16345 
Englewood Ave |  - Scott McNealy | Los Gatos, 
CA 95032

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] RSA equivalent key length/strength

2013-09-24 Thread Stephen Farrell

On 09/22/2013 01:07 AM, Patrick Pelletier wrote:
> "1024 bits is enough for anyone"

That's a mischaracterisation I think. Some folks (incl. me)
have said that 1024 DHE is arguably better that no PFS and
if current deployments mean we can't ubiquitously do better,
then we should recommend that as an option, while at the same
time recognising that 1024 is relatively short.

The cryptography mailing list

[Cryptography] Fwd: Re: What is Intel® Core™ vPro™ Technology Animation

2013-09-24 Thread d.nix
Hash: SHA1

-  Original Message 
Subject: Re: What is Intel® Core™ vPro™ Technology Animation
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 05:56:48 +0200

Security Evaluation of Intel's Active Management Technology

Master of Science Thesis
Stockholm, Sweden 2010

During production AMT platforms are equipped with one or more active
embedded hashed root certificates (factory default) from various SSL
vendors worldwide.
In our laboratory environment (see section 3) we have tested and found
that the ZTC remote provisioning can be implemented even while the Intel
AMT functionality is disabled within the BIOS as illustrated in Figure
3.6. Surprisingly the AMT platform broadcasts an ARP request packet upon
connecting to a wired network (typically a LAN) and follows the sequence
described in section 3.7.1. From this point and beyond the attacker
operates the SCS and could manipulate the PC according to his/her
malicious activities (see section 3.7.5) even while the Intel AMT is
disabled in BIOS.

- --
H. That's not very reassuring.

Version: GnuPG v2.0.20 (MingW32)

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] What is Intel® Core™ vPro™ Technology Animation

2013-09-24 Thread d.nix
Hash: SHA1

On 9/22/2013 2:23 PM, Jerry Leichter wrote:
> On Sep 21, 2013, at 10:05 PM, d.nix wrote:
>> Hah hah hah. Uh, reading between the lines, color me *skeptical*
>> that this is really what it claims to be, given the current
>> understanding of things...
The question isn't whether it's what it claims to be.  It is that.  But
is it's *more* than it claims to be.

Yes, in my haste I neglected the "only" disclaimer bit; it is indeed a
means by which the *rightful owner/administrator* might perform very
useful tasks. The obvious crux of the biscuit is *who else* has
access, and what can they do surreptitiously?

If for example, the paper regarding manipulating the RNG circuit by
alternate chip doping is valid, then an adversary with deep pockets
and vast resources might well be able remotely target specific systems
on demand. Possibly even air gapped ones if this function is
controllable via a 3G signal as I have read elsewhere.

Or perhaps just outright reroute and tap information prior to
encryption, or subtly corrupt things in other ways such that processes
fail or leak data. A universal on-demand STUXNET, if you will... Yes,
idle unfounded speculation, I know... but still... these days the fear
is that we're not paranoid enough.

H. Maybe time to pull my old 1996 SGI R10K and R4400 boxes out of
storage. For a few *very* dedicated and air gapped tasks they might be
a small measure of worthwhile trouble.



Version: GnuPG v2.0.20 (MingW32)

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] RSA equivalent key length/strength

2013-09-24 Thread Viktor Dukhovni
On Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 05:07:02PM -0700, Patrick Pelletier wrote:

> and there was a similar discussion on the OpenSSL list recently,
> with GnuTLS getting "blamed" for using the ECRYPT recommendations
> rather than 1024:

GnuTLS is reasonably sound engineering in electing 2048-bit groups
by default on the TLS server.  This inter-operates with the majority
of clients, all the client has to do is to NOT artificially limit
its implementation to 1024 bit EDH.

GnuTLS fails basic engineering principles when it sets a lower
bound of 2048-bit EDH in its TLS client code.  TLS clients do not
negotiate the DH parameters, only the use of EDH, and most server
implementations deployed today will offer 1024-bit EDH groups even
when the symmetric cipher key length is substantially stronger.

Having GnuTLS clients fail to connect to most servers, (and e.g.
with opportunistic TLS SMTP failing over to plain-text as a result)
is not helping anyone!

To migrate the world to stronger EDH, the GnuTLS authors should
work with the other toolkit implementors in parallel with and
through the IETF to get all servers to move to stronger groups.
Once that's done, and the updated implementations are widely deployed
raise the client minimum EDH group sizes.

Unilaterally raising the client lower-bound is just, to put it
bluntly, pissing into the wind.

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Gilmore response to NSA mathematician's "make rules for NSA" appeal

2013-09-24 Thread John Kelsey
On Sep 18, 2013, at 3:27 PM, Kent Borg  wrote:

> You foreigners actually have a really big vote here.  All those US internet 
> companies want your business, and as you get no protections, in the current 
> scheme, not even lip-service, you should look for alternatives.  As you do, 
> this puts pressure on the US internet companies, and they have the economic 
> clout to put pressure on Feinstein and Polosi and all the others.

This does not go far enough.  The US government is not the only one inclined to 
steal information which it can reach, either because the information goes over 
wires the government can listen in on, or because the companies handling the 
data can be compelled or convinced to hand it over.  Right now, we're seeing 
leaks that confirm the serious efforts of one government to do this stuff, but 
it is absolutely silly to think the US is the only one doing it.  

The right way to address this is to eliminate the need to trust almost anyone 
with your data.  If Google[1] has all your cleartext documents and emails, they 
can be compelled to turn them over, or they can decide to look at them for 
business reasons, or they can be infiltrated by employees or contractors who 
look at those emails and documents.  You are trusting a lot of people, and 
trusting a company to possibly behave against its economic interests and legal 
obligations, to safeguard your privacy.  If they have encrypted data only, you 
don't have to trust them.  

It needs to be in their business interest to convince you that they *can't* 
betray you in most ways.  

> -kb


[1] I'm not picking on Google in particular--any US company may be compelled to 
turn over data they have.  I imagine the same is true of any German or Korean 
or Brazilian company, but I don't know the laws in those places.  
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